This post is sponsored by the Calorie Control Council. The Calorie Control Council provided compensation for me to create this post and discuss dietary fiber. The opinions and text are all mine.
Hello! Today we’re talking about the fun fun topic of FIBER. Before scrolling down – Guess which fruit has the MOST fiber… I’ll tell you at the end.

I’m a big fan for several reasons including, but not limited to:
A.) Many of my favorite foods are packed full of it (see: chickpeas, oatmeal, brussel sprouts)
B.) It helps keep things going. #literally
C.) It’s good for you.
D.) It helps keep you full – which is extra important if you’re trying to lose weight. Hello, no one wants to feel hungry and fiber helps with that.
I feel like most people trying to eat healthy, lose weight, eat for a certain lifestyle, etc… talk about calories or fat or protein a lot but fiber isn’t something made a priority. But it’s important and should be taken into consideration along with other nutrition information when planning out your meals.
It’s easy to find out how much fiber is in food with nutrition labels since it’s one of the main categories on the USDA’s labeling system.

A lot of foods I just randomly grabbed from my cabinet have a good amount of fiber per serving! #Boom

Including a person favorite = peanut butter has fiber (and healthy fats). YES! I love it. (Note the empty jar.)

But I also wanted to address the fact that a lot of foods without labels are fiber filled and good for you (not vodka, I know some of you are up to no good). A lot of the grains and beans you can get from the bulk bins of health food stores have filling fiber and plant protein.
My personal favorite foods in the product section with a good amount of fiber include: sweet potatoes, broccoli (roast it!), apples and …

The fruit that has the most fiber…
{{{{{ drumroll whole wheat roll please }}}}}

Raspberries!!! They have 8 grams per cup.

That means they’re healthy even if I dip them in chocolate, right?

To learn more about fiber’s benefits and facts check out the Calorie Council’s fiber website.
Question: Did you guess correctly?
I thought for sure it would be apples (with the peel).
Oooh, gotta get me some raspberries, those look great! I had a feeling it was a berry but thought strawberries.
dang! I thought it was apples. I lurv raspberries! Yay!
Yay, I guessed correctly! I LOVE raspberries (especially in smoothies) so this is a win for me!!!
Oh, ya! I LOVE fiber, self proclaimed fiber fanatic. I tend not buy it if it doesnt have fiber.
Recent new love found at Costco-Daves Killer Breads -21 whole grains and seeds. 5 grams per slice, and soooo goood!
I have heard the best things about that bread!
I was thinking pears….def not raspberries. Interesting! Oh and yeah…chocolate makes everything healthier 😉
I never would have guessed! That chocolate drizzle looks yum. I love raspberries, but blackberries are my absolute favourite food ever. They’re almost ripe, even though it’s over a month early. Our hot weather is making everything off schedule this year.
Definitely wouldn’t have guessed raspberries!
Dammit, I guessed fiberberries. Guess it was the name that fooled me…
There’s a fiberberry?
I would’ve thought it was an apple. But I’m glad it is raspberries, because those are my favorite fruit!
I thought it was an apple!!
I knew it was a berry but I thought blueberry.
I knew, but only because I read it recently- is that cheating? 🙂 All those seeds=fibre
Not cheating. You pass the test 😉
Oh shucks! Nope! I was thinking paw paw (or papaya).
Paw paw 🙂