Day 4 in Florida: I still don’t know how to make coffee with the fancy coffee maker thing here.
I’ve been drinking Spark every morning instead. I love the stuff, so that’s good with me – but I didn’t bring that much so I need to start rationing it.

Global Warming Update: It’s oddly cold here. What’s up with that?

Supply list: Running gear includes this new running belt from Stay Fit Running.
The company sent me this to try and I love that it’s so wide and thick. It doesn’t move or bounce at all. I’ll share more about it later but wanted to post the discount they are offering in case you’re in the market for a running belt or you want your people to buy you one for the holidays…
*Get 20% off with code: repeat –>

Day 4 run: Ran to the beach. Excellent choice.

Day 4 bathroom habits: Yes. (details withheld)

Inner peace update: There is a yoga class on the beach here! But I’ve never went because I only have inner piece..s of pizza.

New skills update:
Ben taught me how to make coffee with the percolator coffee maker thing. His family swears this is the best coffee maker ever. I do have to admit they make great coffee, I thought they just had a magic recipe or something.

Operation sunset Nov 2016: I can confirm the sun set today. I watched it to be sure.

Pile on the Miles Day 23: I ran. Did you?

Hello! It’s the LAST week of Pile on the Miles. Are you in or in the way?

Pile on the Miles Day 23 Check In:
Hey!! It’s day 23 of POTM! Only a few days left of this fitness challenge – how close are you to your goal?
This week’s POTM challenge is sponsored by Timex. They are giving one of you a Timex IRONMAN Sleek 150 sports watch.
You can get more info or buy the Timex IRONMAN Sleek 150 here. It comes in a few different colors, is super easy to use, water resistant and lightweight.

Follow @Timex on social media here:
@TimesSports Instagram / @TimexSports Twitter / @TimesSports Facebook
Don’t forget to use #RERMiles to update social media and share your progress!!!

Question: What is your Pile on the Miles Check-in for today?
Disclaimer: Timex is providing the prizes for POTM this week. All opinions are my own.
barre class for me today!
5 miles today!
I ran at the gym today! Forgot how much I don’t like the treadmill!! 🙂
Ran 4 miles!
Did a four mile hike and HIIT workout!
3 miles Wed! Up today = rest day. Happy Thanksgiving!
Did boot camp and a 6 mile run!
Walk n the treadmill kept it light since I’m doing a 5 mile turkey Trot in he am.
I did a quarter mile warmup before personal training this morning, then I did 25 minutes on an arc trainer. 🙂 I’m so proud of my strength gains!
Today ended up being a rest day because I’m not feeling great.
I did 5~ miles on the bike (bad knees) and 500 meters on the erg. This month has been a good month exercise wise prob bc I’ve been super stressed and have been working out to deal!!! Hopefully I can keep it up! And….every time I hear perculate I think of the black eyed peas song!!
I did 5~ miles on the bike (bad knees) and 500 meters on the erg. This month has been a good month exercise wise prob bc I’ve been super stressed and have been working out to deal!!! Hopefully I can keep it up!
2 miles
Easy 3 miles today
5 mile run with my dogs.
40 min rowing machine, core workout
Shoveling snow was my workout today!
Brrr! Stay warm out there 🙂
Despite being in a car for six hours today, I still managed to get in 17,000 steps! I was on the elliptical for 25 minutes this morning and walked 2.7 miles on the treadmill. I got some more walking done at each stop on our thanksgiving journey. Happy thanksgiving, all! Be kind to one another! My mantra for tomorrow is: it’s not about the food- it’s about the family
6.3 miles on the treadmill today!
If you had asked me a couple years ago I’d have said I’d never be happy to run but today I was. Even though me hip is bugging me. I ran 5k in the treadmill. Maybe next year I’ll do a turkey trot. It could happen 🙂
That is great Cheryl! Yes, next year Turkey Trot!! Hope your hip feels better soon 🙂
No set workout but ran around like a crazy person cleaning and prepping for tomorrow
3 easy miles today!
2 miles of running and 8 of biking!
3.5 miles
Rest day today – back at it tomorrow! 😀
I did my usual walking circuit with added stair climbing.
I got in a 5k with some really fast speed work thrown in there!
4 mile run before work!
3 miles today! I was so excited I got out of work early and beat the sunset!!! 66/75
recovery day
2 Miles & a Nike Training Club workout that KICKED. MY. BUTT. If anybody uses NTC, check out “The Complete Crush”.
33 minutes strength training!
Cross training day for me ray since tomorrow is the turkey trot!
I did about 2 miles total on the TM . I did intervals of weights switching with the BF 🙂 Also, I love that belt, but would REALLLYYYY love if some company made a running belt with a spot for a small hand gun! I run alone outside most of the time and would feel so much better! Anyway, happy T Day!
ten miles this morning
Walking to recover from yesterday’s speed work.
Squeezed in a quick foggy 5miles on the lakefront this morning!
Leg day plus some cardio
I haven’t been running as much as other things (spin and strength training) so I won’t meet my mileage goal!! But got in 3.5 today to prep for tomorrow’s turkey trot.
Rest day, woot woot!
Rest day today. I loved our percolating coffee maker!
I ran 7 miles to work.
30 minute strength training and a walk! I’ve hit my steps goal every day of this challenge, wooo.
2.5 miles this morning in preparation for the Turkey Trot tomorrow! Hoping for a Masters Division win!!
Another rest and foam rolling day for me!
My parents have that same coffee contraption and I can’t figure it out. 3 miles on the treadmill.
Biking for an hour today.
Strength day! I did 55 min of Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones, followed by lots of house cleaning to get ready for Thanksgiving guests.
Today is an active rest day. Meaning I need to do abs and Pilates to stretch out these sore hamos.
body pump this morning!
Been down with tummy troubles 🙁
Anyone else sidelined with tummy pains? How do I know I’m ready to come back?
30 minute walk and some stretching today.
Rest day because I work tonight! BUT I worked out a ton yesterday – three mile run, two mile walk [to break in new running shoes] ten mile bike, and yoga 🙂
Yoga Day!
This was a great way to stay motivated in such a cold month. And it’s the perfect length. I’m already making plans for the next few weeks until Christmas! This challenge was great!
Today is a rest day for me 🙂
Strength ladder this morning including squats, rows, deadlifts, bench presses, and leg lowers. Super sweaty total body workout. Love it!
I ran 3 miles! Working on my running form. It’s not fun. 😉
Today is loading up the moving van day and rest day!
7 miles this morning!
5K Gleaux Run tonight!
I ran 2.5 miles. It was nice.
Strength training today. Turkey Trot trail run tomorrow with my husband and nephews!
Another rest day for me. My knee has been feeling weird lately.
I ran 4.5 miles, followed by some strength training! I’m terrible with new contraptions. It took me awhile to get used to my own coffee machine, & anytime I have to use someone else’s, I just go without.
I was glad to read that Ben showed you how to make coffee in the electric percolator because as I was reading your post, I was already trying to come up with the steps to share with you–I love the coffee ours makes! My parents got me hooked on this method 🙂
Squat night at the gym last night. Whooohooo.
3 miles last night. Trying to go again tonight since tomorrow’s forecast includes freezing rain and snow. I am hosting tomorrow so I don’t know if I can manage that!
Ran 3 on the treadmill and then did another 15 min on the arc trainer.
Some strength training and a short run. Maybe 2 miles I have my very first 10k race tomorrow!!!!!
6.6 mile run in the pouring rain. I thought I could get a run in before it hit…I couldn’t:( It was raining buckets! At one point I thought I saw Noah gathering animals, but it turned out to be a guy walking his dogs who got caught in the rain like me.
I rode the bike 9 miles early this morning and I’ll go run 3 miles later today.
Elliptical and yoga for me today. Hoping to run a few tomorrow…
It was pouring this morning and I was sleepy. So far, today was kind of a potm fail. I’m still going to foam roll really well tonight
Need to get 4-5 in this morning, as soon as the sun comes up.
7 miles before we hit the road this morning.
Happy travels, everyone!
Today I did the Slim in 6 DVD and the Arc Trainer for 60 minutes!
I ran 3 yesterday. Today my activity will be whisking the whipped cream for the trifle I am making for thanksgiving tomorrow. 😉
I’ll be treadmilling at the gym while working on the math section of my GRE practice book!
Today I rest:)
On target for my goal. Thanks for keeping me motivated.
Today is 6 miles of hills with friends!
Hurray, coffee!
Today is an hour spin class.
Crossfit! Bench press than 5 rounds of: 12 front rack lunges, 12 push press, 12 sit ups AMRAP 3 minutes, rest 2 minutes.
Rest Day, Gobblers Gallop tomorrow!
strength training today
96 minutes (don’t ask) on the elliptical today.
Dragged myself out of bed for 3.5 miles this morning!
I didn’t run today, but I am taking a Pure Barre class at noon. Tomorrow is the turkey trot so I am saving my legs to help a friend PR.
Going to struggle through a long run in the cold this morning!!
enjoy all that sunshine!!!
beautiful run with temps repeats in there. the sunrise here was totally amazing and set me up for a great day. core now, then off to work!
What a fun watch! I did an easy 6 today
Upper body workout:)