This is what it looks like when you have to step in the bushes mid-run to take a selfie because you don’t want a cyclist to crash into you (even though that might make for an awesome action shot).

I got in a solid 10 miles today and have 12 miles at pace on the calendar for tomorrow. It’s super hot out, another heat wave is coming to SoCal. Stay hydrated and run smart kids!
This is what it looks like when your cat judges you for eating chocolate hazelnut butter out of the packet.

This is what it looks like when you find the BIGGEST watermelon of the whole summer. I was pretty proud of this (keys for size reference but it’s still hard tell).

I had to eat a ton of it so it would even fit in my largest tupperware. Good problem to have!

Aaaand this is what it looks like when my watermelon obsession may have gone too far –eating watermelon seeds? Should I try it? Are these magically healing and healthy?? (They better be for the price – they were $11.00.)

*Note: I didn’t get them because I’m hoping you talk me out of it since they’re so expensive and probably won’t even grow a magic bean stalk.
This is what it looks like when I eat most of the blueberries on the way home. I bet there are a bunch of dried blueberries under the seat of my car. I do this all the time. (I kinda want to ask my brother to take my car to be washed so the guy working on it doesn’t know I have been messily eating blueberries for months.)

This is what it looks like when you spot a new product at Costco… they’re like the fried onions you put on green bean casserole but jalapenos!!!
It’s tempting, but a MASSIVE bag of fried jalapenos… hmmm. I actually thought of my dad when I first saw them since he loves jalapenos. I bet these are delicious. They’d probably be way too delicious and I’d snack on them and destroy the whole bag before I could share any with my dad and 17,800 calories later I’d be burping up fried jalapenos on my run tomorrow morning and hate myself.

*Note: I’ll probably get them next time. My willpower has a very limited time period.
This is what it looks like on day 7 of my 30 days of yoga challenge:
I am using Yoga by Adrienne and I completely LOVE it. If you are new to yoga or want to practice more often but don’t have time this might be the answer to your prayers. So far the sessions have been about 30 minutes or less, easy to follow, completely realistic, do-able and Adrienne is super cute and a good instructor.

This is what it looks like when you can’t decide if you should let your bangs grow out or not AND it’s also what it looks like when I let my hair air dry. I didn’t do anything to it and it’s super stick straight. I don’t even own a straightener, I’d never need it. (But this is also what it looks like 4 minutes after I try to curl my hair – it does not stay curled for anything.)

This is what it looks like when you hear Brendan Dassey from Making a Murder has his conviction overturned! He is still in jail and will stay there for about 90 days as the prosecution gets to put a rebuttal together. But this is awesome! Did you watch Making a Murderer? It as pretty thought-provoking.

(more info on Brendan Dassey here)
This is what it looks like when I’m watching the Olympics, relaxing and getting ready to run a few miles tomorrow morning. Busting out a ‘few mile’s seems so ‘meh’ compared to the amazing athletes competition in the summer games right now.

*Note – a few miles really equals 12. But not super fast like the Olympians so I feel like a little lazy turtle in comparison. I’m okay with that because turtles seem pretty happy and they can go inside and take a nap whenever they want.

Those crispy jalapenos are yummy! They have them in normal-people sizes at the grocery store around me, so it wasn’t much of a debate on whether or not to try them. I mostly forget about them, because they aren’t a dessert, but when I remember I use them as a salad topping. They definitely add a little kick!
I too have stick straight hair….I once got a perm (back when that was acceptable behaviour) and it took about 2 days to fall out. Fun story about feeling lazy…during the London Olympics, I was at the gym doing sprints on the treadmill while the women’s marathon was on. I did the math and realized they were running for 2+ hours faster than I was dying through 1-2 min sprints.
I’m sure you posted about it before but I have the brain of a bird… I need to know where you got the manatee wine bottle holder because I NEED this.
It was a gift! I’ll ask though 🙂
Also, where’s a link to your blog?
Just laying in my bed and thinking about my run tomorrow:)
My life looks pretty good right now. I’m currently in Portrush, Northern Ireland with my lovely wife. I’ve run 40+ miles this week and am on track to complete my “Run the Year” challenge by the year’s end. Probably in Nov. Woot!
I say go for the Watermelon seeds. We have them in TX and they are pretty good.
I love how you roam around the Costo snapping picts of things you don’t buy. You know that they probably have a file on you. Costco Bulletin: “All stores, be on the look out for a cute woman in running gear taking random pictures of bags of produce. Caution: She may have bangs!”:)
That completely sounds like a good life!
One time someone at Trader Joes asked me not to take pictures. I was busted!!
I busted on my boyfriend because I dropped a dried cranberry in his car in May while on a road trip and it was still there last weekend. It was way drier too. Lol. Anyway he finally vacuumed his car.
My life looks like this right now: indoors with air conditioning sipping hot coffee and cuddling with my dog trying to motivate myself to run outside in the 76 dew point 105 heat index 89 percent humidity 82 degree weather at 7:30am! I walked the dog at 6:30 and was soaked with sweat in about 3 minutes.