Hello! Last night I headed to Florida on a red eye. Red eye flights always seem like a great idea until I feel ‘off’ when I get to my destination. At least I know the drill… melatonin, eye cover, ear plugs, socks, hoodie. But I still didn’t sleep as much as I thought I would.

I grabbed an iced coffee at the airport and Ben swept me off to paradise.

And by ‘paradise’ I mean Dunkin Donuts.

Free donut?! Sign me up!!

Then, we went to actual paradise = Ben’s fam’s timeshare in southern Florida. They’ve went every year since he was a little kid.
After a drive south we arrived to a pretty quiet beach. Everyone was inside because it looked like it was going to storm. I took a solo walk on the beach that was super super solo – did everyone know something I didn’t?

It was a pretty chill night and I tried to get to bed early to get on east coast time. I need to wake up early to run before it gets to 100 degrees and 99% humidity.
I managed to wake up around 6am but didn’t get out the door until about 7am – that is not early enough. I might need to run at 4am, or maybe stop running all together until it’s not ridiculously hot here (read as: maybe December, maybe).
I set out for a long-ish run and missed the mark a little. I managed 10.5 miles but it was super slow and sweaty. Oh, and I fell.
I fell. Again. I am good at falling. I should be proud of my falling skills – think positive!
I fall about 3 times a year so at least this is 1 down – 2 to go.
But before I fell I spotted three manatees! This made my entire life. I LOVE manatees. I have always always loved them for some reason. That’s why I hang out with Ben, for the manatees. Everything else is just a bonus.
Check out this video I caught of the manatees on Instagram!

So, I was still flying high from my manatee spotting when I fell. I popped right back up and kept going. I’m sure a bunch of cars passing by saw me because the street I was on was fairly busy but the speed limit is slow.

Post run green smoothie! Now I’m headed to the pool (in the shade) I’ve gotten enough sun for today thank you.

Marathon Training Week 3:
Sunday – Rest from running and Upper Body 21 Day Fix
Monday – Laguna Hills Half Marathon – 13.1 miles
Tuesday – Shake out 4 mile run & 21 Day Pilates
Wednesday – 5 miles easy & 21 Day Dirty 30 workout
Thursday – 10 miles & lower body fix
Friday – Rest after red eye flight
Saturday – 10.5 miles in Florida

I grew up on Marco! Hope you have a great time. Too bad this storm is coming through:(
It’s gorgeous here! But this storm is no bueno.
It looks like you’re near where I’m from in South FL! It’s literally always really hot. Like 85 on Christmas is normal. We get about two weeks of “cold weather” (50s as high temps). Running outside is just a very sweaty situation! Also, we get summer afternoon rain storms every day between 3-5pm. They only last 20 minutes or so and then they’re over!
Enjoy the beach and sunshine!
I had a really nasty fall in April that actually required 7 stitches on my knee. Needless to say I will no longer be running with my dogs.
Daisy, I fell with my dog too! She cut me off and I ate it so hard…and of course there was a witness. My knee was all covered in gravel but I popped back up at ran another 5 or 6 miles. When I got home I realized I was bleeding pretty badly and my elbow and knuckles were banged up too (I held onto the leash tightly because I didn’t want her to run away). This was back in March and I still have a pretty gnarly scar on my knee. I still run with my girl but I’m a bit more wary of when she gets in front of me.
I “fell” for my hubbie about 15 years ago. Does that count?
Gorgeous beach. What part of F-L-A is this?
Last september, in my half ironman race, around mile 50, I got in a low speed bike crash (some chick lost her balance and fell into me while we were climbing a hill). My bike was not in good condition but I was able to get it (slowly) the 6 miles to transition 2… then ran/walked a half marathon wondering why I felt so crappy and slow. The next day, I was SO bruised. No wonder!
Unrelated: manatees are AWESOME!
I fall about once a year and it’s usually caused an injury. The worst was years ago in DT San Diego, tripped on rail road tracks
Yum! That free doughnut looked amazing 🙂 To be honest, I’ve never taken a spill… which probably only means I’m not running hard enough. Way to get right back up! xo Kelly http://lazygirlsguidetofitnessandbeauty.blogspot.com/
Okay, I Feel like you’re not gonna judge. Last time I fell was last weekend when my dog’s leash got caught on my pinkie toe. Yep. That really happened.
I’m a faller too! Thankfully it’s been a while but I am pretty sure that I’ve given myself a concussion and I broke my hand in like 5 places once when I tripped over train tracks while running. Oh, and it needed surgery. Falling = boo, manatees = awesome!
It’s been a while. I fell off a snowmobile about a year and a half ago. Tore my rotator cuff and embarrassed myself beyond belief.
The last time I fell was at my first marathon. BOO. I didn’t end up finishing and am working on running a marathon in the fall.