I love all the body positivity messages on Instagram and Facebook. I love seeing pictures of women owning their bodies no matter what size or shape or where they are on their journey. I want to share more body positivity on this lil blog. But it also occurred to me that you can love your body and be positive about it while still being trapped in a binge or diet cycle. And that sucks.
So while I 100% want you to love your body no matter what I also want to make sure all my friends out there are not struggling with this.

On Mother’s Day when I made that Strawberry Layer Cake I was confronted with a lot of leftover icing. There was an entire container full of it. I couldn’t have a piece of the cake because I was taking it to my parents’ house for dessert. I was tired from a weekend of 3am wake-up calls for the Tinkerbell 10k and Half Marathon. I was stressed because I was running late to get to the BBQ. I was a little sad from some personal stuff going on in my life.
This is a great time to start a binge! Sometimes all the stars align to set you up for success and sometimes they align to send you into a downward spiral.
But because I know myself and my history I checked in with my body before I dug into the frosting. I didn’t really want it. I was craving something savory and salty. Okay, noted. When I got to my parents’ I immediately dug into the chips and guacamole.

I ate too many chips and guac. And that’s not a big deal, it happens to everyone.
This was a revelation to me as I read various intuitive eating books and websites and talked to people.
The revelation was = everyone overeats
Okay, maybe not everyone but I’m going to say 92.5% of people will say, “I’m sooooo full” or “I ate too much…” after a special dinner or delicious restaurant meal with big portions or Thanksgiving night or some other time.
Sometimes we eat more than we need. Sometimes it’s a lot more and we regret it. But that doesn’t mean it’s a binge.
And I’m just reminding you and me and anyone else reading over your shoulder right now that over-eating is common and a small, manageable misstep. Don’t let it lead you down a path of binging or dieting for days. It’s only a big deal if you make it one.

I will probably binge again in my life. Having a history of disordered eating is a long term struggle. I was completely in a place where it could have happened that day and been bad, but I avoided it by being aware and intuitive.
The moral of the story for today is to remember to check in with your body. Eat what you want (or you’ll just end up eating it later while standing in the kitchen shoving it in your face – don’t ask how I know).
Enjoy your running and eating today.
I really needed to read this. I am battling some longer term issues with binge eating, though also struggle with overeating sometimes. Checking in is so important, but a good habit to get into.
Such an important post! So important for people to realise – thank you 🙂
I have a ton of trouble when it comes to buffets or free food. It’s like I feel like I have to have all the food available to me. Sure, I focus on veggies and piling on the salad, but my plate sometimes look like enough for 3 people. And I usually clean my plate.
Overall I need to do a better job with hunger cues too. I sometimes do what I call “pre-emptive eating” where I think I’ll be hungry later when I don’t have access to food (um…not possible), so I eat before I’m hungry. I’m trying to wait until I actually feel real hunger, drink a glass of water, then eat.
Eating breakfast is a big deal for me, too, because if I don’t eat a good one, I end up hungry all day long, especially at night! My big goal right now is to not eat so late, even if it’s fruit…I’ve been having an orange and yogurt at like 9pm recently. That can’t be good, right?
Great post and thanks for being so honest. I think it’s so helpful to tease these things out and talking about the differences between overeating and binge eating is useful for us all in terms of being able to identify and understand both. I’m a solid 8 on the hunger scale right now but am about to make a sandwich!
You nailed it on this one! I cannot remember the last time that I binged, but I can remember the last time that I wanted to binge! The other day, I wanted to sit down with a box of cereal and eat the whole thing. I stopped, “checked in” with myself like you said, and poured a small amount into a bowl. I had what I was craving, but not to the extent that would have made me feel feel guilty or hate myself later. Smart choices daily are what makes the difference!
Great post!! I had a big late lunch so I am not hungry at the moment, but sipping some iced coffee!
Wow, I absolutely love what you said about overeating being a small problem and not to turn it into something bigger like binging/dieting!! Definitely something I struggle with, esp when I’m just really hungry and then think I’m overeating, and then wonder if I’m binging. GAH!
I am starving right now… But then again, I feel like I’m always hungry 🙂
Thank you for this. I really appreciate your words this morning. As I am struggling in my own patterns of emotional eating and disordered eating, I just really appreciate the love and grace throughout this post. Thank you for sharing your personal life in a way that benefits others.
Thank you for this. I need to check out the intuitive eating book. Ugh. You’re right sometimes the stars align perfectly for success and others not.
I just finished a bowl of oatmeal with a 1/2 scoop of vanilla vega protein so I am perfectly content at the moment 🙂
Thanks for this post Monica! I have also struggled since high school with disordered eating, and while I am thin because of my running, I still feel guilty about “bad” eating days. I think your balanced approach and acceptance of this being a journey is so right. Keep up the positive, honest conversation!
The part about disordered eating being a long term struggle is so true. I know someone who suffered from anorexia and appears to be “completely healed,” but I don’t know how that’s possible. It’s always an inner struggle.
As for hunger, I’m at a 5 right now. Coffee is doing just fine for me at the moment. 😀
Thank you for this! I find myself having to rephrase when I eat a little too much from “binging” to “overeating” because the two are different. And I feel that recognizing the differences has helped me a lot in my recovery. I appreciate your honesty about touchy subjects and your general attitude and voice on your blog.
I am so guilty of the chips and guac over eating haha! How can you not?!
Thanks for sharing this! Right now I’m about a 7 on the hunger scale…its almost time for a morning snack!
11…. ;P I am more hungry now with running & strength training then I ever was when pregnant three times. I will say though, I do try to have healthy ready to grab snacks in the house!!! I did have breakfast already and snack time is in a couple of hours but day dreaming about eating. I will drink some more water and hope for the best!!! Happy Thursday
Good for you, busting the misperception we have that you’re a perfect human being! (That’s a genuine comment, btw). Being aware that you were tempted to binge but didn’t, shows us that you’ve grown tremendously as a person! I, myself, am on my way with my own personal growth with anxiety, but it’s extremely comforting to know that no one’s perfect. Even if their pictures say otherwise, haha!
Even though I don’t know you personally, I’m proud as heck of you!!!
Right now I am a one ~ not hungry but enjoying my cup of coffee. I over eat a lot, especially lately where my eating and drinking has caused me to slip into wanting to eat and drink even more.
My pear shaped bottom is becoming bigger once again…
Thanks for sharing!
It is hard sometimes, I don’t binge anymore but there are days when everything is too mucho and I may overeat (not hiding or shoving it all in my face in the way I used to) and even though it is not ideal I try not to be too hard on myself for it. Because we are humans and life happens.
Have a nice day!!
Fab post and something I still need to get my head around. I tend to think every misstep is a binge and that sets the whole thing off, whereas if I stop and think about it many times are probably just overeating a little bit, which is different. I needed this today so thank you!