Your guesses were correct – I made tofu curry for dinner. I squeezed out the excess water in the tofu for one hour. Then, sauteed a sweet onion and chopped some carrots. I put the tofu, onion, carrots, coconut milk and spices into the crockpot on low for 4 hours (until it had thickened and the carrots were soft).
This was not an easy mission. Yesterday I made trip to our local organic store for some spices. I love that you can just buy what you need.
This is what I needed…
Dinner was soooo good. I went back for seconds 🙂
So, Vegan Day was going great until I needed some chocolate after dinner. Luckily, I had this Lindt 90% Supreme Dark Chocolate bar…
But, it tasted like 90% chocolate (duh) meaning, it was pretty stiff. I wasn’t enjoying it so I ended up subbing it out for a Bliss square. What’s the point of eating chocolate if you’re not going to enjoy it?
Lunch was easy – my veggie burgers are Vegan. See, it says it right on the box.
I chopped up the veggie burger and put it on top of a hummus salad.
On the side I had bread and an apple.
My “butter” is vegan, just because it’s what I like 🙂
My chips are vegan too 🙂 So I thought I should enjoy some today…
I was desperate for chocolate in the afternoon too and ended up trying to create chocolate PB out of: PB, cocoa powder and maple syrup. It was good and I ate a lot more than this measly picture shows. It just looks like tar, but it tastes like genius.
I also ate a mango and a small bowl of cereal after my choc PB bread too. But, I realize that was emotional/habit eating. This is such a hard habit to break. It’s weird, but I am not mad at myself at all after I do this lately. I am just observing when/where/why and learning from it. I will have this habit broken soon!
Intuitive Eating: This process is taking a long time,but I need to remember I am someone who has “broken their hunger meter” (R.D. Evelyn Tribole told me this). I completely do not realize when I am hungry, nor do I stop eating when I’m full. But, I am slowly learning how to read my body.
I have already learned a few things about myself:
1. I start to get shaky when I need to eat (my hands shake/can’t hold them steady)
2. I eat when I’m tired (probably part of the reason for the night time snacking)
3. I don’t need to eat as much as I thought. I’m not “hungry” that often/for that much food (compared to what I actually eat).
Now I just need to stick with this, listen to my body, eat when I’m hungry, stop before I’m too full. It sounds so easy doesn’t it? I wish.
“broken their hunger meter” – wow thats exactly me too. its crazy to think about how i really can’t trust my body to tell me how much food I really need vs. want. i’ll get there…someday
what organic store did you go to???
Intuitive eating is really an every-day challenge and hopefully it gets easier, but it’s always in the back of my mind. I suppose it’s good that there’s something that keeps us from being perfect, though, right? 😉
IE is so hard, but definitely worth it!
I love buying spices out of jars like that.
oh that local organic store is great! sometimes I don’t need a big jar of those spice- just a little bit of everything. I hope we have it here too. WF seems only have nuts sold this way.
do you drink lots of water? i find that drinking 3-5 LITERs of water/daily helps with the snacking/hunger issues. 🙂 try it??? plus you get so bloated w/ water theres no room for food!
Sarah – I actually drinks tons of water everyday. I have a 48oz. water bottle that I take every where. I love drinking water 🙂
Ok I want to make that curry dish but appr how much of the spices did you use????? I never thought of doing tofu in my slow cooker but now I am super excited.
Also just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in your struggle for intuitive eating. I eat when I am stressed, bored, angry, frustrated…. well you get the point. I know it is not easy to learn this as I am struggling with it myself. The point is to just start being aware and then from that we can change.
Intuitive eating is my goal. I’m not there yet and think I will be working on it for a long time. I appreciate your honesty in telling your story.
I get shaky when I need to eat too.
Great prices for the spices (didn’t mean to rhyme there).
Being restricted is no way to live. I like the idea of intuitive eating, but it seems like it would be very difficult for people that have struggled with disordered eating. I’ve tried IE, but my hunger signals are still off from having an eating disorder. I admire that you won’t give up on IE. Stay strong!
i totally get shaky too when i need to eat. i love how honest you are girl..thanks for being open! its so important for us to remember we are NOT perfect and struggle in different ways.
ive never had curry!
gosh I love your honesty! I think most women struggle with intuitive eating, but are too afraid to say so. I just wanted to let you know I absolutely love your openness with your struggles. keep working hard! and stay strong!
p.s. i adore curry…please cook for me anytime of the day 😉
PB, cocoa powder, and maple syrup should be a fancy jarred nut butter. Patent that NOW.
Seriously, intuitive eating is easier said than done. My problem is I know that I’m hungry after dinner and I should eat, but instead of having a snack to feed my hunger I’ll pick at peanut butter and froyo because I don’t know what to have and I don’t want to fill myself up before bed. It’s stupid and I’m working on it.
Congrats to you man, I think your doing awesome with IE. You are my role model.
Intuitive eating is one of the hardest things. I know what you mean about not needing to eat as much, I always think i need to eat but it is more mental than anything most of the time when I’m snacking!
Dinner looked delish 🙂
What does squeezing the water out of tofu do? I’ve never done that before! Does it make it extra delicious??
I give you major props for intuitive eating. I struggle with this every day, although I trying my hardest, counting calories (even if only estimating and counting 1 or 2 meals) seems to be the only way I can keep things under control. For some reason, it seems like if I don’t start the day off well (i.e. healthy breakfast without snacking) I just can’t seem to control the rest of the day.
Good job!