Hello! I need your help choosing which Brooks Challenge to do! Check out the list of suggestions at the bottom. But first let’s talk cats and chickpeas…
Vegas in the window. I like when he does this.

Where I’m running… Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to check in with your workout, run or rest day! Stay accountable and encourage others!! We’re in this together

How to make chickpeas in the crockpot …
This was part of my meal prep and a few people asked for the recipe. Well, I don’t have a recipe but here’s how I do it…
Get some chickpeas. Bonus points if you get them from the 99 cent store.
Soak them overnight in cool water, covering at least 2 inches.
Rinse them in the morning.

Place in crockpot (aka slow cooker) cover with water and add 8 peeled garlic cloves and salt. (Or however much garlic you want.) Cook on high for 2-4 hours or until they are done to your preference.

Drain and add salt or any other seasoning you want. I added salt.
The garlic gets all mushy and I just smash it over the chickpeas. And now I smell like garlic.

And since it takes all day to cook them (hello it’s called a slow cooker) I got donuts to eat while I waited.
Okay, that’s not why I got the donuts – I just wanted them.

This. It’s a sign.

Okay… I need your help with the #BrooksChallenge
I got a package in the mail today from Brooks with a challenge. I gotta put on the magic shoes (not their official name but I dig it) and pick one of the following to do and capture with a photo or video… Then, someone from Brooks will do the same.

Run at sunrise and sunset on the same day.
Run backwards for a mile. (I’m definitely going to fall, but I still want to do this one.)
Run while pushing someone who is not able to run.
Run your longest run ever (time or distance). (Ah! That would be over 31 miles because I did the Born to Run Ultra Marathon!!)
Run a route that creates infinity sign on a map. (I don’t do any of those apps that trace your route. Any recs?)
Run out to get a bottle of wine. The sancerre region in France is beautiful this time of year.
Run to see someone to apologize. (I probably have a lot of people I should apologize to, but they all live so far!)
Run to the highest point in your city or country or continent.
Run to work. And just keep going. Do not worry, we’ll send an apology note. (My boss is going to be pissed!) (Also, RunEatRepeat is my job so I’m kinda my boss.)
Run across a border. (Insert joke about how my family ran across the other way and this is kinda back-tracking.)
Run to pick someone up for a date. (Do I have to actually pick them up when I get there? Can I make a date with the lightest person willing to go out with me?)
Run with as many dogs on leashes as possible. (I want to run with all the dogs in the world!)
Run until you pass 100 (stop signs, blue cars, cows, dogs…)
Run to all of your meetings for the day or week. (Most of my meetings are on the phone so maybe I could leave my phone at various places?)
Run happy. (done and done!)

Okay. Which one should I do??
I want to do all of them!
How about a combo…run with dogs but also pass 100 trees. That sounds like a challenge. Don’t redheads have a higher pain threshold?!
Do the backwards one…..I hear that its good for your calves???? 😉 Hmm, maybe not for a mile but I think you could get a lot of strangers taking pictures of you ….hahahaha!
Dogs on leashes!
I use Runkeeper and footpaths for my running routes.
There are too many to choose from…I’d probably do the sunrise/sunset one.
All the dogs! Run pushing someone who cannot, then sunrise/sunset!
I think you should run while pushing someone who is not able to run. That’s the most inspiring one on the list!
I’d… Run at sunrise/sunset the same day.
Can’t wait to see which one you choose and your evidence (photo/video)!
Do all of them! Do the dog challenge thing first because that would be fun to see!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog