Hello! How’s it going?
I’ve been having bad dreams about cats fighting and breaking glass and it cutting me and all that jazz. It’s less than fantastic. The good news is I am up bright dark and early to run!

But early morning running is DARK. And scary. (Oddly, I’m scared of the dark but not of making a fool of myself on the internet. I should get my priorities straight.)

On Friday I ran before the sun was up and wore my headlamp. I got some questions on what headlamp I wear to run. This one is actually pretty fancy! I got it as a gift for Christmas and it’s waterproof so you can wear it while swimming or diving – isn’t that crazy?!

I LOVE that because I sweat like a beast so I don’t worry about my sweat breaking it. I have the UK Vizion LED Headlamp. I put it on over my visor and it doesn’t bounce at all!

Running Gear Must Haves in the Dark:
Headlamp – the one I have right now is the UK Vizion LED Headlamp. It’s $33.31 which is totally worth it for safety purposes hello.
Bright Running Clothes – Dress like you want to be spotted by people in airplanes. Head to toe the brighter the better.
My favorite bright gear includes: ProCompression socks, and Brooks Nightlife Vest – which is also great for cooler weather.
Reflective Gear – If it is pitch black bright gear isn’t enough.
I like this Reflective Vest because it’s very minimal – just like wearing reflective tape in an X on your body. Like, Don’t hit this X!!!!!! Thanks.
If you want to feel like you’re at a rave instead of a run you can try these LED Light Up Gloves. They’re like 5 bucks so I doubt they’ll work for long, but it’s kinda awesome. Here’s a link on where to buy LED Tape if you need some.

Planned route – Plan the safest running route possible. I usually prefer to run on bike/running paths but in the early morning they are super dark. So, I run around neighborhoods with street lights.
Also – make sure someone knows where you’re going and when you’ll be back. If you live alone text a friend or family member before and after your run.
ID – Always. Safety third first.
Question: What time of day do you run? Early, mid-morning, lunch, afternoon??
Good tips. It’s really important to wear reflective gear when running in the dark. Posting it here. http://bit.ly/ZeeGear
A classmate of mine used to run in downtown Chicago at night, in the part around 10pm. And she wore earbuds… I suggested she stay in well lit areas, back in 2000, there was less ‘cool’ reflective running gear, vary her route and tell her roommate when she’d be back. She said I sounded like her mom. :/
So I think this article is GREAT! Especially the really reflective vest pointer! I even think it makes sense for night time dog walkers to wear them. 🙂
*park, not part
I LOVE this post, because I’m a ‘glow runner’ myself! I have a headlamp from kmart, it cost me $5 but it doesn’t bounce around even with a cap/visor on. Brilliant! I also have some Nathan LED lights ( http://www.nathansports.com/visibility/led-lights/strobelight) and a velcro arm strap with LEDs which I wear on my leg. It’s so much more fun with a friend 🙂 The route that my friend and I take is filled with cyclists at night who go full pelt and if you’re not lit up you will get run over. They also abuse you if they can’t see you, so with this amount of lights we actually get compliments 🙂
Great article. We love night running!!
We are launching a new collection of LED wearables for night running on kickstarter.
Keep in touch at signup.nightroathletic.com or Follow @Nightroathletic on Instagram or Twitter.
Early mornings and I try not to think too much on or about my runs just so I don’t scare myself silly. 🙂
I run in the mornings too! And it is dark dark dark! The closer it gets to winter the darker it seems! I almost got sprayed by a skunk yesterday because I thought it was a squirrel. Definitely going to start bringing out the headlamp from now on.
I leave my house at 5:15 a.m. to run. I love early morning runs! But I typically run on a very dark bike trail, which is scary. I need to get a headlamp! I considered carrying mace, but the only time I was ever mugged I was actually carrying mace in my hand (usually things like that happen so quickly it’s hard to react.) So I’ve actually decided to invest in a self-defense course.
The bike trail around here is super dark! Be careful 🙂
I always, always run in the mornings – usually around 5-6am, so it’s pretty dark here now. I either drive to a park and run around the path there or I use Amphipod reflective gear that flashes with a bright LED light. I oddly love running before the sun comes up, although come November I’ll probably have a different feeling about it.
I don’t run outside very often, but when I do it’s in the Skora Phase x, SUPER reflective!
Check out this video 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGCGeGxP3mo
I typically run in the wee morning hours. Although as it gets colder, I may start running in the afternoon. There are streetlights in my neighborhood, but I have been meaning to get a reflective vest (crossing gaurd chic). Some of my jackets have little reflective stripes, but it doesn’t seem like nearly enough to alert oncoming traffic.
Great post – I got to get that headlight – I’m scared to run in the dark too mainly because I’m a huge klutz. Plus the temps here in Philly are still nice enough to run outside in the early morning and I want to put off that transition to the dreaded treadmill for as long as possible.
Ideally, I like to run in the morning and have it done so I don’t have to worry about fitting it in later in the day. Lately, I’ve been running after work. Drives me nuts to see people running in the dark with nothing bright on. Cars can’t see you!!
Early morning runs are the way to go! That way I can REALLY enjoy my cup (or three) of coffee after as a reward!
crap I have the extra room in my house dream all the time
I’m such a baby when it comes to morning runs in the dark. morning darkness is scarier to me than late night darkness. Unless I have a buddy to run with, then it’s a different story but for some reason it’s hard to convince my friends to get up with me at 5am to go running. Lazy bums
I run in the evening, so pretty soon it’ll be dark. Have you ever tried those knuckle lights? I’m considering them because headlamps give me a headache
I am a morning runner all the way! I live in a downtown area so i throw on my headlamp and head out while it is still dark no problem. It is a luxury when i have a friend on the weekdays to run on the bike path. Last week a friend and I went for a 4 mile run EARLY and we were home before sunrise….we felt kind of awesome.
Good tips! I haven’t tried an early morning dark run since I tripped over some uneven sidewalk and face planted. I’ve been sticking to the treadmill but I like late evening runs before nightfall the best.
I don’t know how you get up and run in the dark. I’m an evening runner. It helps me unwind after a long day!!
I cannot for the life of me run in the evening. My body rebels if I try to run after 10am.
During the week I am an after work runner – anywhere from 4-6pm, on the weekends I’m a morning runner, usually around 8 or 9. I don’t do early.
I usually run in the evening after work because I hate getting up early in the morning! One of these days, I’ll become a morning runner but for now, night will have to do!
Great tips! Running before the sun comes up can be creepy when it’s so dark!
Oh my god, I love those light up gloves! They would totally bring out the inner child in me. I agree, I think people overlook the safety aspects of running – it’ s so important, especially if you’re a female runner.
So true! I think I get lazy after a while and am less cautious – that’s why I try to bring it up periodically.
I run in the early morning mid-week, and then mid-morning on weekends. I don’t run in the dark alone, though, so one of my running-in-the-dark-must-haves would have to be a running buddy!
Pepper spray if you are in the dark!! If you never use it, good, but you never know when it might come in handy!
I’m mostly a day time runner but with my Ragnar relay this week I spent the last few weeks doing some running at night. I have a cute blinking light that clips on to my waistband. I think it was in a swag bag from one of my races. Sometimes I hold a small mag light in my hand. I have a brooks night life hat but misplaced the battery that makes it light up 🙁
And I stay on sidewalks in my local neighborhood at night.
Ugh. I work downtown so if I’m running early in the morning when it’s dark, I try to get someone to go with me because it is SO scary. Downtown where I work is so so nice, but seriously, some of the folks hanging around like 5-6am are just so shady. Good tips!
I try to not run in the dark- I get easily spooked by random people passing me and always think that I’m going to trip! ha. I currently work from home so I’m super lucky that I can run in the later afternoon (when it’s light!) now.
I usually run between 9-11am. Its right after I get my daughter on the bus, most people have headed to work (less cars), most people aren’t working in their yards (no staring at me), if others are outside they are usually walking/running, too (besties!!!), and since I live in Washington its either just warming up from freezing to not too hot you boil, and lastly if I wait til the afternoon the highschoolers get out and fly by me or I cross paths with the sports teams who make me look like I’m 80 as they sprint by.
I have to run in the morning. First of all it is blazing hot here in Fresno is you don’t hit the pavement by 6:00am you are screwed. And second of all…I know myself pretty well to know if I don’t run early in the morning I won’t do it later in the day.
Me too, I’m only a morning runner. I can’t do it after 10am, my body would refuse even if the weather was cooperative.
I typically run at 5am, so that means I’m running with headlamp, reflective vest, etc. I have the Brooks Nightlife jacket, and I love it! I am literally GLOWING as I run down the street.
I have the vest version of that–love it!
You glow girl!
(I had to.)
AZ summers call for your long runs at 4am. Not fun.
You don’t mess around.