I went to Yoga 1 tonight. I haven’t been to a yoga class since July, before we moved out here. I used to go to a great studio in Irvine and would take Yoga 1 or Yoga 1-2. It was fun and challenging. So, I figured since it’s been a while I should stick with Yoga 1, but this class was way too easy for me (that is not saying much,trust me) so I am going to look for another class that fits in with my schedule.
Went I got home I had leftover soup, crackers and cheese.
I told Ben that there was leftover soup and to make a grilled cheese to go with it. Instead, I came home and found him eating bacon that he “cooked” in the microwave, chips and hard-boiled eggs. For some reason he served himself the eggs in a coffee mug. Why do I even try?
Now I am finishing off this frozen yogurt and trying to catch up on emails 🙂
See you tomorrow 🙂
Bwahahahaha! Bacon, chips, and hard boiled eggs??!! Good gawd, that’s a randy combination.
mmmm….bacon! P.S. I’m giving away a breast cancer awareness Ipod Nano armband case on my blog: http://lovinlosing.com/
How is that froyo from TJ’s? I always see it, but have never actually bought it
Is it like those Pinkberry’s here in Cali?
What a random hodge-podge dinner for Ben. Oh, boys!!!!
Sorry you didn’t enjoy your class. Perhaps another studio might be a better fit for you. I hope you find a class you enjoy.
Haha I can identify, I will often tell my husband specific instructions about how to make a VERY easy dinner, or even just what is already cooked that needs to be reheated, and I will come home to find that he gave up and “cooked” himself nachos, haha. Boys….
i’m glad you had fun at yoga. what do you enjoy most about the yoga class you take? i only ask because i’m a yoga and pilates teacher and i would love to reflect on it.
I should try that froyo some day. There’s no frozen yogurt place like pinkberry in the north east so that’s as close as I’ll get