Hello! How are you? How was your weekend? It feels like Monday to me! I’ve been very busy running and eating and playing crossword puzzles online. So, let’s recap the Memorial Day fun so I can relive all the delicious people and food.
First, I need to give a lil shout to ProCompression for making the cutest compression socks in the business. I rested after yesterday’s Laguna Hills Half Marathon in my compression stripes with Vegas.

I also enjoyed some fancy toast. Isn’t fancy toast the thing right now? I see it all over Instagram with avocado for savory options or nut butter and berries for a sweet treat. I love it.

Since I was running the half marathon on Monday and because some of my family was working too we celebrated Memorial Day Sunday. I headed to my brother’s place to hang out with my favorite tiny person. She is the best! And she’s totally my friend now and asks for my hand to walk around (read as: walk away from people she doesn’t want to deal with).

I bought a colorful flying disc from the 99 cent store before heading over. It’s the best dollar I ever spent! She really loved it. It’s so ‘hit or miss’ with kids sometimes she’s super excited about something random and other times she loves a one dollar toy.

(Dress from Aventura)
Action shot! We had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to throw it without it going 2600 feet! This thing can fly

I just want to walk around with her all day holding hands and listening to her boss me around.

While we played my dad and brother BBQ-ed a ton of food. We don’t mess around.

I just realized I didn’t take any other pictures of the food or fun. I was obviously very busy eating chips and guacamole. I brought over a fruit salad and dessert. This time I was lazy and brought over pretzel Klondike bars. Then, I forgot to have one! Luckily I had a donut so I wasn’t completely sugar deprived. Whew!

The best news you’re going to hear all day…
Nutritionists are saying eating TWO breakfasts is good for losing weight. BOOM. Finally science has caught up with how I already live my life.

I usually have 2 breakfasts myself. I wake up early and usually need a little something prior to my workout. By the time I’m finished with my workout, I’m starving so I aim for aim to have something high in protein for my “second” breakfast and higher in carb for my “first” breakfast.
The hobbits were right. “Elevensies” (aka second breakfast) are totally a thing. Glad your weekend was on point! I spent a lot of the weekend writing for my upcoming program & hanging by the pool. Lovely!
I generally eat two breakfasts…one medium sized and a second small breakfast at about 9:30 a.m. Lately I crave cereal and that’s my snack of choice if I need something. I don’t run (bum knee), but my husband ran the Boston Run to Remember on Sunday. When we got home, I took a 25 mile bike ride and came home and devoured cereal and strawberries. We had BBQ ribs last night for dinner. Still trying to perfect them.
I know what you mean about buying toys for kids. When my nephews were young, they liked to play with the boxes that toys came in just as much as the toys themselves. Maybe I just suck at picking toys.
I ran a 1/2 marathon on Sat. and then barbecued for friends that night. I ran full marathon (distance) this AM, and my wife is making cannelloni tonight for dinner. Mmmmm! Life is good:)
Considering that I wake up at 4, eat at 6:30 and then have to take my lunch at 10:45; I have definitely eaten twice if not 3 times by noon 😉 Good to know! The best thing I ate this weekend was probably a smoked chicken, strawberry, cottage cheese, spinach salad. I am in love and could eat this every day!
We don’t have breakfast tacos here…can you believe it?! I’m from Texas, so B-Tacos are definitely part of my regular dietary intake; I’ve even gone through withdrawals here. *taps the inside of elbow* I make my own sometimes (not the same), and totes eat 2+. 😀
Oh my gosh.. I totally eat two breakfasts quite often… yay!! I did a lot of sprints and hill running in the mountains this weekend… it was wonderful!
I ran a 5 mile race on Saturday and an easy 3 miles through the neighborhood yesterday.
I ate ice cream, zeppoles, and waffles.
I went to the boardwalk in Point Pleasant (nj) to play mini golf with my boyfriend and his two girls. We also played some other amusement games. It was fun. And I had brunch with a friend as well as brunch after the race with my running friends. Yesterday was the mall….took my boyfriends oldest who is turning 13 to Sephora to buy her first nude eyeshadow palette and liquid eyeliner. 🙂