Hello! How is your day going? Mine is going well. I’m going through a challenging time at home and have been praying a lot and talking to friends. It’s nothing I can talk about here for right now, but if you are going through a challenging time too I’ll share some links at the bottom of this post that have been helping me. Check it out!

In happy news, I have some great running motivation for ya today! I saw this on my run yesterday…
Don’t Stop!

Today was a rest day though so I took a walk and listened to Fast Girl. I have nothing in common with this girl, except for the fact that we both like running, but there are some aspects of her story that are kind of opening up my eyes about bipolar disorder (her brother had it and she does too). However, the narrator sounds like she should be reading a children’s book so it’s weird when she talks about some very risqué behavior. Ha!
You never know what someone else is going through just by looking at them. We should all approach others with kindness 🙂
In food news, I’m really into cheese right now. Sometimes I’m super into a specific nut butter or bread or something and right now it’s all the cheese.

Now even though I can’t completely open up about all my personal struggles, I can share why SkinnyRunner and I don’t hang out that much anymore…

it’s because I insist on doing weird things like wearing wrist weights (that may in fact be ankle weights) when we go for a walk. She walked 16 steps ahead of me and kept saying ‘stop following me stranger!’.

In upbeat news, I found this nice ecard and wanted to share…

Bonus Links:
Free Bible Studies via Pinterest
Ways to get out of a funk. <- super simple but stuff that seems like it might work

Wow. That is so deep.
In keeping with the happy thoughts I challenge you to name 5 things that are awesome in your life right now..
5 Things That Are Great About My Life Right This Second:
1. My house smells amazing because I’m baking pumpkin granola
2. I have friends and my madre to call and text when I need to talk.
3. I live in a safe place with great weather.
4. I am healthy.
5. I didn’t fall today (yet).
5 Things I am happy about right now (in no particular order):
1. as of last night, I have officially signed up for my first half marathon!!!!!
2. I have recently made a decision to become a blogger (of what, it is still TBD)
3. Since it’s Wednesday, every Weds my friend and I go to the gym after work and workout as well as grab dinner and drink wine. We call it our Workout Wine Wednesday.
4. Friends from Northern NJ are coming to visit this weekend!
5. My co-workers always help me out when I get stuck!
Is Fast Girl a podcast?
Love your positive attitude! Gratitude is so important!
#1: I get to spend 2 1/2 days next week IN ORANGE COUNTY, CA!!!
#2 – #5: See #1!!!
Sorry it’s a rough time, Monican. Sending all good karma your way.
Sorry to hear about your tough time 🙁 hugs!!
Lots of hugs to you during this challenging time!
My 5 Happy Things Right NOW!:
1. I’m about to eat a seafood stir fry that I made last night (om nom nom stoked!)
2. The weather outside is beautiful
3. I am breathing and calm– stress free at the moment
4. I feel productive today
5. I know I am loved
This is such a cute exercise…thanks for sharing! xo
Oh gosh, I pray things will resolve quickly; but we both know it all works according to God’s timing and plan. Your loving and supportive family must be such a blessing right now.
Things I’m happy about:
1. A loving, merciful God.
2. A husband that truly loves his family and has our best interests at heart.
3. Two healthy teenagers: smart and full of life that make me laugh and drive me to the brink of madness on a daily basis.
4. Healthy, loving relationships with my siblings; cannot imagine my life without them.
5. Wonderful friends that would drop everything to help me or my family.
6. My health, living in So Cal, a roof over my head and healthy food on the table. (kinda cheated there with #6 but I could probably get to 12-15 before I really had to stop and dig for more ideas).
Hugs that you heart will feel peaceful and you can hear God’s word.
That was a bit of a tease, lady. I could tell things weren’t quite right with you, and I have my suspicions, but since you’re not telling, neither am I. 😉
5 things:
1) I’m getting married on Saturday!
2) I’m going on my honeymoon on Sunday and it’s the first vacation I’ve had since before my terrible, awful, no good yeah (2014)
3) I’m signed up for a half marathon and when I get back from my vacation, I get to start training!
5) Fall is my favorite season.
So I’m going to think about those things, and try not to think about the wedding bill. 🙂
I hope things get better for you. They kinda have to. Keep focusing on the positive while you work through the crap.
Yeah, it’s not things I can really talk about freely right now. I wish I could since it’s cathartic to share sometimes. <3
I miss SR’s blog posts. 🙁
Anyway, Monica; hope things work out for you.
Hope things improve soon, sorry to hear you’re struggling.
It’s been stressful lately so this 5 awesome things list comes at a great time:
– I love my job (99% of the time)
– I can afford to rent a cute apartment
– I have great friends and family I can call at any point and who know when I just need to rant or wallow
– I am healthy
– I’ve been able to make life work well after moving to a different country
Hi Monica!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through some difficult times right now. Hang in there!
You’re not alone. Sending you a hug! I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Here are my five things to be happy about:
1. My son finally joined me for a 10-mile trail run this weekend.
2. Although my wife and I went through a rough spot in our marriage recently, we’re reconciling and healing.
3. Although my program at school is on the verge of being cut, I was able to enroll in a credential program that will help me keep my job teaching another subject area.
4. I’m recovering from Achilles tendinitis and I’m able to run again.
5. My treatments for my autoimmune disorder seem to be helping me.
P.S. I’d totally walk by your side with ankle weights around my wrists. 😉
I LOVE GREEN BANANAS AND YOU!!! ( must yell about the things you love)
Sorry that you’re in a funk. I loved all the suggestions on how to get out of one, especially the pamper yourself tip! Making a deal to reward myself for running consistently this week.
understanding the funk so hard right now…
virtual hugs and prayers!!
I hope you are okay, and it is neat to see that you are running to prayer and Scripture. Those are also some of the things in my life that have been constant and for which I’m learning to be so much more grateful day by day! <33 I will be praying for you tonight Monica!
Praying for you!
My 5 things:
1. God, he’s my only 100% constant thing in my life and I am so grateful for consistency!
2. I have an amazing husband who is my biggest cheerleader.
3. I have 3 healthy kiddos who are smart, kind, and full of life.
4. My kitty. I know, I’m totally that lady. But I love her and she makes me happy.
5. My job and the fact that I get to help mold young minds. It’s pretty cool.
1. Emme (my Calico)
2. Amp (my 3 legged cat)
3. Ion (my fluffy black kitty)
4. Bo (our Lenny cat)
5. Sansa (my puppy)
and I guess I should include my husband too.
I love that you have so many furry friends!
Hey there! I feel ya with the tough times! I’m going through a lot of those myself these days so know you’re not alone. We’ll get through this. Somehow. 🙂
Motivational quote of the day:
“I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.”
— Maya Angelou
5 Things that are Great about my Life:
1. My parents. They’ve been so supportive in every way imaginable and I couldn’t imagine life without them. <3
2. My boyfriend. I wish I could see myself through his eyes.
3. Cheese. It is the best.
4. It was a gorgeous, sunny day today and I enjoyed training after I got up the evil hill.
5. Cuddling in bed with a giant fuzzy blanket after a long day.
I am grateful for a roof over my head, a job I love, friends that support me, a husband who loves me unconditionally, and really good hair 😉
I am sorry you are going through a challenging time. I have some quotes at my work that help me when I have a tough day (week, month, year, etc.):
Believe in Yourself
We Rise by Lifting Each Other
Don’t let Comparison Steal your Joy
My Five Things:
1. My kittehs. We have two indoor and two outdoor. They love me unconditionally (or only when I feed them).
2. School. I love going back to school (nerd alert). I am going back to school for paralegal.
3. My awesome new clothes. I feel FANTASTIC.
4. That I do not have to work a full work week from now until the end of the year!!
5. I get paid three times this month! HOLLA!
Bummer that you’re in a funk. I am too…and I hate it when I get like this. Funny thing is that I have been doing a few of the things on the “How to Get Out of a Funk” list…like I took a bath the other day, just because. I have been trying lots of new recipes … and even creating some of my own. I like it, but my waste doesn’t. I don’t like cleaning, so that’s out, but I might just change the sheets. Fresh clean sheets do make me happy. AND I started 100 days of gratitude to help me get through the blues. I’m on Day 13. What am I grateful for? I am most grateful for my husband, my father and my kids. I love them all to the moon and back. They inspire, challenge and love me. I am also grateful for the fall. I LOVE pumpkin everything. I tried your vanilla yogurt with pumpkin and it wasn’t sweet enough. I’ll stick to Dannon’s Pumpkin Pie Greek Yogurt. It’s better without the extra effort. And the last thing I’m grateful for… is having a relationship with God so I know where to turn when I feel like this. Be strong.
Thinking of you and hoping you feel better!
Hate to hear that you’re down. Praying that you feel better and find some peace! Check out Psalm 62:1-2 and Psalm 34.
1. It’s finally fall!
2. I’m going to watch a movie tonight.
3. Jesus is alive.
4. School went well today.
5. I went on a nice walk 🙂
I just got home from work and was greeted by my loyal labradoodle.
We saw a beautiful sunset and then he pooped.
I’m drinking wine and laughing as I read you had ankle weights on your wrists (possibly)
I have peppermint patties for dessert
And i just got a paycheck in the mail!
I almost forgot I had anxiety all day.
Also, Thank you for the links 😀
I’ll be praying for you!
I was hoping you’d say it’s because she watches Fox News and is probably planning to vote for Donald Trump or Carla Fiorina, which is a total valid reason to end a friendship. 😉
I love you are focusing on the positive when it’s all too easy to stay sad. My happy thing today is that I had no traffic on the way to work, it’s a beautiful day and it’s my birthday!
Succes is largely dependent on figuring out how little is worth worrying about. Grateful for:
1 this blog
2 my kids
3 my wife
4 my job
5 poetry
I’m kind of in a stressful place too right now, but:
1. I have a good job.
2. I’m on track to meet my professional goals.
3. I went back to the gym today after a long hiatus and I feel awesome about it.
4. I’m healthy.
5. Starbucks.
Hi Monica! Truly hope you are okay. You encourage everyone and are so fun loving I hate to think of you in pain.
OK, my gratitude list today is long. Health and vitality are #1. Happy farm, wonderful husband, yes. Grown children who are smart and talented and finding their way in life, definitely. Feeling grateful for amazing food and gorgeous weather also. xoxo Those are my 5.
Hugs from Oklahoma!
Thinking of you during these challenging times. Hang in there.