It’s time for Pile on the Miles 2014! Are you excited?! I am super pumped because we have the best prizes yet!! This year I’m giving away a prize EVERY DAY of the challenge!

Check out the sponsors – my favorite companies and RER supporters!!

We’re giving away everything from sandwiches to running shoes! This is a runner’s dream, right?

Pile on the Miles Challenge
Pile On The Miles is an annual event in blogland where we challenge ourselves to walk or run more during the month of November. The goal is to pile on extra miles not pounds during this food filled time of year!
This is the 6th Annual Pile on the Miles Challenge!
The first one was in 2009 and I won 2nd place for the most miles. I took it over in 2010 and would LOVE for you to participate.
What: FREE Online challenge to move more during turkey month.
Who: Everyone is invited to join. Everywhere around the world!
When: November 1 – Nov 30.
Where: Virtual! Sign up on this form and come back to everyday in November to stay accountable and be entered in a drawing for prizes.
Why: Challenge yourself and encourage others to move more this month. This is about setting a goal and staying accountable with daily check-ins. It is NOT a competition for the most miles any longer – it’s about YOUR GOALS.
The Rules:
1. Sign up by completing this form.
There will be a place for your name, email and goal for the month. Signing up makes you eligible to win the prizes but you must check in each week day to be entered for that day’s prize.
2. Set a goal to WALK or RUN or MOVE x amount of miles or minutes in November. These could be miles OR a set time on the treadmill OR outside/inside walking or running or cycling… Do your favorite exercise!
I will run 50 miles in November!
I will take a 30 minute walk each day!
I will go to Pilates 3 times a week!
I will walk my neighbor’s dog when they’re at work and hopefully they won’t call the cops again…
3. Leave a comment on every weekday from Nov 1st to Nov 28th with your Mileage/Minutes Check-in for that day.
Comments on those posts will be entered into that day’s giveaway. You can have a rest day or a day that you needed ‘off’ but you must check-in and be accountable to be entered to win.
Yes – you can check in with a “Rest Day” or “I’m tragic and slept in” or “I have a hangover the flu, send help” comment – it’s about staying honest and on track overall.
We’re looking for progress NOT perfection – so check in everyday to keep the momentum going!!

I encourage you to spread the word and encourage others to join in. You don’t need a blog or social media accounts to play – all are welcome.
If you want to post the badge above and spread the word use this widget code:
<a href=””><img src=”×800.jpg” width=”250″></a>
Now fill out the form and come back in November to start Piling on the MILES with me!!
Question: Are you in or in the way?
Disclaimer: RER is not responsible for any injuries, weight loss or awesomeness that results from the Pile on the Miles Challenge. The prizes are sponsored by RER supporters, all opinions are my own.
official rest day but I still got in over 10,000 steps!
5 miles
I ran the local Turkey Trot 5K, now time to stuff this turkey!
I am pushing myself to do 6 miles before the snow storm!!!! Rock it Baby!!!! Woot-Woot!!!!
I ran for 2.25 miles and did an upper body workout. Yay for lululemon – I need some new sports bras!
Today I’m kicking off week 2 of LA Marathon training with Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred.
It’s uncharacteristically warm here in Central New York State! I think I will get out of work early and go for a run!
beautiful out today – crazy how it can fo from 30s to 73 in 2days – anyway with the fantaastic weather I was able to get a great run in this morning 5 miles, and plan on taking at walk during lunch break and hopefully get to get back outside after work before its back in the 30s tomorrow with snow and rain!
I had a kick ass track workout!
Today was a Zumba class followed by Step. No run today.
6 mile run this morning and a quick lift at the gym!
5 miles with a headlamp and reflective vest
5 miles… BOOM!
Run 4 miles (was supposed to be 3 but lost track of time). Had to hustle to crossfit to avoid the “late” burpee penalty. THEN… *gulp… 2000k row, rest 4 minutes, 30 Clean & Jerks @ 88 lbs, rest 4 minutes, run 1 mile. BOOM!
4 miles 🙂
Ran 2 miles… Plus lots of walking!
Treadmill intervals with strength training.
3 miles at the park with the pups!
Semi-rest day with a ton of squats while watching tv!
3 miles early this morning
Four treadmill miles today. Just did my second half marathon last month and wasn’t going to do another one until May or so. BUT, now I’m considering doing my first destination race in January!! Eek!
Nada – zip – zilch – the Susan Komen THree Day starts tomorrow morning and 60 is a BIG number
12 out and back!
Wednesday Yasso repeats. Total Of 6 miles followed by holy yoga.
Thursday I did 6 miles
got my run on today – 3 miles before work
arms and abs workout today
Early morning boot camp
I got in 5 miles!
I took a new to me kickboxing class!
Wednesday I did Week 1, Day 1 of C25K with hubby, and then ran 4 miles after we were done.
4 miles walking- staying on track, even on vacation!
1 mile plus foam rolling class
Ran 2 miles and strength trained today!
I taught my one hour spin class and then took a boot camp class. It was tough but I know all this cross training will help me with my running plans for 2015.
Ran a quick 5K before class this morning!
3 miles before work! #noexcuses
Not much time tonight, so squeezed in a quickie 4.5kms.
Ran 10k with my BRF and ST’ed afterwards, my butt must have been well kicked because I’m still sore on Friday!
At home hiit workout with my brother– so much fun!
I walked 4.27 miles on Thursday. I’m up to 49 miles for the month. About 30 more to go.
Rest day because yesterday was wine years new years eve 🙂
I got miles in at the mall. Good for my goal. Bad for my wallet.
I made it to the gym for 3 quick miles.
Did 30 minutes on the elliptical and tons of planks and pushups!
Ran 3 miles this evening.
crossfit and biking at the gym!
first time zumba class: no rhythm at all
Helped with a ballet performance on Wednesday, so at least I was adjacent to exercise…
A quick but effective strength training session today. Got it done even after getting home late (go me!) and have an east 5k on the schedule for tomorrow.
Wednesday was a crazy snow day and I decompressed with a sweaty hot yoga class!
wednesday was a rest day that just involved some stretching and core due to a bad cold!
Yoga today, to work out all the tightness in the legs.
Rest day
Biked 60 min today!
Jogged for 3 miles with the pup this morning and plan on getting in another 2 after work followed by some p90x yoga
Today I did the stairs and added some push-ups. Going up and down five hundred stairs is making my legs stronger. I have been thinking more about running. I hope my love for it returns.
Rode my bike to work, took a walk at lunch and kickboxing class in the evening!
I woke up around 3AM this morning, so sad…my knees are aching…but still I cooked our breakfast early for my family, and so I might run after cooking..
i started with a head to toe warm up, then I managed to briskwalk..After several minutes, I started to run slowly. The pains slowly became tolerable, I made a 6k. Im glad I was able to stretch my patience, Im so inspired 🙂 Thank you very much folks 🙂
Restie Alfaro , Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
i ran 3k this afternoon.. so cold since it rained but the rain didnt stop me. 🙂
6k today, still slowly but i had fun with other stranger runners 🙂
keep on running folks 🙂
God bless us all!
-Restie, Tagum City , Davao del Norte, Philippines 🙂
5 miles on the treadmill (pouring rain) and after work i plan on doing my p90x yoga
I did a thirty minute spin class this morning. I really missed going to them and am glad to be back at it!
I ran 6 miles this morning and did some walking lunges and squats! woot! Feeling great!
18 miles yesterday for marathon training. That the farthest I’ve ever gone!
Ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas marathon (my first marathon). All 26.49 painstaking miles in 4:17:24 🙂
Just ran 3 miles on the treadmill! Hoping for a much better week this week. Planning to get in at least 20 miles, but hopefully will get in even more. I have 21 scheduled on my calendar (as long as things don’t come up and get in the way again).
i ran 6k last Saturday, 4k yesterday with my sons 🙂 .. felt some changes in my legs.. thou im struggling a little with my weight, but i know i can make this 🙂 thanks for this blog 🙂 glad i’ve found this 🙂
Restie, Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
4 outside cold miles; 54/100! And PiYo sculpt!
Finished my pacer practice for the Seattle Marathon – 12 miles!
10.05 miles and YES… it was FREEZING COLD! Run on, folks!
5.25 run in 21 degrees early this morning.
70 minutes of yoga today. I had a doctor’s appointment (some wonkiness on bloodwork a few months back led to a consult with a hematologist. If they would only admit I’m a mutant, everything would make sense.) It went well. Flurries on the way home.
this blog is so helpful 🙂 keep it up!
This November, I ve been jogging/running for 4km daily, slowly thou.. but I feel more comfortable since I am having a high blood pressure. Every Sunday is my restday, churchgoing day 🙂
God bless us all. 🙂
keep on running 🙂
Restie A. Alfaro,
Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Done my 4 miles tonight in London!
Going to an hour long cross-training class at my local Feet Fleet tonight! Looking forward to mixing things up a little and doing something a little different than just straight running!
I ran 4 miles yesterday and two today!
Today was a rest day. Back out to pounding pavement tomorrow!
I did about 30 minutes of a workout dvd this morning and then my baby woke up just as I was about to go out for a run:(
Sunday 4 miles , Monday nada hubby was working and couldn’t watch the kids. Tonight 2 miles plus T25.
Today is a run rest day but it will be a Body Step class day!
Ok… getting to my goal should be a bit challenging this week… so much going on… but 2.5 miles on the treadmill this morning… I’ll run more tonight!
Mostly a rest day today… Just a 40 min walk with the dog for Monday!
Walked .6, ran 2, walked .6. Followed by 40 minutes of yoga.
I actually got out of bed this morning and did part of a workout dvd and ran 3 miles! I’m really hoping that with the time change, I can continue to get up in the morning.
Oh sheeet! I’m 138?! Dang… I just want socks!
Goal = 97 miles
Actual = 17.5 miles MTD
Haven’t ran today yet, so my posts are sometimes a day behind 🙂
Ran the 10K Across the Bay yesterday… Fun … Started this week off right… Hoping to get in even more miles since I can run on Friday this week too!
Got in 3 this morning!
5 miles on this beautiful Sunday afternoon!
I just ran a marathon yesterday so my goal for this week is to recover with gentle activity! I am hoping to do some walking and gentle yoga and hopefully be up to running again very soon! 🙂
Ran 7.25 miles today.
Did 2.5 miles towards my goal today.
A SLOOOW 3 miles.
Light weight arm workout and some foam rollin’ today.
One single mile 8:50. And lifting.
plan to get my 10k steps in at work…somehow!
Taking my dog out for an interval run today at lunch!
1 hr on elliptical!
I got up late, but still finished 1.75 miles on the treadmill!
I am joining this challenge a little late, but better late than never! Every year I run a marathon in the fall and then don’t run for a few months and I loose all my fitness. This year will be different! On Sunday, I ran the NYC Marathon and I gave my legs 2 days off for a rest. I am off to the gym tomorrow for a very light slow jog to keep those legs moving. Trying to get in 100 miles this month. Already off to a good start with 26.2!
Knocked out three miles today on day four!
Started today, ran 3 miles ! Hoping to get into a routine of running.
Day three…30 minutes on elliptical and some leg work. Ready to hit the pavement tomorrow!
Ran/walked for 31 minutes. Mileage wasn’t as much as I wanted, but it’s a start!
My November goal is to be active in some way at least 4 times a week. As it gets dark & cold here in Maine, it get harder to stay motivated. And to be honest, I’m having a seriously difficult time finding motivation after finishing my first half last month. I need the kick in the pants!! And really i’ll do anything if there is a chance I can win food 🙂
Tonight i’ll be walking at my part time job at Old Navy for 4 hours.
Day 2 – Today was an off day for running for me, but I did a 30 min bootcamp workout.
Going to try this again! 20 miles…. so far I have done 0! 🙂
I’m in! I’m up to 4 miles total so far, working towards my goal of 60 miles this month.
I’m in…a few days late to the party. I’m 68km away from my yearly 1000km goal…so piling on the miles (or in my case) kilometers is just what I need!
Day 1 & 2 – nothing. Day 3 – new workout tonight and run 5k.
Did 4 miles towards my 90 mile challenge 🙂 woohoo
Goal = 97 miles
Day 1 – 9 miles / 9 MTD
Day 2 – 0 miles / 9 MTD
Just completed today! Goal = 97 miles
Day 1 – 9 miles / 9 MTD
Day 2 – 0 miles / 9 MTD
Day 3 – 1.5 miles / 10.5 MTD
Day 2 – 30 mins
Day 2 – Today was an off day for me, but still checkin in.
Starting late…actually signed up today but won’t start until tomorrow. 🙂 My goal is to run 60 miles in November…I am hoping this will jump start my running again.
Day 2 = 5 mile Run. Love feeling accountable!!!
Daily day #2 checkin…
Did a lot a stretching and a brisk walk this morning.
Just saw this today and can’t start til Tuesday but my goal is 90 miles (only 3 miles/day) in November. Mostly walking but maybe a little jogging. Seeing how I walk over 2 miles just to get to/from work it shouldn’t be too hard to up it 1 mile a day. Can’t wait to get started!
So excited to start this – my first year. Thank you for the motivation and accountability!
I love this challenge! I made a lofty goal even though I’m doing a lot more cross training this month but you only live once why not challenge myself! I got 3 miles in on nov. 1 at a pumpkin 10k relay!
8+ miles to begin… Love this challenge… it keeps me honest!
Tomorrow it will begin. After moving and working all week I just didn’t have it in me today. Going out for 3 miles tomorrow.
I started the month and my 30 mile challenge with a 2 mile run this morning. The 35 degree weather was a little brisk!
Hey! I just signed up. I am really excited! Just curious if I can share this on my blog to let others know about it?
Ran my first half marathon today! Plan to hit 120miles this month! Hope I posted this “check in” in the right place!
Checkin…did Dirty 30 and 10 Minute Abs from 21 Day Fix Program!!
Day 1 completed 30 mins on treadmill and 20 on the bike! Ran on the treadmill first time!
I’m in! I’m new to all this so no target miles but I pledge to go for a run twice a week outside and Pilates every day. Good luck everyone! Xx
I started my challenge to run or walk 100 miles with a 6.3 mile run!
I am so excited to participate this year. My goal is to exercise 5 days per week for at least 30 minutes. The accountability of daily check ins will definitely help to keep me on track.
I’m not really sure where to check in but my goal was to move more 4 times a week and today, even though it is super rainy and only 39deg out, I went for a longer walk than normal with my dog…this,for me,is a success 🙂
Not sure where to check in for the challenge, too! Anyway, Here I am! I’ve run 3 km today, my mileage for the month is 100km (I’m italian, using metric system:)). Tomorrow I’ll run 10k!
I wasn’t sure where to check in and leave mine either!! I got 3.43 in today!
I’m in! I’m running my first 10K race on 30th Nov 🙂
I was going to blow off my run today, but I remembered it was the start of this challenge, so I went out and ran a relaxed easy 3 miles through the neighborhood on this sunny blustery day. Then I come here to leave a comment and read that we only need to do it on weekdays! Oh well, I got in a good run – that’s always a good thing.
Not sure where to check in for the “Pile of miles” challenge, but I walked 1.5 miles to warm up for our P90X Chest and Back workout. Check and check!
Checking in today for the first day of the challenge. Hope this is the right place to post it. Ran a quarter marathon this morning in the freezing cold in central Ohio… Brrrrr ! 6.55 miles for me today 🙂
Just signed up with a goal to run 30 miles this month – I was a lot more dedicated to running earlier this year, but have recently fallen off the wagon. This is the perfect challenge to get motivated again and stay fit through the holiday season. LET’S DO IT!!! 🙂
I’m in! Just signed up. Looking forward to this challenge.
I can’t wait till tomorrow to get this started! I completed a half marathon last weekend and have been laying low with my running this past week. Looking forward to getting back in the groove!
Love this accountability. I am 6 weeks post baby and hope to run a sub 54 minute 10k in December so this will be great for me. I need to make sure I am adding in my runs to the four times a week I am teaching fitness classes at the gym. THanks, Monica!
Thanks for the extra motivation!!! Count me in!!
I’m in!
I’m in! The goal is a 30 minute daily walk.
fun! I’m going with 60 miles for the month!
Perfect timing! I’ve just started adding exercise back in my routine so this will be very helpful!
Yay! So excited to start. Great challenge to be active in the cooler weather before you want to hibernate for the winter. Hoping this will stick through winter 🙂
Totally in! I signed up to workout every day in November. Didn’t specify in my sign up but that means 30 minutes or more. I tried to do this in August but it didn’t quite happen but I’m hoping to make it happen this month. 🙂
Fun!! I just saw this but am totally in. Signed up already. Excited to have a little structure for what is always an unpredictable month. LOL Thanks!
I’m in too ! November and December are always slow months for me because of weather. Lots of windy, rainy or cold days up north. However I want to pile more mile this year.
I’m in! I set my goal low at 50 miles in November. My real goal is simply to keep a regular running schedule and not worry as much about my mileage.
Just signed up to run 97 miles! Yay!
new follower here! and I’M IN! – just committed to a running streak halloween to chirstmas last night. So here’s to 100 miles in November! yikes.
eeeek! I made a goal of 100 miles for November….I know I can do it, but it’s going to be challenge. I am signing up for the Surf City Half in February and want to be ready! So I know I can do this!
100 miles in November!!! I’m so excited!!
I LOVE accountability groups! As I have my half marathon this Sunday (which is Nov,!!) I have decided to put my running shoes aside for a few months.
I want to get back to building my muscles back up-cardio makes my lose muscles so fast!
So my plan is set for daily workouts, w/30 mins walking my pups daily, with one rest day with walking only.
Good luck everyone!
I really looking forward to Pile on The Miles again this year I think this is my third or fourth year participating!
I recently had hip surgery and still can’t run. But my goal is to be able to walk three+ miles. Hopefully by the end of November/December I’ll be able to start a run/walk program!
I’m in! Yay November!
Just signed up!
Hey, I think the badge widget is broken – or maybe I broke mine because it does not show on my blog 🙁
But yey for piling on themiles (kilometers in my case)! 🙂 I signed up.
I did it for 50 miles! I know that seems kinda low – but I am trying to focus on quality runs not quantity. I tried for this amount last year and I didn’t reach it because I got sick and wasn’t at the top of my game! I’m so gonna be on top of my game this year! YA!
I am in for 75 miles!
Hooray, so glad you are leading this again! This will be year 3 for me, going for the most miles yet. 100!!
So excited! This will give me some accountability- my fitness has slipped as a priority this school year!
I love the added incentives! I hope I win compression socks! I have been wanting some for ages!
This is awesome I cannot wait
This is great – I’m in! Thanks for the extra motivation!
I’m excited for this challenge! Just double checking, are we checking in every day or just M-F? One place in the post it says everyday and another it mentions weekdays only. Thanks!!
I’m totally in!! I just started a half marathon training plan and a blog, so this adds even MORE motivation! Thanks! 🙂
Just in time! I need to get consistent and get out there! Getting off my pity train! 🙂
I’m in! Thanks for the awesome motivation!
Just what I needed since there a hunters running around with guns for 9 days in November, my running usually goes to heck, this should keep me on track and motivated to find safe places to run.
So exciting! This is the first year I still have races to do, so I’m excited to keep up the mileage through Jan 1st. I’m doing the ‘Yeti Challenge’ at a local race – 1 mile, 5k, 10k!
Heck yes! I’m in! I can’t wait to start! I just signed up!
Perfect timing for me – I actually just started running again yesterday!
I’m in with bells on! (Will bells make me run faster?)
Yay!! I just started reading your blog this year and I read through previous year’s Pile on the Miles. I was hoping you would do it again so I could participate! I set a goal of 100 miles which is a lot for me! I have a 15k Thanksgiving day and a Half at the end of December so this is just the thing to help keep me on track!
Exactly the motivation I needed! Thanks!
YAY!!! It’s my favorite time of the year 😀 😀
I’m in!! I put 150 miles in as my goal… yikes, hopefully my legs are ready for that! 🙂
Definitely IN!!! I am training for my first 50 miler and I have an aggressive mile goal for November…this will help keep me accountable!
Love this idea 🙂 Excited to participate this year!
I’m running my first marathon the first weekend of December! I have almost 200 miles on the schedule for November. Oh my!
I am so excited for this! I love setting goals and challenges! I plan to run 75 miles this month. I have a 5K Nov 2, and a 10k turkey trot! 9 down, 66 to go 🙂
Thanks for doing this!
So in! Thanks for making this international!
Love it! I was just writing down my workout schedule for November and December ha
So excited! I’ve been reading all year and have been looking forward to this coming around!
I don’t know why my goal felt like it was moderate… I’m such an over achiever. 193 miles… dat’s a lot. We’ll see!
Thanks for the idea!
I’m in. Thanks for the challenge!
yay, can’t wait!!!
I’m in. Shooting for 3 miles per day average for a goal of 90 miles in the “Pile on Month” 🙂
I signed up this year – I’m going for a run streak!
I’m totally in. Since I’m mildly obsessed with my Up band right now. Does 10,000 steps per day count as a goal?
Training for my first ever marathon, so this is the kick in the butt I need to run (and blog) more regularly.
I am signed up! Definitely can use all the motivation I can get with all the candy corn and Halloween candy around here! Just hoping it won’t be as snowy as last November here in Ohio!
This is just what I need! I’ve been feeling less than motivated lately and need to step up my training. Going big 100 miles!
I’m in!! 13 weeks preggo and want to stay healthy again through my second pregnancy!! It is amazing how much more quickly you bounce back if you stay active throughout your pregnancy 🙂
I’m in!! So excited!
I am the least lucky person in the history of the universe. Here’s to hoping I might win something yet!
Just in time this should be lots of fun!!
I am slowly getting back to running after an injury and ankle surgery. I want to try to run 50 miles this month!
This is so great! I want to do 60 miles this month, which should keep me moving 5 days per week all of November, which is my goal! This month has been cray cray at work, so I’m happy to have a goal to start in November 🙂
I am so in! I’ve been slooooowly increasing my mileage since taking a break after my first half and this type of motivation will definitely be helpful!
I’m in (all the way from Holland, appreciate the possibility to enter)! Meet you back here November 1st!
I’m in! I was a little nervous about committing last year, but I decided to take the challenge this year!
oh HECK yeah! love this idea and i love prizes hehe 😀
Thank you for this challenge! I’m currently sidelined from an ankle injury and can’t run and I’ve been worried that I’d just not work out because running is my goto and my happy place. But now I will challenge myself to go to the gym and do weight training/low impact cardio to make myself active and stronger for when I’m given the okay to run again! Also, thanks for the running book recommendations. If I can’t actually run, I’ll settle for reading about it until I can.
Do we check in on that day’s post? or is there a special “check in” post that we comment to?
I’m in! 100 miles in November!
Great challenge! Winter is so hard to keep up with running, so this is a great way to help keep me accountable!
Is there a certain time we need to post our daily check-in by? (as I mostly workout after work).
Right on! Signed to run 40 miles total in November, split into every other day or so. This includes my 5K the Saturday after Thanksgiving because there is no 10K around me in that period. Let’s go get ’em!
Awesome! I’m in. I always need some extra motivation in November and December but this year I really don’t want to slack off because in January I’m going to start training for my first marathon! (Gulp)
Me too! I’m doing a marathon in May, would love to have a buddy!
Just in time for Dopey training!
I’m in! I am starting to train for a half marathon in February so this is perfect timing!
I’m actually actively trying to run less the next month to heal from all my little niggles and aches.
But I will watch everyone’s progress and cheer y’all on. 🙂
I’m excited! I’ve done hardly any running in October… mostly strength training and rock climbing… and lately I’ve been saying that I should start running again. This is perfect and will keep me accountable – can’t wait!!
I’m in! I love the extra motivation/accountability 🙂
Did my first marathon on October 4 and I’m trying NOT to undo months of training! Going to walk/run/crawl 75 miles AT LEAST in November.
Woop woop! Just in time, because I need to start building my mileage back up for my next half-marathon. I’m keeping my mileage goal to a conservative 75 since I am doing lots of strength and speed training this time around.