Hello! I went to my first UltraShape appointment last week and wanted to share my experience and initial thoughts. I have a vlog below plus some pictures from the appointment.
UltraShape is a painless non-invasive body sculpting procedure. It uses ultrasound to penetrate and destroy fat cells. From there your body has to flush them out. And it is FDA cleared.
I went to a very fancy Med Spa in Beverly Hills. I had a really great experience there! The staff was amazing and the doctor spent a lot of time with me explaining the procedure AND a ton of time chatting with me about my thryoid. That was totally not necessary and unrelated, but he was super helpful and nice.

UltraShape Review Part 1
If you have questions check out UltraShape for more info.
Was it really painless? How long did it take? How much is it for people that aren’t given the special “partnership” rate??
Hi Monica,
You crack me up. Thank you for your posts and your authenticity.
Hey – I am dealing with thyroid issues as well (hypo) and wondered what specific info you received from this doctor. Or anything that you have found useful in your research… if you are comfortable, would you mind sharing? (Email is great)
Monica! I really enjoy your blog – you always crack me up 🙂 I wanted to say that I never watch your vlogs, though… I just can’t take the time to watch something for several minutes that would take a few seconds to read. It’s much easier to read quickly when I have the chance (I have 3 kids age 3 and under). In the future would you consider writing out your thoughts in addition to making vlogs? I’m often interested in the topic.
I actually agree- I’m sure a lot of readers appreciate the occasional video but I read your blog at work where I can’t play anything with noise.
Ditto that! But I la-la-love the blog! 🙂
Hey Ella, Totally understand. Part of my partnership with UltraShape is to do vlogs on the procedure so I kind of have to do it this way. But if you have any specific questions please leave them in the comments and I’ll try my best to respond.
Currently chugging water trying to dilute my residual hangover from hanging out at a taproom last night…
Didn’t you do almost the exact same thing with your Groupon sponsorship? I thought that didn’t work. How is this different?
This is an ultrasound procedure that is FDA approved to reduce fatty spots. The other thing was a laser and it did work actually 🙂
Thanks for explaining. I was confused because in the laser post you say “Truthfully, you can NOT see the results.” (Capitalization yours). Maybe the ultrasound will work better.
I think it’s cool that you try such unique things. Not against it at all, however I do find it ironic that the place serves cookies and pastries. If I were there for a fat burning procedure, my hands would be all up in those cookies and not quite the goal. lol
Sipping on sparkling water!
Agree. I just took some tea since it seemed contradictory but super nice 🙂
I thought the same thing! Flush the fat…here’s some cookies to get you started. LOL
lol at the high tea before ultrashape.
Sparkling water. It has been my salvation since I get so sick of chugging regular water. Can’t wait to hear more about your procedure.