Hi! I have a 10 minute booty blast below. But first let’s talk about how I had this weird glitch on my computer where the fonts were locked in CAPS. I think I missed an update or something because I was creating some graphics and all the words were in caps. Some of the templates for the graphics default to CAPS to I figured it was that?
I just worked with it for over an hour when I finally realized… THE CAPS LOCK WAS ON and I am dumb.
Dear, Monican. Get it together.
The end.

Moving on… to Vegas! (The cat, not the place.) I walked into the room to find him just chilling in the plastic container for sheets. He sat there and tried to ignore me while I snapped a pic, which I appreciate. Thanks buddy.

This morning I hit the road for a 10 mile run. It was such a pretty day. I love it.

I also got a special package from Health Warrior and opened up the Mint Chocolate bar. Sometimes you just need a little chocolate-y snack to make the entire world a happier place, ya know?

In random news… I got a manicure today at a new-to-me place and asked if they had gloves to use for a gel manicure. I haven’t done enough research on the UV lights and when I asked about it last time my usual place gave me fingerless gloves to wear. This place cuts the fingers off plastic gloves.
So I’m telling you all this just to share that I am the proud new owner of a pair of fingerless pink surgical gloves. I’m feeling so fancy.

Run Camp Day 18 – Lower Body
For the most part I don’t do lower body because I run a lot and have noticed it just tires out my legs. But if you want to do lower body – do it. You can do legs workouts at home. You do you boo. And/or if you don’t run that much and/or have other goals… this 10 minute booty blast is short and sweet but burns in all the right ways.

Question: Would you have immediately realized the caps lock was on? What is my deal?
(Don’t answer the what is my deal part – I have a therapist for that.)
I always put on a good amount of sunscreen on my hands and arms before getting a gel manicure. Much easier than the gloves.
Yup. I would’ve realized the cap lock was on. But hey, I don’t judge you. It can happen to anyone;)
I hardly workout my legs because I always want to have them fresh for my runs. Even though I plan for leg days at the gym, when it comes the day of doing it I just prefer to leave them alone and workout my back, core, abs, and arms haha.
Could you tell me what’s that nail polish you have on? It is so pretty.
As much as we hate to do it, runners should totally do leg days when they strength train. I’ve noticed much improved running performance after doing legs consistently for a few months.
I was just filling out my food log and had to Google “green nuts” because I couldn’t for the life of me remember the word “pistachios”. Sigh.
I do a lot of leg work to build up strength in my quads and hamstrings which has helped my speed (I’m pretty slow even with that) and with preventing injuries. Before I focused on leg work I would have a lot of issues with hip and knee pain after long runs.
Ha! That made me smile 🙂
that made me LOL!
and totally agree on the leg work…has really help combat a lot of injuries. not all, but definitely speed has increased and hips/butt recover faster. *knocks on wood*
Yes. It’s the first thing I check. Unfortunately in most of my design programs the “all caps” is also a menu item. So sometimes my caps lock is off and I’m still only getting caps and that’s when I realize I have to unclick the tab in the menu. First world problems.
Yea, sorry, I would have noticed the CAPS LOCK button… 🙁
My “coach” *makes* me do leg work, and I hate it! But he assures me it’s necessary and it will make me a better, more efficient, runner. Also, when I’m old I won’t need that little bar next to my toilet. He has a good point! 😀
Vegas is a real character. My cat will sit in an empty box or bag too, especially if it’s new. They are a strange creature.
OK – what’s the deal with the gloves? I don’t get my nails done, so I’m oblivious to why you would these on when getting a manicure. Please enlighten!
Yeah, I think I would have checked my cap locks first (Mr. Smarty Pants here)….BUT, I make my living as a computer systems admin. In your defense, you would not believe the number of times someone has called because they are locked out of some account and it turns out they have their cap lock on while keying in their password.
I’ve never tried side lunges. I’ll have to add those to my workouts. Thanks.