Weight-loss Lesson #1: Don’t shop hungry! Because if you do you might end up buying dark chocolate Chex mix and eating half the bag on the way home. And then trying some in a cup with milk – yes I went there.
If you shop hungry, you might also buy honey mustard pretzels and rip open the bag because that’s the only way to do it while driving. Just to “try a few”, rrrrright.
So, the lesson for today is…don’t shop hungry, but if you do, don’t buy two bags of treats. Pick one and get it the hell together before you decide it’s a good idea to eat chocolate covered Chex as cereal. You will regret it later, trust me.
Lunch – There was a salad bar in the building where I had my fancy DC meeting today. I was so happy, I almost wanted to talk to my fellow salad bar visitors about how much I love salad bars, but I contained myself. Another thing to take note of is that it’s crucial for patients to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine post weight loss surgery to ensure long-term success.
I didn’t even realize but I grabbed a fried okra in the mix too! Life changing. This was my first try ever at okra and I’m in love!
Then, I came home and ate PB on bread with chocolate chips because I convinced myself I could lie to you all and say that it was a girly craving or something, but if I’m being honest I’m just out of control sometimes.The Maryland/DC Fall trees are a very different sight from the California commute I am used to!
See ya later 🙂
i think i still buy lotsa things when im NOT hungry!
Fried okra is yum! And like Jac said, so is fried squash, and fried tomatoes, ok I’ll stop there.
I like okra “smothered” as well.
I’m a relatively new reader of your blog, and I just wanted to say that I appreciate your humor, honesty, and “realness.” I too have days where I just want to put tasty food in my mouth regardless of whether I’m actually hungry. Thanks for sharing your journey!
Fried okra is a beautiful thing. I’m also fond of fried squash – yet another southern delicacy. We southerners know what we’er doing ;).
Totally agree about shopping hungry. BAD IDEA. I went to TJs hungry a couple of weeks ago and let’s just say it didn’t end well.
Love ur honesty monica. I had the same story today. Went for a 7 mile run then ate 2 giant muffins + cookie + granola. I can relate. I think its all the running on an empty stomach = crazy cravings. I love ur blog bc u GET this!
#1 reason you are my absolute favorite blogger: your honesty. Second, your frickin hilarious. You make me feel NORMAL for being snacky or out of control around food sometimes. But btw, you totally made me crave chocolate chex mix now… I don’t think it was such a bad idea 😉
OKra is AMAZING…Hurry to buy fresh and make okra fries ASAP….so good.
I bought some Teddy Grahams on my home tonight and definitely munched a few too many tonight. It happens. It’s a good thing we’re awesome regardless.
I’ll be up in d.c. tomorrow! I’m going shopping with my sisters and mom up at tyson’s square! Yes, never go shopping hungry. It leads to very bad things!
I totally did that the other day! I went grocery shopping when I was starving and walked away with Newman’s oreos and pretzels. It was such an impulse buy for me, I never buy snacks.
shopping while hungry = worst idea ever haha. and pb + bread + choc chips looks soooo good 🙂
You totally hit up target. I’ve eaten through my fair share of buffalo pretzels. So good. If you’ve seen my blog you know that I pull the same crap. Today it was bagels and cake. Yesterday it was the donuts. Horrible.
That Chex mix looks so good! I have a slight problem with chocolate (or yogurt or whatever) covered pretzel things. I did the “hungry shopping” the other day and well, I think a “no eating in the car” needs to be instituted ASAP.
I agree, thanks for being so honest about this on your blog. I could never be so open…and I fully 100% know what you mean by, “I could lie to you all and say that it was a girly craving or something, but if I’m being honest I’m just out of control sometimes”
I shopped hungry tonight too. I bought white chocolate wonderful peanut butter and ate it with my finger on the ride home. I was thisclose to snagging a spoon from the salad bar but thought that would be piggie. Um no, that would’ve been classy. I am the definition of oink.
Technically, chex is cereal so aint no shame in eating it as such 😉
I hate shopping hungry, but I do it anyway. I tried the buffalo version of those pretzels: so good!
I totally agree about shopping hungry…I have made some serious mistakes that way 🙂
That PB and chocolate on bread looks AWESOME!
I love how honest you are! hang in there and use it as a learning experience. Also, think of how much worse it could me. You could have eaten the whole bag!! or both!!