Boo. I just realized I missed the season premier of The Amazing Race last night 🙁
Amazing Race is the television show I want to be on most! I think it would be hysterical to see Ben and I running around the world, cameras capturing our every fight and inappropriate conversation :/
Lunch was not nearly as excited as racing around the world, but it’s a Monday full of work and school – I’m not expecting much. I packed up a massive salad and my favorite greek yogurt.
I call this my Veggie Burger Salad. It’s packed with usual salad veggies and topped with a pizza flavored veggie burger. But, what makes it a burger without the bun – Hummustard as dressing and ketchup too! I wish I would have added relish or a pickle though.
Snacks for my break between class and a very long lab. While I’m eating these carrots and PB&J I’m dreaming of being on the Amazing Race… Maybe I would get to go to Thailand and try real coconut soup like the one I made for the Project Food Blog Challenge…
Question: What television show do you want to be on?
I almost auditioned for Amazing Race with my best friend for this cycle. But my sister and I would be a hilarious team. We might never speak again, though. I’m really tough, and don’t like excuses, and I pick up languages easily. I’d yell at her and maker cry, and then I’d be in trouble with my mom. Not worth it.
Other than that, I just want my own talk show.
FOR SURE the amazing race! I met Kevin (the asian son) at my old college. He cut in front of me in line for rice!
But I love that there are more all women teams.
my friend caite upton was on amazing race last season..she was with her “Boyfriend” (who wasnt really her boyfriend) on it.. they were both acting like DUMB models
I may be about to sound like a total dork, but I’d want to be on Gossip Girl. They just seem to have the best of everything.
Ummm…I don’t have a tv. But I do watch The Tudors, Weeds, and The Office on Netflix. Best. Shows. Ever.
I felt the same way when I almost missed Greys last week. I almost forgot and missed the 1st 20 min! Thank goodness for Hulu!
I too want to be on the amazing race. I’m afraid my husband would be the yeller and I’d be the crier. Oh well.
I would be on survivor for sure. It would be a challenging yet amazing experience, and the winner gets a million bucks!
I want to be on Glee 😉
I don’t think I’d do well on tv, but if I had to choose, I’d pick a show from HGTV so I could have my house redecorated.
Extreme home makeover for obvious reasons. 🙂
The Real Housewives of NJ so I could flip tables and act like a maniac. Of course, I would look like a psycho wearing a mask to hide my real identity. 😉
I would never want to be on TV. Cameras in my face all the time? Not for me!
I’d love to be on The Amazing Race — travel, adventure, possibility of winning money…!
I want to be on Big Brother SO bad. Or Survivor, except I wouldn’t do well out in the wild…
My dad is always trying to get me and my boyfriend to audition to be on the Amazing Race. I’m a stressful person and my boyfriend is crazy calm so we’d go crazy dealing with each other while trying to race around the world. It does sound so fun though.
I’ve never seen Amazing Race. But when LOST was on, I totally wanted to be on that show. 🙂 If I could actually cook, I’d say Top Chef too.
I love the amazing race too! I chose to watch Desperate Housewives instead though because AR is available on demand. I’ll be catching up tonight!
I want to be on Big Brother!