Happy Monday! How’s it going?
I’m going crazy. Like, if someone knocked on my door to take me away to a padded room I’d be relieved.

And it’s all because of NOT running. I decided to take a week off for a couple of medical marijuana issues last week Wednesday and now I am miserable.
Before the OC marathon I had some weird tightness in my piriformis, which has never happened before. Plus I have a couple of other random things going on so I’m trying to be patient and let myself rest rest rest for 7 whole days. And it sucks. But, an ounce of prevention, right? Yes. Yes, Monican. Come down off that ledge.
So today I started out with a walk and a green juice. Trying to be all healthy and stuff.

And a tiny bit of strength training while watching E News.

Then, I felt super pale so that reminded me I need to tan. And it inspired me to make a PALE-O breakfast.

I bought two plantains to make that plantain flatbread and only used one. Since the second one was getting super ripe I cut it up and cooked it with coconut oil. Boom.

Anyway. The moral of the story is running is my favorite. And my tiny lil black heart is sad about not running but my quads are probably happy.
But that’s super selfish, quads. Not cool.
Thought of the day: My mom told me this one time after I told her about some girls that were being mean to me. It stuck with me. Remember this the next time someone is going after ya…

Question: What are your mini-goals for the week?
Monday Mini-Goals: Get my ish together.
Your title is very captivating. It makes people to worry about you.
I am a broken runner. Fell off a bike and broke the 4and5 metatarsal bones in my foot. I have been sitting with no weight bearing since April 11. I do exercises on the bed but they really don’t cut it. I am getting tired of this. I may be able to put weight on it in 10 days. I need to dance with the groom, my son, in 5 weeks. Suggestions are welcome…simply food to prepare, simple exercises for non weight bearing..and ways to keep me sane!
Sorry to hear, I’m 5 days now without anything! I bruised both my arches digging in shovels to plant 350 trees to help a friend and I’m just starting to walk kinda normally now…I can’t wait for things to get back to normal! I need the stress release..
Sorry you’re injured, that sucks! My goal for the week is to get back on track with my workouts-I’ve been slacking too much recently!
I am so sorry. I haven’t gone running in 13 WEEKS, I have hyperemesis (aka my baby is trying to kill me and I’ve been on bed rest, have an iv in my arm and have never been so ill in my life) and I think mean thoughts when I see people running. It’s bad. Hang in there!
Yumm the plantain bread sounds yummy. I need to make this asap. I miss running due to my injury. Boo!
Totally understand! Ran Boston and felt fine 2 days after, took a casual 6 mi run and BOOM perineal tendinitis came out of nowhere! I haven’t run in almost THREE weeks and have been swimming instead. I smell like a supply closet and still feel like a doofus every time I hop in next to Speedo Man Swim Pro. Running is the best–come back running we miss you!!!!
Omg – this exactly describes where I was at back in February. Battled major piriformis pain for the first time and was forced to take time off. Even though I know it’s the best thing to do, it’s still so hard! I’m just now getting back to where I was pre-injury.
Sorry your quads want you to take a break, that is totally selfish of them! Hope you’re back at it again soon!
My mini-goals this week are to get to bed at a reasonable hour and get my house relatively clean (so it no longer looks like a bomb went off) because my boyfriend comes home on Wednesday!
Ahhh so funny!! I feel the same way when I can’t or don’t run for some reason. I hope it pays off for you before you get shipped off anywhere padded. LOL
My mini-goals this week are to…
a) survive my daughter’s HS graduation, happily.
b) get back in the saddle post marathon (30 miles by Saturday)
c) finish a few books I’ve been nibbling at
d) get our bee hives set up for new arrivals
Happy recovery!! Feel better, thanks for the giggles.
I’m sorry you’re going through this bit it’s best to rest it. You need a backup fitness girl like swimming or spin so you don’t go crazy!
Monica, I hate taking a break! HATE it however I hate taking a month or two off for an injury. I did last week, after two back to back races, take a break. It helped. I felt better. More sane. More focused. Stay active cross training and getting your fill of moving. It will help! hugs.
Ahh, piriformis pain is annoying and can sometimes lead to sciatic pain if the muscle becomes too inflamed. I am currently dealing with sciatic pain and I feel like I’m 85 in need of a hip replacement. Haha
My mini goal is to get back to training this week. I raced real hard 8 days ago, so I ended up taking most of last week off, and doing no running, just a little swimming and biking. No injuries, nothing hurt too much after, just my energy levels and motivation were super low. Seems like everything is coming back up to normal so back at it this week!
I couldn’t run for over a month last week due to an angry knee tendon and it sucked SO bad. I hope your 7 days of rest cures all ills!
I feel your pain! I broke my foot half way thru the Boston Marathon 3 weeks ago. I am about to lose my mind. I keep trying to think of any way I can run. One legged treadmill running? Maybe one legged cycling? Could I strap a skate on bad foot for one legged rowing? Tick, tick, tick…29 days until I might be about to walk on lefty again!
My mini goal is to get back to working out. I took most of last week off after coming down with a crappy cold. I’m having withdrawals as well!
I hope you feel better soon!
Ouch, hope the 7 days rest helps. Maybe take this opportunity to try something new?
I had the same piriformis pain a couple of months ago. It is miserable! I could not walk without pain for a couple weeks and I took an entire MONTH off of running. Ice, foam rolling, and stretching seemed to help the pain. At times, I thought I would never be able to walk pain-free again (dramatic). I am slowly rebuilding my mileage back up but I don’t want to do too much at once. It definitely taught me some patience! I did spin classes and strength training while I was injured – that didn’t seem to irritate the muscle.
Hope you heal up fast! I have, what I believe to be, piriformis tightness too, thats causing a ton of sciatica pain. I’ve been trying to foam roll it, and I think that helps, but its a hard muscle to get to. If you find anything that helps you, please share!
Your breakfast looks really yummy. Reminds me to make some breakfast or brunch actually. Taking time off can be hard but it’s also important to take care of yourself. I need to try those juices. They look really good.
I was having a ton of issues with my piriformis muscle prior to my last half and here’s what I did to help, even though I’m sure you know all of this and every body is different:
– Rest
– Used my son’s t-ball (harder than a tennis ball, but softer than a baseball) to roll all over my butt and work-out the knots. You’ll know you’ve hit the spot when it brings tears to your eyes and you squeak out f-bombs; when you get there really focus on rolling that spot out.
– Pigeon pose
I ended up taking 2 weeks off of running, but was able to run the half and haven’t had any issues since! Good luck with this literal pain in the ass!
Good suggestion on the t-ball! I have been using a tennis ball, but it’s just okay.
So sorry about the running but hopefully you will come back strong & healthy…
Love that last quote!
hopefully you’ll be good to go at the end of the week. it sucks having to take time off, but obviously your body needs it. Try to focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t.
I’m totally using that last sentence for inspiration! Thanks 🙂
Taking time off is the WORST!! I’m sure you will be back and better than ever in no time!! Plus, cross-training can be fun…right?!?!?
I’m “tapering” this week for my upcoming half on Saturday. Tapering=2 hours of vball tonight, 2 hours of flag football tomorrow, light run/biking on Wednesday, light run/walk with pup on Thursday and rest day Friday.
Hang in there! Piriformis is such a pain! I have dealt with pain there before and it took me a week but after lots of icing, stretching and after I STOPPED rolling it (I was making it worse) it finally calmed down!
Dealing with piriformis issues too. Had a huge knot in my booty. Knot has finally broken up leaving major bruising. Still sore of course! Forcing myself to rest 2 weeks or so after 2 months of back to back races! Hope you get rested and healed up!
Did you break it up or did it do it itself? <- that sentence sounds crazy, but hopefully you know what I mean.
You are being very smart. I just had a piriformis injury for the first time and I’ve been running for years….because I’m old like that. ha! Anywho, I had to take 3 weeks off with a few days of ‘trying’ in between and it was rough, but you’ll get through it. The very best advice I can give you is to go to yoga. When foam rolls, the stick and the evil PT guy couldn’t get me to 100%, yoga did and I hate yoga, but it worked. Hang in there, sending some good running mojo your way…don’t worry I’ll keep the yoga farts to myself.
Feel better!! I definitely relate, I too took 7 days off from running last week because my right quad/right leg hurt and I was hoping it would resolve itself. Thankfully, it does feel better. You are smart to take time off now before the issues gets worse! I was grumpy, kept wistfully staring out the window at people running by and just wanted to cry! Sending healing thoughts your way- foam roll, foam roll and foam roll!
Oof. I hope these next 7 days go by quickly for you! It’s hard to take a break from the things you love even if it’s for the best.
Monday mini-goal: get a gym to use for this month (while I’m home in NY) and get my study-ish together for this MCAT next month!
I recently took a week off after a recommendation from a friend to help my stomach issues. Thank GOD I was traveling like crazy and in meetings because I go nutty on normal rest day. Lots of walking!
Yes, the walking is the only thing keeping me sane 🙂
I have the Brooklyn Half on Saturday – woo! I guess that’s my big goal 🙂
Way to take care of yourself, chica! It’s super hard but your body will thank you later!
Injuries stink and so do mean people. I understand your feelings. Hang in there.
Thank you Mary 🙂
My goal this week is to nap more. And to get out of the house with the baby more- I have some serious cabin fever.
Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Happy belated Mother’s Day!!! I was just thinking about you 🙂
Thank you 🙂
You made me break my lunch time date with Monica when I saw the title of this blog! I had to open it up right away. Not to go all church on ya’, but heads up… I’m throwing some healing prayers at you right now! What would RnRSD be without the Monican?!!! Go roll fool!
This made me laugh… hopefully, that’s the best medicine.
Sorry you have to take time off–I know how frustrating it can be. I took two whole months off last year due to injury and it was torture. Taking time off and getting physical therapy helped me get stronger and faster in the long run. You’ll get back to it before you know it!
I totally feel ya! I’ve been on crutches 3 weeks and have at least 3 more to go. At my check-in with the doc last week, when he asked how I was doing, I answered with “I’m cranky. All.The.Time.” Running is my relief. Not running is driving me to drink (although according to my doc, 2 glasses of wine a night is not considered a noteworthy problem.) One day at a time, I can’t wait to be back on the pavement!
Hope everything is ok!!
One of my mini-goals this week is to catch up on the paperwork I’m behind on at my job. Reading blogs is not really helping me to achieve this goal.
awww hope you make it through the running break without going too crazy. i’d feel the same (and did last year when i was injured — misery). mini goals for the week: not eat too much sugar, get outside while we have beautiful weather in NYC, and finish my finals with a bang! oh, and have fun in the Brooklyn half this wknd. 🙂
I’m on deadline hell until Friday so I need to make sure I make the time to work out every day for half an hour. That’s my goal for the week.
Hope you can hold fast until your no-running thing is over. xo
WOW – Love the THOUGHT OF THE DAY, will def be using that !!!
I didnt run for 4 days this week to help heal my shin splints before my race on Sunday. I was bored and restless! Though I did PR on Sunday so there is something to this “resting your legs” theory
Congratulations on the PR!!!!!!!!!!!!
a week off running now is a lot better than having to take a month (or more) off in the future! you are a smarty pants for taking time off 🙂
Thanks Holly 🙂 I’m also a crazy pants, but it works.
Ahh I know the feeling! I was diagnosed with a dislocated kneecap right after I finished the pittsburgh marathon..so right when I was so excited to be running all the time and not in training mode, now I’m stuck in a big brace and sitting around! Its like the taper crazies X 10000! (And so much longer!!)
Oh that sounds rough. Hang in there!