Today at Fitbloggin I will be presenting
Blogging 101: Breaking into Health and Fitness Blogging
If you want to follow along with my presentation use this link.
Today at Fitbloggin I will be presenting
Blogging 101: Breaking into Health and Fitness Blogging
If you want to follow along with my presentation use this link.
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Disclaimer: Please speak with a medical professional before making any changes to your diet or exercise. I am not a doctor or registered dietitian. The views expressed are based on my own experiences, and should not be taken as medical, nutrition or training advice. Please note that affiliate links and sponsored posts may pop up from time to time. I truly appreciate your support. More »
I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance and here I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.
I enjoyed this piece of information. I must state that if only we take it serious it will go a long way to help many of us with sedentary life style
I am going to check this out. I haven’t read it yet but I will tonight. This post caught my eye because I just started my own blog for health and fitness. BTW I loved your previous post “things I learned about blogging.” I loved the number about not worrying what others are postings. I do always worry and you made me realize that I need to do my own thing and post what I think is good material.
Just ran across this post… great information here and presented in a fun and interesting manner. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for sharing for those of us who couldn’t make the conference! I found your tips both helpful and encouragin. 🙂
I’m sorry I missed out on this. I definitely need to plan to fitblog next year!
Not sure how new your header images is, but I love it! Looks fantastic!
That’s awesome that you are presenting! Good luck, I’m sure it will be great, sounds like a fun topic! 🙂