I feel like a lot of bloggers say that they are socially awkward. Well, I’m not. I just don’t have a lot of friends because I’m unpleasant to be around. It’s okay. I’m not worried about it.
But, just in case I decide I need friends one day and invite you to dinner you should know something before the dessert menu comes:
If it doesn’t have chocolate it’s not dessert.
If you suggest we share a piece of apple pie or crème brulee I will consider that a snack before I grab a ‘real’ dessert on the way home. And I’ll remind myself you are not the kind of people I should associate with as I’m enjoying a hot fudge sundae from the McD’s drive through.
So, these Pumpkin Pie Cookies are basically a healthy vegetable packed snack! Score. Plus, it’s very easy to make and you just might have all the ingredients in your kitchen right now.
This are ‘pumpkin pie’ cookies and not just pumpkin cookies because the consistency is very similar to pumpkin pie filling. They bake up very soft and moist like pumpkin pie filling.

Pumpkin Pie Cookies
{easy. gluten free. clean eating. basically a vegetable.}
- 1/2 cup pumpkin
- 1/4 cup brown sugar – packed
- 1/3 cup almond butter
- 1/4 cup egg whites or 1 egg
- 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Makes about 8-12 small cookies.
Directions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl. I do not keep my nut butter in the fridge so it is easy to mix. If yours is hard/cold pop the nut butter in the microwave for a few seconds to get it a little soft (but not too long, you don’t want it to cook the eggs).
Set in batter in fridge for 30 minutes or longer. Preheat oven to 350 degrees a few minutes before taking them out of fridge.
Drop cookies by tablespoon on sprayed baking sheet. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until set. (Don’t make them big as the lack of flour makes them fragile.)

YUM!! These are really good thanks for sharing!!
Hi. I made your recipe tonight and added everything but almond butter…I have never heard of that and actually have never seen it in a store…so I just added the same amount of Crisco because I figured butter must butter and followed everything else exactly the same and they came out horrid. Flat and a soupy consistency still before and after baking. I trashed the whole lot. What a waste! Could it be because there was no almond butter? Should I have added flour so it would have more substance and be more like chocolate chip cookie dough? This is my first time ever working with pumpkin. I felt bad throwing it all away. Thanks 🙂
Oh no 🙁 Instead of almond butter try something like peanut butter or another ‘nut butter’ – do you have that around? Nut butters are thicker and won’t ‘cook off’ as much as crisco. These wouldn’t work with a butter or crisco replacer. The batter should have been soupy. It is thin for a batter (compared to normal cookie dough) but not runny.
Hi. I have peanut butter….oh peanut butter and pumpkin….what an interesting yet scary combination… I might have to explore that! 😀 I will definitely give it a go tomorrow. I will not give up on my exploration of pumpkin treats. It is something I look forward to this time of year(and turkey next month…why cannot we eat turkey year round???). Thanks for getting back to me. I do appreciate it. Have a great one 🙂
My husband agrees with you…chocolate = dessert. Don’t even get him started on fruit for dessert, it’s a full on diatribe! I definitely choose a cookie over pie any day. Do you think these would work with some sort of egg replacer?
I’ve never baked with an egg replacer but another commentor is vegan and was going to try it.
I’ve been reading your blog for awhile but first time commenter! I just made these and they are good! Only thing I replaced was the AB with sunflower butter bc it’s what I had. Taste like pumpkin pie filling. I think a scoop of vanilla ice cream or cool whip would be a good addition 🙂
Yeah! Thanks for commenting. Glad you liked them 🙂
Going to have to go with pumpkin pie and whipped cream!
These look DELICIOUS! How about pie AND cookies? Just anything but chocolate cake. I HATE chocolate cake.
WHAHTHWHWHAHT? I love chocolate cake 🙂
Could I have a chocolate creme pie with a cookie crust? Is that an option?
Cookies: all. day. long.
haha this post cracked me up. i think you’re awesome 🙂
and these look delicious! i love all things pumpkin.
haha.. That meme with the vegetables in the pie is hilarious. I love pumpkin pie so I’m definitely saving this recipe.
Pie is the answer to every question to me 🙂
Those look so yummy! The almon butter in them is def a big plus-gonna bake them very soon.
yum pie! but cookies aren’t too bad either 🙂
I have to say I agree with you – if it doesn’t have chocolate, it ain’t dessert. I’m sitting here trying to think if an exception… maybe thanksgiving when you have apple pie, pecan pie, and pumpkin pie with vanilla ice cream (and it needs to be all three). Other than that… Nope, not dessert.
“If you suggest we share a piece of apple pie or crème brulee I will consider that a snack before I grab a ‘real’ dessert on the way home. And I’ll remind myself you are not the kind of people I should associate with as I’m enjoying a hot fudge sundae from the McD’s drive through.”
omg, i’m dying 😀 did we just become best friends?! hahah i am the saaaamme way! double dessert is typical in my house
Yumm I think I wouldn’t be able to stop eating these lol and that defies the purpose haha but that’s just me though 🙂
I can’t choose between cookie and pie. I will eat all the desserts. I will also put chocolate chips in those delicious pumpkin cookies 🙂
So is pumpkin the new watermelon, Monica? 😉 These sound delish! To make them vegan, just replace the egg or egg whites wiht 1 heaping T of soy flour plus 1 T water. Nummy-nummy.
Thanks for the tip for my vegan peeps 🙂
I will definitely be enjoying this as a SNACK – there are egg whites in them so I figure they are snack appropriate. Would probably be yummy for dessert warmed up and crumbled over some vanilla ice cream…
Pumpkin cookies are pretty amazing. I’ll have to try these. Although.. I am kind of addicted to my really fattening sugary icing topped ones!
These look delicious.
Do you think you can use canned pumpkin? We only get pumpkins the week of Halloween in the UK
Yes, I use canned pumpkin. Just make sure it is pumpkin and NOT pumpkin pie filling.
Totally agree on the chocolate thing – it is the only true dessert lol. These cookie look great and up my alley because simple to throw together – thanks!
I love pumpkin! Some say a little too much but definitely have to try these cookies. Thanks.
Yummy! Can I say both? 😉
Cookies for afternoon tea snack and pie (with vanilla ice cream of course!) for dessert after dinner. 🙂
Good call!
It depends on the type of pie. If it’s a chcocolate cream pie with a graham cracker crust then I’m going pie. If it’s any other pie then I am going with the cookie.
How are we not best friends? I asked my husband to bring me home something delicious…and he brought me gummy worms…which are nice…but they weren’t even chocolate covered…I was sad.
Ben bought sour patch kids one time and I was devastated…
I am so with you on the chocolate is the only dessert thing. When my boyfriend and I get froyo, he takes so much time trying all of the flavors and creating an elaborate concoction. For me, its chocolate froyo with M&Ms and maybe strawberries and cookie dough bits. Also, any baked good must have chocolate chips. Also, I love dessert too much to choose between cookies and pie, so how about we go with a cookie pie?! 🙂
Ha! I love the intro! We should have dinner together coz I don’t like sharing deserts too. 🙂 LOL! 🙂
Thanks for sharing the recipe! 🙂
I’m with you. If it’s not chocolate, it’s not dessert. Thanks for this healthy vegetable side dish recipe 😉
*chuckles* ha ha, well at least you tell it like it is and keep it real. I don’t share my dessert either but I very rarely if ever buy one when out dining but that is because I’m usually so full.
Yummy tempting cookies!
Those look so yummy!
these could be dangerous!! cookies all the way 😉
I mean, this looks amazing. Thanks for sharing!
OMG – anyone that knows me knows I am all about the cookies! I do love pie crust though! 😉
I love pie crust too!
Ooooh that’s terrible that’s like choosing a favorite child…..I’d have to go with cookies though I guess, or pie…okay cookies.
Yum! Though I think I would take pie over cookies. Maybe a pie with a cookie crust?
Oh my goodness these look YUM! Oh- and I don’t share dessert either. 😉
Oooh… these cookies look awesome.
I think if I had to pick, I’d get a cookie (no utensils required). Both have to be with a big glass of milk or black coffee.