What do runners think about??
Well, food mostly. Or maybe that’s just me? (Actually, I saw in a survey that food & sex are among the most common things runners think about!)
But if you get bored while running – I’m going to help ya out. Here are some ideas of things to think about while running. Try one… try all and definitely try to get your hands on some ice cream later – preferably A Monicone Dream…
Get it? Like American Dream? Like the Ben & Jerry’s flavor??!
I know… it’s too similar to Stephen Colbert’s flavor Americone Dream. I’ll have to think of another one…

What to Think About While Running
1. Your Karaoke Song
Quick – you find yourself in a karaoke bar and MUST sing a song. What do you pick?
EVERYONE should have a go-to karaoke song in their back pocket (or running belt). You never know when you’ll need it!
Random… Before I hit ‘record’ on my podcast interview with David we talked about how I basically snuck out of a bar after he signed me up for karaoke one time! Ha!

2. How you feel – physically.
What’s your energy level?
How do your legs feel?
How do your lungs feel?
Is your body trying to tell you anything? Are you tight? Sore? Other??
3. How you feel – in your heart.
Are you in a good place? Need to talk it out? Need a hug? Need a shot of tequila.
(I’m available for talking and tequila but you’re on your own for the hug. Let me know when and where.)
3. What you’re going to eat after.
Pancakes? A California burrito?? A breakfast burrito with a pancake instead of a tortilla?!! The possibilities are endless.

4. What you want people to say at your funeral.
Bonus: Consider faking your death so you can attend your own funeral and see who says the nicest things.
5. What you ate before. (This can include your pre-run food and/or the night before.)
Check in with your stomach. How is it settling? Was it enough? Do you feel energized? Weighed down?? Other?
Would you eat this again? Why or Why Not?

6. What you see on the run! Take note of something special every half a mile.
Is this a new route? Just be observant. How many other runners do you see? Any interesting houses?
Is this an old favorite route? Is there anything new? Any new runners or walkers out?
Bonus: Always be observant while running. Pay attention to your surroundings for safety reasons. Listen and look at everything around you.
7. Pray. Say a little prayer for your special people.
Bonus: Say a prayer for me too. Thanks.

8. Make a list… but a fun one! Make your Christmas List. What are you going to get your mom? What do you want?
And most importantly – how many days until you get to eat tamales!
9. Massage!
Would you rather have a back massage / head massage / foot massage? Why?

10. Check your form…
Relax your shoulders. Stand tall. Swing your arms front and back (not in front of your body).
11. That thing you don’t want to think about!
Like the time you told your friend that your co-worker got her car keyed and it’s probably because she’s a hooker and stole someone’s boyfriend… and then your friend told you her mom’s car got keyed.
Or a similarly embarrassing story that will replay in your head for the rest of your life.

12. Ice cream – but what ice cream?
If Ben & Jerry’s named an ice cream flavor after you – what would it have in it??
What kind of ice cream? What add-ins??

I love this! So fun. I usually am thinking about my next meal, or making to-do lists.
Oh my gosh. That one thing you don’t want to think about…always pops in my head while running or going to bed. At least while I’m running I can reenact it in my head and always come out in a better place. In bed I just lose a lot of sleep over it.
Carmel cone ice cream is what is I’d be! I think about the food I’m going to eat after a long run. And maybe a beer I’ll enjoy…
Last weekend while in NYC, my boyfriend and I went on a beautiful run through Central Park, and all I could think about was how heavy I felt and how thirsty I was. It reminded me that hydration is INCREDIBLY important before a run in the sun! A learning experience. It was so hard, and I don’t typically have issues with running.
As far as ice cream is concerned, oh lord, where to even begin? Let’s say cake batter ice cream with fudgy brownies, cream cheese icing swirl, chocolate shavings and maybe some cookie dough or cake pieces? I *love* chocolatey toppings, but not a chocolate base. And the name would be Too Sassy to Be True, because, well… Powered by Sass. 😉
#11 is a pretty popular one haha. A cool strategy I heard somewhere if you’ve got something going on dominating your thoughts is to find and carry a small stone with you on the run. Then you can mull over whatever the issue is and when you’re ready to be done, throw the stone away (I usually run to the water and throw it into the bay). Then be done with it and move on.
As far as ice cream I’m going with bacon ice cream because everyone it’s weird as hell but somehow still great!
3 is me so much.
As for ice cream, my flavor would be a peanut butter ice cream with chocolate swirls.
I have never had an ice cream like this, and now I need it immediately!
My flavor would be called the chipper chipper cookie crumble. A happy blend of chocolate chip cookie flavored ice cream with cookie crumbles and extra chunky dark chocolate chips.
My favorite indulgence is ice cream! I love any and all flavors. If someone were to make me a “special” flavor I guess I would have to simply mix many flavors together…salt, chocolate chunks, nuts, some swirls of black cherry frozen yogurt, cookie dough and a hint of caramel…
Haha, some of these are deep thoughts! I usually just think about food while running.
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
A ice cream I would make up. Fancy Neapolitan. 3 flavors in one carton like the original but the flavors are cookie dough, death by chocolate, and peanut butter fudge ripple. One horizontal swipe and you have a flavor buffet my friend.
I ve given this a lot of thought.