Hello! Merry Christmas!! Happy Hanukkah! How are you? Celebrating right now (but taking a break from your family checking your phone)? Act like this is a work email.
Here’s a little peek into my Christmas Eve – it’s been full of running and eating and repeating a lot of last minute errands and wrapping that popped up.

It’s been super cold in the morning so I stalled for a bit checking Instagram and Facebook while the sun warmed everything up before I ran.
I made hot coffee, iced coffee and Spark. I like a lot of beverages.

Finally I was brave enough to head outside for 12 miles. The good thing about winter (at least in SoCal) is the colder temps make it a little easier to run long distance. My hands were cold but it wasn’t super bad after a mile of warming up.

It was GORGEOUS out and it got windy a little later in the day and was so clear you could see the mountains in the distance.

I was sporting the new Ugly Sweater style Pro Compression socks to celebrate Christmas Eve. This is such a fun idea! I love their holiday and theme socks.

Last night I went out to dinner at a Peruvian place. We had an interesting appetizer of cold cheese sauce on top of pieces of potato. It was good, but not what I was expecting by the description. I’m down for anything that involves potato though.
And I got a tamale because I am seriously craving them right now! Tamales are the best seasonal food for Mexicans, or at least Monicans.

Today after my run and eat I got started on Operation: Lasagna
I actually haven’t been home for Christmas in years.
(Note: I was technically home on Dec 25th 2 years ago, but that was just weeks after Ben and I were separated and it was a really rough, weird time for me. So I was kinda here and kind of not. Just clarifying in case anyone remembers that random holiday. And I want to share that some years are rough but we get through them.)
I haven’t been home for Christmas in years and all I want to eat is tamales. But my mom said they had basically OD-ed on tamales and wanted something else. So it popped in my head to make lasagna and I was suddenly on a mission. I spent time looking for other ideas, but was really set on lasagna for some reason.
I decided to make Pioneer Woman’s Best Lasagna Recipe. It is easy to follow and has ingredients I am familiar with. Plus, she is really the best cook/blogger/baker/redhead/ cinnamon rolls recipe writer (I made them last year and they were a big hit).
I’m really excited about this, but it did make a my tiny kitchen a disaster area.

Once the meat and noodles were done it was time to assemble! I think I’ve made lasagna before, but I can’t remember for sure. Hmmm.
I laid out all the noodles per PW’s directions and got to stacking. It was easy, but time consuming and messy. Luckily it went well and I had fun. I want to learn how to make a few dishes that I can do well and people like, I’m hoping this might be one of them.

I don’t have a picture of the final product but the pan is super heavy. We’re going to bake it for dinner tomorrow.
I also wrapped presents. That required a little inspiration in the form of vodka and mango sparkling ice.

In what I’m wearing news… I opened up my tupperware with “Winter Clothes” just in time!
I totally forgot what was in there. I found a bunch of sweaters I hadn’t thought about in a year and a few holiday dresses. This simple red dress is super flattering, which is really my only requirement before I decide to wear something.

I’m hoping Santa brings you everything you’ve ever dreamt about. I just want some sleep.

The dish of the day is skate. The reason for this is that it is the last day of the Christmas fast and no one was supposed to eat meat. The skate is pickled and putrefyed because, much like shark, skate has enzymes that can be harmful when consumed fresh. It is served mostly with boiled potatoes. The tradition of eating skate on December 23
You look fab in red!
You look so lean and fit!! Thanks for the motivation. I’ve been needing a little help in that area.
I thought I was the only one to mix vodka and sparkling ice! My favorite is the black raspberry!
I have made that lasagna recipe many times and it truly is THE BEST! I hope you and your family enjoyed and you have a great Christmas!
Good! I’m happy to hear that. My mom asked “How’d it come out?” and I was like, “I don’t know! We won’t know until tomorrow when we bake it!”
Holy mother. Your socks are AMAZING!!
I had my annual Christmas Eve buffet with my family at a swanky hotel! So stuffed!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog