Hello! How’s it going? Over here I’m eating some Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding and talking to you nice people.

But before I talk about that recipe I want to talk about running…
Running Advice
This morning I hit the sidewalk (with my feet) for an easy 8 miler. I still don’t have my Garmin working (and just realized right now that I have a race this weekend and need it!) so I went out to the 4 mile mark and back.
I was at mile 2 where it starts a long gradual incline for a mile when a group of 4 bikers came up on my left. They were going kinda slow and one of them said “Good Morning” and I said it back. Another biker said “swing your arms back and forth not side to side!” as he passed. And his biker friend kinda scoffed at him for correcting me.

Um. I am 96% sure I was NOT swinging my arms side to side. I don’t do that. Hello Nips, Hips and Chips!!
Yes, my form gets messy when I’m tired (that’s common but not good) but I wasn’t tired at that point and I try to keep my form smooth at that point in my run since I know there was an incline coming up.
I think he
A.) Didn’t really see me from a good angle since he was on the outside of his friends.
B.) Probably sees that mistake a lot as he’s biking around and offers this advice to many.
C.) Had good intentions and just wanted to help.

So, for one second I considered running up to him and being like, “I don’t think I was swinging side to side. And maybe that’s kinda my thing?”
Then, I changed the song on my ipod and got lost in my own life. The end.

Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding Recipe
{Healthy Pumpkin Pudding Recipe. Gluten Free.}
- 1/2 cup almond milk
- 1/4 – 1/3 cup pumpkin (I like a lot)
- 2 Tb chia seeds
- 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1 packet stevia (or sweetener of your choice)
- optional toppings: roasted walnuts or pecans
Directions: Combine all ingredients (except toppings) and mix thoroughly. Refrigerate 6 hours or overnight. Stir and top with your favorite nuts. Enjoy!

Question: On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you eat/love pumpkin?
1 = Hate it/Am wildly allergic to anything pumpkin
10 = LOVE LOVE LOVE. Slather it on your body and sleep with it under your pillow
LOVE pumpkin!!! I think it’s the majority of the reason that I love fall:P
ahahaha I love the part where you wanted to run up to him, “excuse me!?”. That would have annoyed me and I probably would have been brooding over it for a few miles, but I like how you just shrugged it off! That’s a better approach.
Love pumpkin! I roasted my first pumpkin last night and I was looking for something different to try with the pumpkin so I will probably try this. Thanks!
Happy running. Just do you because you know, you probably run a lot more than the guy on the bike.
For some reason pumpkin and butternut squash grosses me out, but I will still eat butternut squash, I just have to get past my slight gag reaction. It’s so good for you that I WILL myself to eat it (just like bananas–not a fan, but without them I get charlie horses at night). So I am at a 2 for pumpkin. 🙁
I would have immediately gotten defensive about the biker comment because I am not a fan of bikers. The last time one said something to me (as he was flying by) it was “turn off your f’ing music!” And I yelled back, “don’t worry, I can hear you!” because I always have my music low on trails where bikes do 25 mph.
10, so this sounds awesome to me!
I only eat it during the holidays really. And by the time Christmas comes I get really tired of the same old recipes. So I would give it a 5. But every year around this time I get excited and hope this year will be different. Hah!
gotta love unsolicited advice from random strangers…i guess you’re kind of used to that though:)
I didn’t even think about that. I guess I am, just caught me off guard 🙂 No where is safe from random advice! Ha.
This recipe looks so delicious! I can’t wait to try it!
I’m going with a three on the 1 to 10 scale for how much I like pumpkin. It’s okay but not my favorite flavor at all. Hahah
Isn’t it a 10 for everyone???? Three cheers for pumpkin!!!!
I thought there would be more 10s!
One time in early spring I was running in the evening. It was cold but I hate to wear gloves and my hands were red but not uncomfortable. An older man walking by yelled at me to wear gloves or I’ll get frost bite. I was not so impressed. Gotta love ‘helpful’ people
You got busted! I hate that. One time SR got yelled at by a crossing guard and I still think it is funny.
Enjoy all the pumpkin while it’s still the season! 🙂
Heck yeah!
I always get a little bent out of shape when anyone corrects my running form. I know that most of the time it’s coming from a perfectly nice place, but I usually have a “who asked you?” initial reaction.
I’m probably a 6 on the pumpkin meter – it’s good stuff, but it doesn’t need to be everywhere.
I adore all things pumpkin! Last year for my fall marathon, I carb loaded with every single pumpkin flavored product available at Trader Joe’s …It was like 72 hours of pure pumpkin bliss. I missed my marathon last weekend due to injury, and I think I was more devastated about all the pumpkin goodies that I didn’t get to overindulge in than I was actually missing the race (or at least, it was a close tie).
I’d be sad about missing pumpkin Heaven too. Hope you are feeling back to 100% soon!
Wow, that picture of the pudding. Does it curdle like cottage cheese when you refrigerate it?
No, the chia seeds have a gel-like consistency when the ‘set’ though. It makes it thicker.
are you using actual pumpkin and putting it in a food processor first? or like a can of pumpkin filling like for a pie?
I used canned pumpkin, but not ‘pumpkin pie filling’ – it’s just straight pumpkin.
10 – I’d bathe in it and sprinkle cinnamon on top so I could eat it while bathing.
I would have shown him a different kind of arm swing (kidding…kind of)….correcting a stranger’s running form while BIKING…come on now!
Ha! Pumpkin bath – I bet that’s offered at some spas. I know pumpkin facials are!
This sounds like exactly what I want to be eating. Pumpkin everything!
I wrote something about being excited that its fall because of pumpkin, and chai lattes, because I wanted to mention my awesome new running jacket with thumb holes that I am currently wearing. But it wasn’t a good segue, so I deleted it. But my new running jacket with thumb holes is really awesome. It isn’t really professional looking, and I am currently wearing it at work, and at work I am a lawyer, so that is its only downside
1. Hate pumpkin in any and all forms and dang it all why did you have to mention hips, nips and chips, every time you do that I go around singing it. Tomorrows run should be pretty interesting….
I’m singing it too 🙂
I hope I see Warren G, maybe Ice cube and the Dove Shack this weekend!
Ha! I love it.
I do love my pumpkin! This looks good and not too unhealthy 🙂
Umm I’m a 10. Therefore this recipe looks amazing!!
I think I would have been irritated at first as well with the biker comment. But once I had that pumpkin pie pudding in my thoughts I would forget all about it!
I dont eat it much, but I do like it!! I just like it to be sweeter! pumpkin pie is okay, but I need some texture… like chocolate chips in there 😉
Yes! I might have to add chocolate chips the next time I make this!
Sounds delicious. I want to eat that right now, but alas, I’m out of pumpkin. I need to fix that. And run how you want to run. As long as you don’t look like Phoebe from Friends. She’s got bad form. 🙂
Ha! I might run like that…