Today’s Ask a Monican comes from your Facebook questions!
They are great questions all about half marathon and full marathon training and how to fuel before and during the race!
1. When was your first full marathon? What was that finishing time? How have you (over the years?) increased your speed and stamina to be a running rock star?
2. Best way to fuel before a Half Marathon?
3. Dear Monican,
I still have yet to comfortably be able to carry enough fuel for my marathons. I’m a 4:45-5 hour marathoner. I like to take in 100 calories of fuel every 5-6 miles. I like the honey stinger chews because I can’t stomach gu. But trying to squish 4 bags of those into my spi belt and then access them while running always frustrates me and I end up skipping my fueling a lot. How do you manage??? -signed “weighed down by chews”
4. Why are people named Monica so awesome?
5. I always run first thing in the morning. What’s best to eat before I run? I always get hungry within the first few miles.
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel because I finally got a good webcam. Thank You.
And my Facebook page because I accidentally wrote “Faceboob”. Seriously.
In other news…
Laura at Mommy Run Fast is hosting a 21 day Spring Reset Challenge.
The group coaching program will include delicious (easy) recipes, a 21 day sample meal plan, a supportive Facebook group, and daily emails with holistic health tips. My readers can use the promo code “runeatrepeat” for $10 off. All the challenge details are here.
And the Boston Marathon Director live chat is coming up Friday! Wizeo has increased it’s donation for each person who signs up to $10.00!!! It’s for a great cause so if you are interested please sign up!
Wizeo has kindly offered to give 100 RER readers FREE entry to the chat with code: RunEat
For each person who signs up with that code they will donate $10.00 to the foundation too. (You have the option to donate as well if you want when you sign up.) Go here to sign up for the chat with Dave McGillivray
Question: Do you have any tips or suggestions for these question-ers?
My go to fuel for runs are (pitted) dates – I just wrap them in plastic wrap and stuff a bunch in my handheld pocket. I also like Clif Shot Blocks, but they can be so dang hard to chew! Maybe I’m gross because I tend to throw those straight into my handheld pocket without any packaging; never even thought about just cutting the darn thing in half (duh!).
The furthest I’ve done are half marathons though, may need to up my game when I finally decide to tackle a full.
I started adding hair bands (the good thick black ones) to my spibelt for extra gu. I just double wrap them around the stretchy belt part and then squish a gu in. Haven’t lost one yet. I too cut my shot blocks in half but put in a snack size baggie so they don’t fall out.
Good idea! Thanks.
Thanks so much for the shout out, Monica!! You are a natural on camera- such a great idea to answer questions in person!
I definitely go for the sports bra, back pocket, and belt for fuel!
You should do a video of yourself while out on one of your runs. That would be fun!
I’ve thought of that so many times! I’m pretty sure it would end up as a video of me falling, but might be worth a shot…
I forced myself not too watch this last night so I had something to watch this morning. Glad I did! Bahahahaha, 4:18ish, “It was really funny, like, if you don’t realize that I’ve like lost my (ka)BOOM!”. I wish I knew how to make those animated gifs. That snippet would be classic! Thanks for the giggles!
When I was training for my full marathon, I sometimes wore two spi-belts one in front and one in back with my fuel (Clif Bars cut up in six pieces). I have also been known to wear a running tank WITH a shelf bra AND a sports bra; that left me an extra spot to stash a couple of gels and/or the Clif Bar. It’s not the sexiest look, but that’s not what we’re after here… 😛
I would cut that Clif bar and slip it back into the package instead of wrestling with a zip loc bag.
Fuel for first-thing-morning runs…small piece of cinnamon raisin toast, half banana, half cup coffee. Anything more and I’m sloshing and full. I can only run about 6 miles on that small amount of fuel though.
Happy Thursday!
I have one of these fuelbelts (though mine has a little removable zipper pouch as well) that have little spots for fuel — I’ve never tried it with shotblocks but it’s supposed to work with gels! (Also great for winter races when you don’t want to put safety pins through your jacket)
Haha love these!
Love videos! It brings a blogger to life! Thanks for sharing your answers to all those good questions!
I used to wear two sports bras when I played college soccer, but I don’t know what changed, surely my boobs didn’t. haha. But, I have found waaaay better supportive sports bras now, and no longer have to wear two 🙂
Love it! Thank you for answering my multi-layered question. I guess I am a cheater… but I LOVED your answer. Thank you… time to be persistent and persevere with my training. 🙂 One day I will be a running rock star like you. #wink
Ha! Thank you for chiming in 🙂 Email me any time if you have other questions about anything!
Thanks so much for answering my question. I don’t know why I never thought to pre cut open my chews. That surely will make accessing them easier.
I loved the video! Although I don’t do the double sports bra stuff- too much for me
You could totally safety pin shot blocks or fuel of your choice to your belt! and the plastic is thin enough to rip off
During a half marathon, I usually take one gel around mile 8. I try to wake about 2-3 hours before the race to have a carb-rich breakfast, about 500 calories and coffee. When I get to the starting line, I eat something small, about 100 calories, like half a Clif bar or a Gu.
You are just so fun. I want you as a friend in real life. Because this is fake life. Clearly…? Meh.
I dig the double sports bra stuff. I’m all over that madness.