Hello from the sky! Sadly, my time in Florida has come to a close and I’m headed home to SoCal.

I really do love visiting FL but go into complete ‘vacation mode’ with the food. It’s going to be good for me to get back on track after a week of eats like french fries, pie or cake with ice cream every night and cocktails.

In addition to all the food fun I spent a lot of quality time with this guy…

And got in some great runs too. I lalalalove running here.

Last night we had another feast – hamburgers, potato salad, cole slaw, chips for days and a 5 layer apple cake with ice cream. <- Seriously. It’s amazing and Ben’s mom does not mess around with feeding people.

I enjoyed every delicious bite without regret. Now it’s time to clean it up a bit before “Tamale Fiesta” aka Christmas with my family

I told everyone bye last night, even Doug the dog… not sure which one of us is more sad about it.

And got in one more run this morning before heading to the airport. Now I’m on a plane talking to you nice people
25 Days of Fitness Day 2
It’s Day 2 of the 25 Days of Fitness. Add this calorie blast to your exercise and go go go!

Question: What was your workout today?
Did you fit in these exercises too??
Ok, so the important question: what did you think of DD’s new donut? Worth trying or not?
I don’t really like croissants so it wasn’t for me.
I’d be way more tempted to visit the in-laws if they lived in Florida 🙂 Jealous!
Glad you had a good trip to FL and that things work out 🙂
I’m going to hit up the gym for some treadmill time tonight. You are lucky that you live in a place where you can nearly always run outside!
Is Ben staying in Florida?
I like Ben’s photobomb in your selfie!
I’m doing a strength training session today (arms day) and then I’ll do the challenge stuff.
My workout today was these exercises! I’m so glad you are doing this Challenge after POTM! Thanks for the motivation Monica! I’m not planning on running as much in December so it’s nice to have other exercises to incorporate. I did the day 2 exercises, day 1 twice (since I was sick yesterday and did nothing) and I did a little kettlebell circuit. Rare rainy day for me so I was all about living room exercises! I also ate way too much food last week so I am getting back on track!
12/2 was 4.75 miles with speed work thrown in and I was a S-W-E-A-T-Y mess by the end!
Today I’m taking it easy – stationary bike and walking. I took my first group fit class yesterday since my hip surgery 5 months ago and I am sore today!!!
Glad you had a nice time in Florida 🙂
I ran 3 on the dreadmill (really crappy weather here) and did some squats, push-ups, wall sits, crunches, bicep curls with weight and push presses. Sadly, I did not squeeze in your work out. Silly me..I should have done those exercises after my run instead of the ones I did.
I’m glad you had a good trip to Florida! Do you find that it takes a day or two to adjust to running in the heat/humidity?
Thanks for sharing this great, quick workout! Yesterday I ran 5k on the treadmill after work and did pushups/abs!
On the second day I went our for a short run, then did the exercises. Now I have sore muscles. I do bootcamps and never get sore muscles. What is wrong?!?!
Sprints and strength training today + December challenge = I am dead.
When I saw the picture of you and Ben, I thought, “oh I like that shirt.” It took me a few minutes to realize that not only do i have that shirt, but i’m wearing it right now. Observant.
It looks/sounds like your trip to Florida was what you needed. I hope it helps you going forward.
I’ve definitely been with you on the eat whatever i want mentality (apparently in my head i’m on vacation.) For sure need to clean that up, and probably step up my exercise game. I’m pretty sure I saw my ex walking across the street today, and he was looking way better then me, which was basically all the motivation i needed to get my act together. Clearly, he can’t win 😉
3.3 miles today after a morning of truck shopping with the boyfriend and an afternoon of babysitting.
Sounds like an absolutely wonderful vacation! I’m with you on needing to end “vacation eating” but the “doing whatever the heck I want” part of vacation is what I want to continue. Ha!
45 Minute Spin class, where the playlist pitted remixes of Prince and Michael Jackson against each other, and we had to pick a winner!
3.2 very wet miles in SoCal (it’s a warm wet..lol), plus a full body weight workout. Feeling good. Going to eat some yummy Indian food for dinner 🙂
Hi Monica! I went to town over the holiday too, but am back on track. I taught a BODYPUMP class today and also did a shorts weight session alone. I love getting back into healthy mode after the holidays. And we can do it all again in a few weeks! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed Florida. I’m heading there for Christmas.
I did some strength training at the gym. I’m hosting a holiday hustle challenge this year and my goal is 6 workouts a week to help keep off Christmas cookie pounds. I definitely need to start running more!
I love that dog’s face. What a cutie! (Ben, too!)
So glad you had a good trip. I love the Gulf Coast and exploring all the towns along the coast.
I ran three miles today and after I type this I’ll be doing the daily exercises on the December challenge. Safe travels!
I’m glad you had a fun time in FL. I hope everything works out okay for you and Ben.
Today I’m going to hot yoga! 🙂
I hope you have safe travels home. I hope to see a lot more of Ben
For the #decemberwellness challenge, I have to do 100 jumping jacks split up into 4 sets of 25:) But I’d gladly take up your workout too!
today was day 2 of classpass so I went to pure barre this afternoon. It kicked my butt (literally) and it didn’t help that I was sore from yesterday!
Glad you had a good time in FL!
No workout today. Still limping.
But I’m icing like a champ. Hoping I wake up and my ankle feels better but the reality is I better start cross training while I heal or I won’t be able to fit through the door by New Years.