Here are 5 Tips to get the most out of your Running Log to help you RUN BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER!

Running Log Hacks
These are ideas of what to note in your running log. You don’t need to write down ALL of these things, but focus on the ones that will help your current goals.
If you joined this year’s PILE on the MILES Challenge you received a workbook that contains a Run Log and 30 Day calendar (undated). You can use either one of those pages to track your activity for the 30 day challenge. (Check your spam or trash folder if you don’t see it in your inbox after joining.) YOU CAN JOIN THE 30 DAY RUN CHALLENGE HERE.
5 Things to Put on Your Run Log
- Your Running Pace / Distance / Overall Time / Workout (speed run details, hills, easy run, etc)
- If you don’t like tracking your numbers –> Note how your run went overall. Examples: [Good / Okay / Bad], [Happy / Neutral / Sad Faces], [Letter Grade] or something else that makes it easy for you to rate and record your run.
- A check-in with your body and any areas that feel especially good or bad. Be specific about where your body feels tight, tired, pain, etc. This information will help you keep an eye on it: Location on your body // When it started on your run // How it felt at first and if it got worse or better as you ran // Level of discomfort on a scale of 1-10 (or a scale that makes sense to you) // How it felt when you stopped running // Anything you did to help alleviate it.
- FOOD! What you ate before, during and after your run. How you felt related to the food. Did you feel well fueled and run strong till the end? // Did you hit a wall? // Were you hungry or thirsty while running? // Did you have any digestive issues? // And any other details relevant to your fueling and how it impacted your running and recovery.
- Running Gear & Weather – The Run Gear you wore, the weather AND how it worked or didn’t work. If your gear was too hot, too cold or bugged you in some way while running – put it on your Run Log with any relevant information (like weather, time of day, location). This is also very helpful to reference as the seasons change and you transition to weather appropriate running clothes.
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There’s a RUNNING LOG in the PILE on the MILES Challenge Workbook you can get by signing up for FREE here. It works for runners of all levels and can help you run better, faster, stronger. Let’s go!

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