Hello! Happy Friday!! How’s it going over there?
Seriously, tell me in the comments. I like to feel like I know ya. Make something up if you have to.

Today is a very important day because we’re talking about Friday Favorites and it’s important because this is the random stuff that makes me happy. And being happy is > being unhappy. It’s science.
My favorite things this week…
1. Is a cheater – because this is my favorite err week. But, I didn’t buy a watermelon while I was doing the F3 Foods so I could kinda try to eat a little less fruit and I missed my red fruit.

2. Putting chocolate sauce on Ever-Eeeee-Thing.

3. My new lil tradition of walking to get iced coffee when it’s a rest day.

4. Drinking all the things. I’m thirsty.

5. Roasted Chickpeas! Back in the early days of RER I was a founding member of the Chickpea Lovers Club (something Rose and I randomly made up).
Anyway. I still LOVE them and now that I eat meats I don’t have them as much as I used to when I was a veggie. Moral of the story: I like these 2 Armadillos Crispy Chickpeas. They have a sweet flavor too that I ate like cereal, don’t judge.

6. Choosing to be grateful and happy. It’s better that way.

7. My giraffe shirt. I love it.

8. This.
Question: What is your favorite thing this week?
Ahhhh! Chocolate is definitely the #1 thing I am craving on my Whole30. I’m jealous of that sauce!
Watermelon is on my list too this week. I just discovered those same chickpeas yesterday and love them. Great minds think alike. Happy weekend!
I am overly full, but that watermelon looks soo delish! I have one in the fridge waiting to get cut up calling my name! Anywho I’m not sucking up, but your blog is a fav! Also my kiddo & step kiddos. They’ve been real sports about upcoming changes. And a day off. Always a fav even though my body is angry with how much I decided to do on the ‘vaca’ day. LOL
My favorite thing this week is… My 5k planned for next weekend was cancelled, so my running friends and looked for a replacement race and found not just one 5k, but one 5k and a half marathon! Winning!!!
My favorite thing this week has been the temperatures!! Hello, 70s!! I’m loving we got to turn the a/c off for two days and enjoy some clouds, cooler temps, and a breeze. No worries though, it’s supposed to be 100 by Monday!
OMG that clip!! ROTFL!!
My favorite thing is that this is the last weekend before my boyfriend comes home! He’s been out of town on and off since March and I can’t wait to have him home again! 🙂
My fave thing this week is today’s AMAZING weather. And the directv dohickey that allows me to watch tv on our screen porch.
My favorite food thing has to be the caramel baked apple streusel cheesecake I had last night. Beyond decadent but worth every calorie.
My favorite non food thing is the build up of email exchanges between me and this guy I’m getting to know. Tomorrow is date number 5 and I’m really looking forward to it. Feeling more like 16 instead of 40. Lol. He is a runner too 🙂
I loved my surprise day off this week. I was able to get so much done around the house including getting some new flowers planted and rescuing an $8 hibiscus tree from Lowes! Super excited that its Friday (fun sock Friday for my group of friends!). We’re having a cookout with our friends and family tomorrow so lots to look forward to as well!
Well, it’s friday. Nothing bad about that!
I need to get myself one of those shirts, my son would love it.
My favorite thing this week would be iced coffee. I was craving one every morning. I’m also just happy that it’s finally the weekend!
Well, since you asked, I will answer. Things are going pretty well! My husband got paid today and we finally have money again. And I tend to have a positive outlook. I’m so busy that I’m never bored, and my children are awesome and hilarious. I’m also very happy that it’s Friday.
Things are going pretty great over here. Thanks for asking! My favorite thing this week is that I won a contest. No freaking joke. I WON! Totally one of those blog give away contest things that I always enter and never win. But this time I won! And I got a delicious meal out of it and got to meet some cool peeps. So, that’s my favorite this week. Woohoo!
Awesome! Congratulations 🙂
My favorite thing this week has been planning my niece’s first birthday party!
I’ve been eating a lot of watermelon this week to cool off in the hot weather! My favorite thing this week was my sushi dinner last night!
I also walk for iced coffee on rest days (well, at least I did for a while, I should start doing it again!)
My favorite thing – The new Chick-Fil-A iced coffee! It’s amazing.
What?! Do I have to try it?
Ohhhh…. I will have to try it soon!!
My favorite thing is that I’m headed to Chicago (right now as a matter of fact) to participate in the Rock ‘n’ Roll 5K on Saturday a and then the half marathon on Sunday!!!
Loving my Sanuk sandals (thank you!) I went into DSW with $25 in coupons so I got them for $11. Amazing. Also, a close second is the beautiful, perfect weather….it’s warm and sunny but not humid.
Yah! Glad you like them! I’m living in mine and kinda still want to get flops to replace the ones I ‘lost’.
My favorite thing this week….I finally feel somewhat normal after so many months of pain from my injury. My fitness, my body and my mind feel like they’re coming together at last. Hopefully, this upward swing keeps up.
My favourite thing this week is the crazy hot weather we are having over here in England! It has been great for going out and running in! Although 8 miles today in 30 degrees (86 for you over there!) was pretty tiring. Tan is looking good though!! And my other favourite thing is your blog – has really kept me motivated with running – keep it up!!
My favorite thing this week is being able to go to the gym tonight for the first time after my hip surgery. Stationary bike here I come!!! 🙂
That is awesome! You’re a speedy recover-er (is that a word?)!
That giraffe shirt is the cutest.
Best thing about this week was it being a four day weekend, going to set up my new classroom, and getting all packed for my race on Sunday!
omg! you guys should go to a new place called Capriotti’s in the District in Tustin! They have a sandwich that tastes like Thanksgiving. It’s delicious:)
My favorite thing this week is that I’m leaving for a vacation/family visit to California TODAY! Also…I’m running a half-marathon in Huntington Beach tomorrow…it’s going to be a great five days!!
Good luck! And enjoy SoCal 🙂
my fave thing this week is yet to come — going to the beach for the weekend with the girls after work today! woot.
I hear ya on the choosing to be happy and grateful! I’ve been in such a slump lately (mostly because I haven’t been sleeping well, and that always really affects my mood) and I just need to remember to take it one day at a time and be grateful for what I have! Great reminder and a happy Friday to you!
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend 🙂
Monica! I love your blog and look forward to reading it each day because you always give me a giggle! You are so correct, being happy> being unhappy! I’m certainly feeling that this Friday morning:) I’m also excited because it’s Friday, which means tomorrow is Saturday. I am training for my very first marathon (Chicago!) and I run with my running group on Saturday mornings. I’m a dork and look forward to going to be early on Friday nights so I can wake up and RUN!!!
I will see you in Chicago – I’m running too!!
HELLO MONICA! i’m yelling because it’s FRIDAYYY! i like these kinda posts from you and love hopping aboard the “choosing to be grateful” train.
My favorite thing these week are two things… friends and my new metal mason jar mug!! It’s perfect for holding ice water, ice coffee, ice tea.. .iced white wine.. you get it 😉 i’m trying to hydrate more because it is hot and HUMID in dc and i gotta stay on top of that.
On a somber note, I’m upset about the Malaysian flight over Ukraine and the ground invasion of the Gaza strip by Israel. All of it, man. I’m reflecting on my values and sending love and light to any and all affected.
I’m sad about the flight and everything happening in the Gaza strip too 🙁 I’ve been listening to a ton of news radio as I’m driving, but I feel like most people aren’t paying attention? You’re in DC so I bet most people are keeping up to date on the news, but I don’t get the same feeling here.
Agreed. There is a sense that stuff is happening right before our eyes since the Capitol is here. I like it, but it is too much sometimes.
In any case, I think it means we gotta love eachother more since there is the capacity for such hate and violence in the world. Spread love!!
Love your giraffe shirt, very cute! My favorite thing this week is some rosemary olive oil bread that I picked up at the farmer’s market. I could seriously eat the whole round at one sitting. Must exercise self control!
That bread sounds amazing. I need it.
Vita Coco Cafe!!!! I like the mocha one. It’s espresso, milk, cocoa, sugar, and coconut water. I am probably drinking too many but I’m telling myself the potassium in the coconut water will be useful for my half on Sunday. It’s all lies but I’m gonna do it anyway.
I haven’t tried those but I tried that Zola one with espresso (I think it was coffee though) and loved it.
I would have to say my favorite thing is the cooler weather as well. Living in TN where the summers are 80’s and 90’s and higher..it was a nice break to have lows in the 50’s and highs in the 70’s for a few days!
My favourite thing this week would be…..
I FINALLY convinced myself to buy a watermelon this week and I had to keep myself from eating ½ of it on the first day I bought it…let’s just say, that watermelon didn’t last long. 😉
I totally ate half a watermelon today. Busted!
My favorite thing this week is the cool weather we are having in north Texas! 66 this morning is a nice change from upper 90’s. Feels like an early fall! 🙂 Have a great weekend, and thanks for the entertaining and inspiring posts!
Thanks! Have a great weekend to you too!!