“Hey you want to hear something sad?” <- this is one of Ben’s favorite ways to spark up a conversation with me
“NO! I never want to hear something sad. You know I don’t,” is pretty much always my response.
I don’t like sad things. I don’t watch sad movies or listen to sad songs (I successfully avoided Adele’s Hello song for the longest time until it was on when I was getting my nails done and I couldn’t leave). Sad stuff makes me feel weird stuff I usually try to avoid. No thanks.
But I am going to be the sharer (or bearer) or bad news today and you can either skip this post or cave to the curiosity and read it because it might be something actually sad and it might be that I dropped my ice cream and am being overly dramatic about it.

This morning while I was running I spotted my cat friend that I met the other day. I stopped to say hi since the last time he let me pet him. I turned on my camera and was hoping I could get a video of him walking up to me – because we all know when animals walk up to you it means they love you. It’s science.
But as I got closer I realized two things:
1. This was not my cat friend because this guy had a collar.
2. He was carrying a rat. He caught a rat! He was probably so proud that he’d let me get close to be his friend.
Except, it wasn’t a rat.
It was a baby bunny. A BABY BUNNY.
Suddenly my loyalties changed and I was shocked.
“No cat, this is not okay. For whatever reason society says you can kill a rat but not a bunny. I didn’t make these rules, but you have to put the bunny down. Step away from the bunny.”
Obviously he didn’t want to put down his hard earned bunny. So I walked closer and he tried to run away and dropped the bunny in the process.
The bunny took off running away but he chased it. I tried to get in between them but cats are so fast!
Then, I saw the cat sitting by a car. I walked over and he backed off a bit but kept an eye on me from the bush.

See him?

I found the bunny near the tire of the car just frozen with fear. Poor lil thing.

And it turns out he probably had enough damage or trauma that he couldn’t fight it. He stopped breathing. I even poked him with my phone because I wanted to be sure. (Is that weird or gross? I didn’t have anything else to use.)
Told you it was sad.
I stood by the car for like 5 minutes not knowing what to do until I just thought I should leave before the Benz owner came out of his house (he was coughing very loudly near the window this whole time actually it was odd).
But I don’t want to end on a sad note so I’m going to share a picture of my new patio plants. Thank you 99 cent store.
One of them is a tomato plant – let’s see if I get tomatoes!!

I love that I always recognize where you are running! I planted tomatoes when we bought our house 10 years ago. At some point I killed everything in the garden but those damn tomatoes pop up in random places around the yard! I have every confidence that they will grow!
My crazy dog used to catch squirrels and bring them to the back door. She never punctured them (at least from what I could see.. no blood) I think they have little rodent heart attacks. One time my husband let her in and wasn’t paying attention and she brought it in the house and dropped right next to me on the floor next to the couch!!!! Thank the Lord the thing was dead!!
This is why I am a dog person. They chase, not kill.
Boo you mean old cat!
My dog chases the bunnies that inevitably show up in our yard each spring but he never catches them. Thank God! He’s a very kind hearted guy so part of me believes he doesn’t really WANT to catch them!
I kind of agree, I think they just like the chase not to hurt.
that is horrible! poor little bunny it was probably minding its own business when that evil cat came and ruined its list. that is sad! oh and plants…no advise for you there i don’t have a knack for taking care of plants they all die on me 🙁
Growing up, I had a cat who was a serious hunter. The backyard of my childhood home is just a giant gravesite for bunnies and birds that asshole killed or injured beyond repair (I often tried to heal them). The worst, though, was when we’d open the door to let him back in the house, and the jerk would have a mole or a chipmunk in his mouth! Then we’d have a mad chase around the damn living room while we tried to capture the poor rodent and return it to the outdoors. NAAAATURE, Goulet. My dogs have now killed a couple baby possums in my yard, so I must attract animals with a serious predatory instinct. I should stop having pets, maybe.
Ha! Sorry you calling your cat an asshole made me laugh for some reason.
I laughed at that comment too!
omg thats so savage of him!! 🙁 Saaad!!