Mid-morning I got hungry and dug into the cashew stash. 23 are a serving. I know because I checked after eating 47.
This may be my last diet DP for a while so I thought I’d document it.
I was pretty excited until I realized they filled up the entire cup with ice. It’s hard to tell, but it’s 1 inch below the rim. C’mon!
Reader Jessica sent me the most amazing cat eating watermelon video. So, I pulled into the depths of my soul to bring myself to share my watermelon with Vegas.
But, he didn’t want it?! WTF is wrong with my cat?
I made a salad with a black bean burger and chicken for lunch. Peanut dressing per usual.
And dessert – Luna Chocolate Peppermint Stick bar!
I died when I saw this video. Died. So yeah, I’m blogging from Heaven (at least I hope this is Heaven!).I considered throwing Vegas out in exchange for this kitty. Then, I realized it’s better if he doesn’t like watermelon. More For Me
I think I’m the only one who finds that video kind of gross (maybe it’s the slurping sounds?) Eww.
lol, oh you’re not alone. I think I’m gonna have nightmares 😉
Not so much with watermelon, but my cat went completely gaga for cantaloupe. Maybe try that one with Vegas?
my kitten loves watermelon!! I was cutting one up last week and stopped to pick up a phone call – when i returned my little kitty was sitting on top of the watermelon half just munching away!! He made quite a dent in it, i was so proud of my little bugger! haha
What kind of peanut dressing do you use? I bought peanut sauce from whole paycheck in your honor and it just isn’t doing the trick, not nearly peanutty (yes that’s a word) enough!
I get the TJ’s Peanut Dressing. It’s in the refrigerated case.
I think I died too. So cute! Your cat was probably confused at why you were shoving watermelon in his face haha
Vegas is NOT impressed, lol
OMG this is too funny because our dog HATES watermelon. He’ll eat just about anything expect for watermelon. We even tried to give him a piece tonight and he gagged. So funny! Maybe it’s a texture thing?
That cat has the same coloring as Vegas! At least you know you don’t have to share 😉 Very generous of you to offer the watermelon to Vegas though.
The chocolate peppermint stick luna bars are the bomb and remind me of Christmas which is 4 months away!!
I love cat videos!!!! …does that make me a crazy cat girl??
My DOGS love watermelon. They can nibble it perfectly right down to the rind! We buy them just to watch them eat. It’s hilarious.
Honey doesn’t like watermelon either. She does like lettuce though. she eats it every time I get it in my produce box.
Cats are hilarious! I had them all the time growing up (always named after food) and I always tried feeding them my fruits and veggies before I realized that I actually liked them. One of my cats really loved peas, but because they were mushy, they’d end up on his lips and he’d sit for like half an hour trying to get that stuff off. Gotta love ’em.
Cute video! Be glad your cat didn’t like it. We can’t have watermelon or apples at our house unless we put the dog outside. He literally freaks out he wants it so bad!!
our cats are disinterested in watermelon, but one goes CRAZY when we have nacho cheddar dip out on the table. And smart balance. And butter. And reddi-whip.
Yeah, cats is weird.
Omg that cat is fluffy to the max! Im so checking to see if my cat will eat watermelon… When I pick one up of course. My mom actually had a stray watermelon plant start growing in her compost pile. Me=excited about that! There is a baby melon growing so far.
Ahhhhhh love that video!!
I’m dangerous around cashews. And dry roasted peanuts. especially with sea salt. So so good.
I need to film my dog being bossy when I break out the watermelon. It’s quite funny to see this peaceful golden lose his bananas for it!
And you shall die again! Going to cut up watermelon now.
My pug loves watermelon too. She’s little so I have to break it up into tiny pieces for her, and she gets impatient and attacks me to get at that watermelon faster. I should send you a video. You’d die.
I’m already dead. But, send the video anyway.
I am NOT a cat person but now I must have this cat. It has the cutest face! This video totally made my day less shit-tastic. Thanks 🙂 haha
I know, doesn’t it look fake almost?! Hope your day gets even better 🙂
haha that cat cracks me up..he really likes his watermelon!
That video is so cute!!! <3 cats!
do you ask for “easy ice?” i always do…i actually ask for “very easy ice” otherwise the whole cup is just ice…what am i paying for??
We have a chicken that… um… gets a boner… when you bring her watermelon. 🙂
OH THAT CAT. I want it.
Cutest/Funniest Video ever!