After my delicious crab dinner I stayed up pretty late playing Kings Cup with Kristin, Matt and their neighbors. It’s a drinking game and I probably had 2 glasses of wine while playing. We hit the sack around midnight and I felt completely wrecked.
Luckily this morning I woke up feeling great and convinced Kristin to walk to Dunkin Donuts with me. It’s about 3.5 miles round trip.
Maryland is so GREEN compared to Southern California! I love coming back here – it’s the only other place I’ve ever lived and I only remember the good things Very convenient.

I say this every time but, I love the houses around here.
After our walk we teamed up in the kitchen. Kristin made pancakes and I made eggs. I had a banana with PB while we were cooking.
Now I’m enjoying a lazy morning hanging out. Sadly, I have to leave this afternoon and return to the real world. See ya in a bit!
I love that you call MD so green! I live in MD and I have a friend from San Diego and when she came here she just could not get over all the trees!
Fall doesn’t seem to have touched Maryland yet – the leaves and trees looked so green.
I notice you were wearing a Rehoboth Beach, DE sweatshirt – have you been there? It’s about an 1hr from me and there are a lot of races there in the summer, mostly 5ks. Just curious
No, I was just borrowing Kristin’s sweatshirt since I didn’t pack one. I think that Ben and I drove through Bethhany beach at one point though – is that close to it?
california misses you… i know because the local cops told me so.
they are totally racially profiling me. not cool.
I was just thinking about you. Want to walk before you leave town?
I don’t get a pop up ad on this site. There’s a million of them on SR’s site. They are beyond annoying. Never happened over here, though.
K that pop up add on your site that you have to close to read it is getting annoying.. am I the only one?!?
I think my ad group puts up popup ads periodically. I’ll look into the frequency. Thanks for letting me know.
Yep, MD is gorgeous! I didn’t see much green in the city today, though — but i DID manage the 23 miler. boom! ps DD coffee is the best in the world. the end.
YOU ROCK! If I would have stuck around till Sunday I totally would have run with you. Bummer it didn’t work out.
I currently live in Maryland. I say currently because I am not amused at all with this place and cant wait to move back to my true love ~ California! But alias it wont be until after my wonderful husband retires, 6-8 years more if things go according to plan.
I’m glad to hear that you had a great time at Fitbloggin and visiting your friends.
Enjoy Maryland while you’re there 🙂 Eat a ton of crab and relish the seasons. Then, come back to CA and we’ll hang out 😉
I would be in serious trouble if I could walk to DD.
The Kidless Kronicles
I got myself a dunkin donuts coffee as I was driving to Fitbloggin and ALMOST tweeted you to get you hyped for some while you were in Maryland. Glad you got to partake!
I’m glad I finally got to meet you this weekend and I really enjoyed our “how much is too much” discussion (I was the GTFO girl, haha). Hope you have a safe trip home!
Thank you for jumping in on the discussion! Now I will always remember you as the GTFO girl. Ha!
Walking for coffee! Yes!
Yay I can comment on your blog again for some reason it was being silly earlier.
It was lovely seeing you this weekend 🙂
Do you remember what it was saying the issue was? I’m having problems with my server 🙁
Google could not find your website at all…
I wish there were some Dunkin Donuts where I live too! YUM!