Here are the questions you (or your friends) asked via the Instagram Stories box @RunEatRepeat.
Since IG stories are only up for 24 hours and my highlights are packed – this is the best way to save the answers and information for you to find later. I’ll link to any products I mention under the question so it’s easy to find, such as products to smooth away wrinkles you can find online.
If you have a question (or follow up question) – Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram and watch my stories. I put up a question box a few times a week.
QUestions covered today:
- What’s the BEST Dry Shampoo
- What do you put on your eyelashes
- What’s the sitch with Ben
- What skin care products do you use
- What do you drink (besides seltzer)
- Are you doing any races in Northern California
- Can I pet Diego
@RunEatRepeat Instagram Story Questions:
Note… Some of the questions I answered via video. Then, I realized it wasn’t easy to save 15 second clips on a blog post… so I started to answer via text in the story. I’m sharing the ones I answered via text below. If I answered a question via video and you missed the answer OR want links to what I mentioned – just ask again in my stories @RunEatRepeat on Instagram
What’s the best dry shampoo?
I love Batiste Dry Shampoo in the scent – Coconut and Exotic Tropical .
I think the best one for hair that’s a little more oily (or sweaty) is Aveda Dry Shampoo aka Shampure

What do you put on your lashes?
I swear by THIS Maybelline Colossal Mascara
See my Instagram Reels for a Fast Before and After using that mascara I love HERE.

What would you tell your 18 year old self?
(video answer)
Are you and Ben back together?
(video answer)
But… I got a lot more questions like this, so I updated it with a text answer:

Do you Drink Sodas at all? I just drink water but need something else. I’m not a sparkling water fan.

I LOVE seltzer & have a Soda Stream
so I drink a lot of sparkling water.
And I also drink…
- Iced Coffee
- Hot Tea
- Eco Drink vitamin powder – Peach Mango Flavor only… I only tried 1 other flavor and didn’t like it so I just stick with this one.
- Amazing Grass Green Super Food – Preferably the Immunity one because it’s my favorite taste-wise
- Nuun Drink Tablets – Any and all. Sports ones and Vitamin ones.
- True Lemon Lemonade – I only like lemonade, not the Cherry Lemonade or other flavors.
- Vodka
What Skin Care Products Do You Use?

- Pixi Rose Cream Cleanser
- Baby Oil to remove waterproof mascara (this is just what my mom did & I use it, but I’m sure there’s some fancy product you should use instead)
- Nassif Detox Face Wipes (Just use these 1x a week because they’re strong and can dry out your skin)
- Olay Whip SPF Moisturizer
- L’Oreal Eye Renewal Cream
- Face Masks – I switch it up on these depending on the season and my skin. For a high end mask I love the new J Lo Beauty Limitless Glow Mask and for a more affordable option I get pack of Moisturizing Sheet Masks like these.
Advice for GI Problems While Running?

Do you still eat dirty grapes??

Can I pet Diego?
Yes. Diego LIVES for pets.

Are you going to run a race in Northern California?

Got a Question?? Ask in my Instagram Story Box – @RunEatRepeat Instagram
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