I had the privilege of seeing Dave McGillivray, Boston Marathon Director speak when I was in Pennsylvania for the Runner’s World Hat Trick races.
(Me that morning all jazzed up.)
His talk was so inspiring and powerful. I remember leaving PUMPED and aching to run Boston, to run across America (something he’s done several times), to just runrunrun!
He shared several stories about his life and journey. One of his traditions is to always run his age on his birthday. When he was questioned about this something like, “How are you going to run 70 miles in one day?!”
He didn’t flinch and said, “My game. My rules.”
We can all use this when defining our own goals. I get questioned on how or why or if I’m going to do something. Sure it makes me nervous and doubt myself, but if I remember I am doing my own thing – my game, my rules = I know I can and should keep moving forward in my own way no matter what other people say.
The Boston Marathon is coming up April 21st. And it’s been on my mind for several reasons:
1.) Since last year’s Boston Marathon bombings I think about the possibility of danger at every race now.
2.) A few of my friends ran last year. I’m so glad they were not hurt.
3.) A few of my friends are running this year! I am so proud of them!
4.) I am close to qualifying for the Boston Marathon, but have A LOT of work ahead of me to actually make it happen. It’s scary and exciting at the same time.
Whether or not you have ever dreamt about running the Boston Marathon I’d suggest listening to McGillivray speak. He is awesome.
Luckily, we all have the chance to see him during a live video chat on April 4th 12pm EST. When you sign up you have the option to ask a question too – so one of your questions might be answered during the chat!!
Tips For Lifelong Runners with Dave McGillivray <- Sign up there
You can sign up to view the chat for a minimum entry of $1.00. Proceeds from the chat go to the Martin W. Richard Charitable Foundation.
On April 15th, 2013, the events of the Boston Marathon changed the lives of the Richard family forever. Husband and wife Bill & Denise brought their three children, ages 11, 8 and 7 to Boston to cheer on runners, when the unthinkable happened. An explosive devices from the now infamous terrorist attack detonated within 5 feet of the family.
Denise suffered a serious eye injury. Bill took shrapnel from the bomb in the legs and sustained temporary hearing loss. Their seven year old daughter, Jane lost her leg. The force of the blast took Martin Richard’s life. He was eight years old. The Martin W. Richard Charitable Foundation was established by the family following the events of the Marathon. It honors Martin’s message of “No more hurting people – peace” by investing in education, athletics and community.
The Richard family has a blog with information about their journey to recovery and about Martin W. Richard.
Free Entry for RER Readers
Wizeo has kindly offered to give 100 RER readers FREE entry to the chat with code: RunEat
For each person who signs up with that code they will donate $1.00 to the foundation too. (You have the option to donate as well if you want when you sign up.)
Go here to sign up for the chat with Dave McGillivray
Also – reader Elizabeth contacted me about raising 1 million acts of kindness for the Boston Marathon.
It is easy to participate:
1) Do a small act of kindness in memory of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing (you can do as many as you want).
2) Go to Kind This and log the act (takes two seconds, can be anonymous).
3) Forward info on the project to others and encourage them to participate. If you have social media, you can “Like” the page at facebook.com/kindthisorg or follow on Twitter: @KindThisTweets
Pass it on!
Awesome opportunity!
I love the random acts of kindness idea, so awesome!
This is so moving and inspiring. All of it. Love that quote! Good luck with qualifying. You will do it!
Love the quote, My game, my rules!
This is so cool and Dave McGillivray is so inspirational. Love this!
This is such a cool opportunity, thanks Monica!!