I had an appointment for a blood test this morning. It required that I not eat for 12 hours before. Boo. Luckily, I wasn’t that hungry from all that food over the weekend. Well, I was a little hungry, but I think that was just because I knew I couldn’t eat, so I wanted to.
I made myself a yogurt/pumpkin/cottage cheese/cereal bowl with AB.
But, I packed it to go because I was going straight from the blood test to yoga.

The nurse said, “You’re easy” in reference to my blood letting. She has no idea.
I guess my big ol’ veins come in handy.
I got to yoga a little early so I made a pit stop at Cha for Tea. I love the service at this place. All the employees are super helpful, offer samples and know a lot about their teas.

I decided on the almond milk tea, a little less sweeter than normal and they got it perfect.
Then, I grabbed my new yoga mat and bag and headed to class. I’m going to be sticking with Level 1 for a while because I just want to focus on stretching and getting myself back to loving yoga for a while. I’m not burning a lot of calories, but I’m finally making some time to s-t-r-e-t-c-h and that’s important 🙂

Post yoga I did some shopping at TJ’s for groceries and then headed home for lunch. Terra’s chips sent me these a long time ago and I keep forgetting to crack them open.
Speaking of crack, they are.
Equal parts broccoli and chips. Not counting all the ones straight from the bag that is!

When I got home last night I noticed some tupperware containers on the top of the fridge. They aren’t normally up there, so I thought it was odd.
Turns out they are full of home made chocolate chip cookies! When the cat’s away the mouse will bake!

Ben made a huge batch of chocolate chips cookies on Saturday night. He followed the recipe on the back of the chocolate chips bag. It’s actually an inside joke because his mom’s choc chip cookie recipe is from the back of the bag, but when ever anyone else tries to make them they don’t turn out like hers. I’m convinced she had a secret ingredient or something!
I had a few cookies with some milk this afternoon. As I was unpacking I spotted the Frog Hollow Farm granola I got from the Foodbuzz Fest and had to have some of that too.
Some of the best granola I’ve ever had.

I didn’t take pictures of my dinner because I was majorly multi-tasking and didn’t plate it nicely anyways. Instead I’ll share a little trick I use to incorporate vegetables into pasta dishes…
Before I drain the cooked pasta I put broccoli (or sometimes spinach) into the colander.

Then, I pour the boiling water with the pasta right on top of it. This gives the vegetables a quick splash of boiling water to soften them, but not make them soggy.
Then I finish the pasta dish as usual and mix everything together 🙂 It’s a super easy way to add vegetables to Ben’s dinner without making another side dish.

I need to finish up my training plan for my next few races – they’re coming up soon and I’ve been taking it easy since Long Beach. That will get done tonight.
Monday mini-goals:
1. 8 hours of sleep a night
2. Get back on the no-gum wagon – I fell off hard this weekend.
3. No more cookies
I would be so excited if Andy ever baked cookies. I’m the only one who bakes around here. The cookies look awesome!
ben baked cookies. and hid them. you found them. hysterical x)
olivia: try having them with greek yogurt! you’ll get a nice layer of crunch and the yogurt will fill you up! well that’s how i usually do portion control with addictive crunchies (quaker oatmeal squares!)
A co-worker brought those chips in a few weeks ago. I could not keep my hand out of the bag.
wow this post made me hungry! =)
Do you have any advice on how not to binge on the granola? It is one of my “forbidden foods” but it looks so good to me! I’m scared to buy some…
Great idea about using the pasta water to steam the veggies!
No more cookies?! That’s no fun….how hard.
Oh I wish I had a good place for tea by me.
Actually, on the other hand, my pocketbook thanks me!
I seriously have a mad craving for homemade chocolate chip cookies now!
I love those Terra chips too. However, I rarely rarely get them because I’ll eat them all in one or two days.
MMM I would love to come home to tupperwears full of chocolate chip cookies – or any cookies! You are so brave I always cry when I get blood drawn. I don’t know if you asked but here are my mini goals.
1. Do PT exercises at least twice this week
2. Up my water intake – I am not as thirsty in the cold weather and I think I am getting dehydrated.
3. 8 hours of sleep each night – this one keeps cropping up.
Mmm, chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk – perfect!
Awww, Ben is too cute! Baking cookies while you are gone. I love it!
Love that idea with the broccoli… I hate when it gets all mushy! Chocolate chip cookies are one of my downfalls. I would give in too! What a nice surprise 🙂
Great tip about the veggies + boiling pasta! Thanks for sharing. Also, I saw this Avocado neckalce on Etsy today and thought of you!
Love that Ben baked cookies! He missed you and needed something sweet. 🙂
Billy can cook an amazing breakfast or dinner but the thought of him baking makes me smile.
I feel the same way about yoga – I’m running and burning calories in other ways and yoga is my time to really stretch. I get distracted when I try to stretch at home.
Aw that is too cute that ben made cookies and then hid them. He does need to get better at hiding though, you are pretty good at seeking 🙂
I was wondering how you are doing on the gum thing because I’m a gum-addict. I chew 3 packs a day :-X Are you that bad? I quit for a month in January. It’s sad that it’s literally like a cigarette addiction to me
Enjoy your cookies and remember not to limit yourself from anything, that’s how you did so well with the PB cups is knowing you can have it whenever. I’m pretty sure you were joking though. I’m glad you had a good trip to SF!
omg i have never had those chips until we flew on jet blue to chi-town. so.freak’n.tasty.
i love that ben made chocolate chip cookies! my mom follows the recipe on the back too, and she says she “makes them special” by pouring coffee in it. haha…
I love that ben baked cookies. I also love that he hid them from you. And I love that you found them!
Where did you get your adorable yoga bag? P.s. I love surprise home baked cookies like that, how great!
Subway sent it to me, but I think it’s from Gaiam