Hello! I love using Sunday as a day to set myself up for a good week. This means planning out my work, chores, exercise and meals.
A while back I started to use the phrase “Sunday Set Up” as a reminder that is was my day to get everything ready. I got that phrase from celebrity trainer Kathy Kaehler at a fitness event I attended years ago and it suck with me so I took it and made it work for my life…
I am still out of town, so my Sunday won’t include setting up my meal plan. I’ll have to go grocery shopping when I get home Wednesday! But, I did want to share this quick tip to help your set up…
Fit Tip:
Take a picture of the inside of your refrigerator before you leave to go grocery shopping. This way you’ll know what you have and what you need at the store!
Note: I don’t need Nutella or Sriracha.
But, I’m not sharing either one of those!
Bonus Tip: If you can’t see what is in certain containers, like milk or eggs, make the list on your phone during the week as you notice the items get low. Or just take an extra pic of that specific item to remind yourself.
Such a great idea to take a picture of your fridge and cupboards. I always stand in the aisles at the grocery store and try to remember if we needed ______ or not.
I just get a pen and a piece of paper and make a list.
Speaking of Sriracha, Buffalo Wild Wings currently has Sriracha wings for a limited time. I didn’t try them, but I thought of you, Monica!
I never thought to take a picture of the fridge before going grocery shopping…Great Idea! Thanks 🙂
I was also out of town, so I made a quick stop before getting on the train to go back to Philly and picked up some juicing supplies and lunch meat. I wanted to make sure I had enough to get me through a few days so i didn’t have to force myself to go to to the grocery store as soon as I got home. I have next Monday off, so I’m hoping to do some crock pot meals that I can freeze and thaw later!
I love the photo idea! My cupboards are bare, so I need to really stock up this week!
Got my groceries done yesterday evening (Sunday). I typically write mine in my mobile, so as and when I remember something throughout the week, I put in down.
Love the name Sunday Setup! If I don’t plan on Sunday I always feel so lost during the week!
fish, hummus, crackers, eggs, salsa…the essentials!!
I was craving a strawberry spinach salad today and had to get basically everything at the store… it was amazing and hit the spot 🙂
That’s a handy tip–to take a photo of your fridge. I’m taking note of that. I LOVE that friend’s episode with Joey, I laughed out loud when I saw that gif. (I’m that way with chocolate) 😉
Loooove Sunday set-ups… Only down side is my family lives out of town so like twice a month I end up staying overnight there and by the time we make the two hour drive back… Sunday is over! Boo. At least I can make my workout plan and and write my grocery plan… Thank goodness I work at home and can grocery shop Monday at lunch 😉
Sunday Set Up: Order chinese food (in honor of Monica being in China) and eat leftovers until Wednesday. Then cereal or scrambled eggs until the weekend. Sigh! (I didn’t get to set my week up too well…or did i? =)
we have an idea of what we plan on eating but we really decide on fresh foods when we hit the store and buy what is on sale (and looks amazing)
I haven’t been too into eating lately, so today I only bought a spinach/lettuce mix and some tomatoes. Yesterday I enjoyed brunch with friends that included a Paula Dean French toast casserole (read: French bread fried in butter with syrup). That was major motivation to eat more salads.
I got my grocery shopping done yesterday! Got everything I needed for this week – but I am most excited about making a slow cooker Aloo Gobi and my favorite Martha Stewart recipe “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.” I love this as a Sunday checklist. I’ll be putting it on my fridge!
My grocery list at the beginning of the week is usually just all my staples that I run out of throughout the week, fresh fruits and veggies, fresh baked Rudi’s bread (YES best part of being back in boulder!), eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk. I do meal planning based on things I already have and then I just pick up a few other things for the meals if I need them.
I just spent a couple hours doing a lot of prepping for the week. It can be a lot of work, buts its worth it to have everything ready to go during the busy weekdays!
I have been really wanting to try the pure almond coconut! It looks delicious and I think it would be a great additive to my smoothies!
I never thought of taking a photo of my fridge (although it’s not as neat as yours) – thanks for the tip! I always make sure I have plenty of Gree yogurt and cottage cheese, as I use them as base ingredients in a lot of my recipes. I’m definitely buying some spinach this week so I can make myself some green smoothies…and probably some more veggies burgers (I’m almost out), because they’re one of my go to meals when I don’t have a lot of time.
I do something similar, but with lists on my phone! Smart idea to include a fridge photo:)
I never buy enough apples because Im afraid they’ll go bad. note to self: buy more apples.
I went grocery shopping on Friday, and stocked up on a bunch of produce. I think I will have to run out and get some milk later in the week though. Maybe some yogurt.
Novel concept to get ready for a successful week. Your refrigerator is way too organized. If I took a picture of mine before going to the store I would still not know what to get because stuff is just packed in there. Reminds me that I may need to get rid of some old leftovers that may have been in there too long.
Just getting ready to sit down and make my grocery list and meal plan for the week – love the Sunday Setup phrase!