Despite my healthy serving of hummus at lunch, I was still craving chickpeas for dinner. I decided to roast up a can of them with broccoli, onions and spices.

Roasted chickpeas + broccoli = an amazing combo choccoli (or brocpeas?)

I know I desperately need a manicure, but I couldn’t help but snap a pic of the way I ate these – with my man hands.

Ben and I took a walk after dinner. Then, he did squats while watching The Soup. Is that weird? Maybe a little, especially because Paula Deen was on the screen.

Two of my favorite foods in the same night – chickpeas and fro-yo! I hope I’m not going to die soon (I always think that when things get too good. Is that weird?).
Except my fro-yo was a smoothie in a bowl with tons of granola.
You know that game 2 Truths and a Lie? Let’s play it with my comments – here are 2 real comments I’ve received and one “fake”. Guess which is the fake –
1. Just wanted to let you know I just found your blog by googling “Why does roasted broccoli smell like garbage?”
2. Had anyone ever told you you look like a polar bear?
3. I had a dream last night that we went wedding dress shopping together and you picked a lime green one!
If nothing else, now you’ll think of me as a polar bear in a lime green wedding dress eating garbage?
Are you sure that all Ben is doing is squatting?
No worries, Ben. Watching Paula Dean always gives me the urge to workout, too.
I loooooove roasted chick peas and broc. I make it ALL the time! Good combo!
Okay…I think #2 is the lie.
Hummmm #3?
Totally # 2…you totally do not look like a polar bear..
Ha! I told Ben anyone who doesn’t pick #2 actually thinks I look like a polar bear! Thanks 🙂
I added chickpeas to my salad last night. I’ve never tried roasting them though.
My guess is number 2. Only because I swear I read the other two before. But who knows? Well…you do 😉
If anything, watching Paula D. on any show is a motivator for doing squats. I feel like I gain weight just looking at her food.
I think #2 is a lie!
That picture of Ben is awesome in ways I can’t possibly express in words. Really. I don’t know why, but it is.
Also: I think #2 is the fake comment.
thats what ive been doing wrong! all this tv watching and no squatting in front of it?!!
im guessing #1.
I’m going to guess #2 is fake…and that picture of Ben made me chuckle at my desk out loud!
I think maybe the third one. It’s to normal to be an internet comment. Ha
the third one is totally normal, right? totally the first one…maybe?
I once saw a bumber sticker that said “Garbage Kills Bears!!!”, so if you are a polar bear eating garbage, you might die soon!!!
haha! I would say number 2. Who would ever call you a polar bear?!?!
What a great idea to satisfy a fro-yo craving! When I first moved to SoCal I ate Yogurtland and Cherry on Top at least 3 times a week. It’s just so. wonderful.
My guess is the first one!
Haha–umm..I’m going with the polar bear one! Now, steamed broccoli–that smells like garbage! Especially the next day when I warm it up at school or work! haha
My guess is the 2nd one. Can I just say that I love your blog? And I keep coming back because you are HILARIOUS!! you make me LOL
I’m going to guess the 1st one.
I noticed you eat chickpeas a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever had them in pea form (that sounds weird) but looove hummus. I’m interested in trying them. Do you have a suggestion about the best way to cook them??