It was weird keeping track of my drinks yesterday. I genuinely had no idea how much I drank! In the end I calculated 3 water bottles full (mine is 48oz not 24 like most thought – but it’s hard to fill up to the top without spilling so I figured 44oz.), an iced coffee, 2 Vitamin waters, 2 seltzers and a few sips of Ben’s margarita. I’m estimated it was about 220 something.
The winner with the closest guess is
The winner that was most amusing (this person got a comment in their favor)
Yes, 2 winners because I drink so much! You’re getting a case of ONE Coconut water for your drinking pleasure. Please send me your info!
My Reflections on How Much I Drink:
1. Tiny cups DO NOT work for me.
But, I’ll never turn down a drink
2. I should consider becoming a fish.
Except they might kick me out of the ocean for drinking all their home.
3. I will now refer to my water bottle as “my other half” instead of Ben since it’s around more.
4. Drinking with friends is more fun (even if you’re ignoring them to enjoy your drink…)
5. It’s not okay to crash parties for free drinks and I’ll stop that immediately.
6. Monica runs on Dunkin. And that’s why I haven’t been running as well since I moved back to California… at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
I’m having a little date with my roommate tonight. I’ll see ya tomorrow
WOW!! I underestimated by a LOT! Glad I could make people laugh even if I was a little off base (lol). I am so excited that I won something, I never win anything!
Thanks so much! 🙂
I just bought that same water bottle last week. It is hard to get the top on wo spilling water everywhere. I learned that the hard way….twice.
Wow…now that definitely makes me feel like I don’t drink enough…haha.
You are definitely no dehydrated! 🙂
Wow… 222 oz. That’s impressive. This makes me want to keep track of everything I drink just to see how much it would be.
no DD in cali?! the shame! i drink lots too. and i hate small cups. because it makes me feel self conscious about how much i do drink!
Haha…this is too funny. And a nice reminder to drink up. I used to have a pink water bottle that I brought with me everywhere (it was literally a part of me!) but then it broke and I sort of fell out of the habit of drinking. I think it’s time for me to get over this hump and just pick up a new one already. 😀
HEY I WAS NEXT TO YOU IN THAT ONE! haha. i love you and your drinking habit.
I’m literally reading your blog right now 🙂
I love this post! 🙂 That sure is a lot of liquid you drink/drank. Where were you at that you drank from those little coke cups? I need a margarita now. Thanks!
I think I do about 120 in a day, 100 of that is water, 20 of it is soda. :S
whoever that is in #5, it made me laugh out loud. HA!
Omg for real! Way too funny, I laughed out loud when I saw that, I’m glad someone else noticed it too!
WOW! 220 ounces of water…that’s more than double what I drink in a day! That means my guess was off by about 75 ounces…ooops! 😉