Someecards… so funny!
Only 10 days until my wedding!
Raise your hand if you’re excited stressed out!
Raise your hand if you can’t take a clear picture… sorry it’s blurry. It’s probably for the best as I just got back from my run.
I realized this morning that I only have 10 days to get a long list of tasks done. Way to procrastinate Monica!
While I ran I went over the list in my head. I did 5 miles and then came home to a ww english muffin with PB & Pumpkin Butter – it’s almost gone and TJ’s won’t have it again until October 🙁
I did some stretching and had the second part of my breakfast – a smoothie. I made it with almond milk, Amazing Grass, blueberries and half a banana.
Now I’m off to work and then do wedding stuff.
10 days! That’s so excting! It may be stressful now but the wedding day will make everything worth it! Don’t stress too much!
Good luck with wedding stuff!!
You’re going to have a GREAT time and it’ll be perfect. Believe me! I was a nervous wreck before my wedding last year but it all came together and was everything I’d hoped for (even the quicky unexpected things – like a bridesmaid passing out during the ceremony!) 😉
17 days and stressing – feel your pain girl!