This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Hershey Company for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
Hi! Today I’m working with Brookside to share something unexpected about myself. Brookside, usually known for their dark chocolate covered fruit, now makes fruit & nut bars dipped in dark chocolate or yogurt.
In addition to Dark Chocolate, Brookside Fruit & Nut Bars now come in Yogurt Flavored varieties with three new flavors to experience: Cranberry Blueberry with Citrus, Vanilla Fig and Mango Pineapple. BROOKSIDE Yogurt Flavored Fruit & Nut Bars are gluten-free, non-GMO bars that contain no artificial flavors.
So far I’ve tried the dark chocolate cranberry with raspberry, dark chocolate cherry with pomegranate and yogurt cranberry blueberry bars. They’re all delicious.
Since the company hooked me up with so many bars I took some to my parents’ house to share. I tried to get my mom to take a picture of me with my two favorite flavors so far, but the pups were not making it easy to have an impromptu photo-shoot. Ha! At least I tried…
Brookside Fruit & Nut Bars are a snack that tastes like a dessert but is still satisfying and satiating. There are two sides to this bar just like there are two (million) sides to you and me. So, Brookside asked me to share something ‘unexpected’ about myself.
I feel like I’m an open book on RER so it took some thinking for me to realize there’s something I haven’t shared on the blog yet. And yeah, it might be surprising…
Since I started this blog 7+ years ago I’ve shared my first marathon, countless other races, my ups and downs in different relationships, travels, adventures and more. I never expected this blog to grow into something so big and I’m really grateful and blessed to be able to do what I do.
What you might not realize from reading along on my adventures is…
I’m scared.
I am super intimidated by blog events and speaking opportunities. I’m afraid to travel – mostly because I feel like getting to and from a new destination is kind of stressful. I get scared at the thought of running a super hard marathon. I feel unworthy to speak in front of groups.
Now you might be thinking, “Wait. How can she say she’s scared of all those things? She does them all the time.”
Yes. I know. It sounds weird for someone who has traveled to China and Belize and Israel and run over 10 marathons and spoken on many panels for social media, blogging and running to say they’re scared to do those exact things – but it’s true.
Ben used to tease me and say I was like my mom’s cat, Lucky. Lucky is scared of everything. He comes around because he wants food and love (just like me!) but if someone is too loud or moves too fast or the wind blows too hard he runs under the house to hide. I get scared and want to avoid a lot of things too Lucky, I understand you.
I want to hide when I’m scared – the difference is, I don’t.
I have a lot of anxiety around traveling and races and big events – but I do them anyway.
I was scared to run another relay race when I was invited to run Hood to Coast. But, I knew it was an amazing opportunity to run that gorgeous course with such an impressive team of runners so I said ‘yes’. I’m proud of myself because time and time again – I am scared, but I say yes.
I would have missed out on so many opportunities if I let my fears lead me.
Yes, I am still scared of a lot things – but I do them anyway. That’s the best I got right now. I can’t convince myself those things aren’t scary because they still really are to me. But I can say, “Yes, that’s scary! But I’m going to go.”
There are so many things I’ve done and seen and experienced because even though I was scared I did it anyway. It wasn’t easy at the time but I 100% am thankful I was able to push myself forward.
^ The picture above is from the day I spoke on a social media panel in Venice Beach a few months ago. I was nervous. I doubted the knowledge I had to offer, I was scared I might not look good enough to be up on stage… but I did it.
Fun fact… I’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo that says “Be Brave” for a long time now. That two-word mantra has helped me a lot. So after the panel as I was walking around Venice Beach I stopped at a Henna Tattoo booth and had the artist write it on my wrist so I could ‘test run’ that tattoo idea. (I totally loved it and am still considering getting it for real.)
I was scared to go to travel to Israel without knowing anyone else that was going, but I said yes. I was also scared to run that super hilly Jerusalem Marathon but I did it.
I posted this to Instagram yesterday because it’s kind of along the same lines and I want to encourage you to be brave too.
You can #ShareYourBROOKSIDE and enter their sweepstakes too! Do this by sharing your unexpected side on Twitter or Instagram using #ShareYourBROOKSIDE and #SweepsEntry. You can also enter by commenting on a sweepstakes post on Brookside’s Facebook Page. See Full sweepstakes rules and check out the BROOKSIDE website here.
Thank you for sharing! It can be easy to give in to anxiety and the “what ifs” and not take the leap. You are awesome, hilarious, and have so much to share (and I’m glad you do!) but I totally get it.
I have a saying that I’ve repeated to myself at least once a week for years: “Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.” Saying this to myself has helped me get through so many difficult situations, first day at new job, new experiences, scary moments in life… Thank you for sharing! I love your blog. 🙂
I love this saying <3
THANK YOU for you honesty. It is truly appreciated. We so often want to present our best selves and pretend that we’re happy all of the time, when that is simply not true for anyone! It’s hard to be vulnerable and admit to tough feelings and yet I believe that when we do that, that is often when true transformation can happen. I can completely relate to your fear- although admittedly I often choose to let it get the best of me. Your post has not only inspired me to continue to be honest with the tough stuff but also to stand up to my fear and be brave!
I can totally relate to you with the fear of stepping outside your comfort zone. Good for you for constantly trying new things and pushing yourself.
Thank you for your candor. You are always an inspiration and with this you cranked it up a notch!
I adore this post!! I find myself anxious and afraid a lot lately. I will refer to your post when I’m feeling especially anxious and need a reminder to be brave! Thank you for being so honest and sharing your vulnerability.
I love everything about this post! I appreciate your honesty and really have to force myself to do things that make me uncomfortable. Trust me though, you are a badass! Never think that people don’t want to hear what you have to say. We do.
I am with you! I am known as a social person, but inside I have a lot of social anxiety. When I tell people that they’re always shocked and don’t believe me. It makes you realize how much you don’t know what’s going on inside other peoples heads and hearts.. we should all take it easy on eachother 🙂
Thanks for sharing. It made me feel a little braver!
Your bravery is astounding! Thank you for being a role model for breaking out of your comfort zone and enjoying life and all of it’s experiences, even if you’re afraid to try them at first.
I always read but rarely comment but wanted to thank you for your bravery and confidence – knowing that those amazing experiences were hard makes them even more inspiring!
And now for a blatant charity plug, check out my daughter’s theatre program’s fundraising page through Bravelets (their company mantra, and all products say, “Be Brave”). 🙂
I think fear is what can make or break us. You take that fear and use it to propel yourself forward. If you opted out then the fear won. Instead you won. Just like you can feel pain while running a marathon you can feel fear stepping out of your comfort zone. Just don’t let the feelings force you to chose to retreat or opt out of life. I am just like you. I do so many things i am afraid of. Oh and get the tattoo! Do it on April fools so we can all think you are joking 🙂 that would be awesome.