Hi! How are you? Did you run today? Did you eat? Did you run while eating? Because that is real talent – especially if you’re eating soup.

I ran today and found $5 on the path! A few weeks ago I found a driver’s license. Today I found five bucks.
What’s next?
I hope not a body!

Maybe I’ll find a new pet?! I found Vegas at the bank – did you know that?
I came home and told him about my find but he wasn’t impressed. Thanks for nada cat!

Now let’s talk about pizza.
Pizza is the best! Best best best.
Q: You know what’s better than pizza?
![eating pizza 2[4] eating pizza 2[4]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/eating-pizza-24_thumb.gif)
A: Nothing.
But maybe Channing Tatum eating pizza with a cat is on another level.
![eating pizza with a cat[3] eating pizza with a cat[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/eating-pizza-with-a-cat3_thumb.gif)
And I know Cauliflower Pizza Crust has taken the internet by storm. But let’s be honest – it’s a pizza alternative. It’s not REAL pizza.
It does the trick when you’re trying to watch your calories or not eat 4 whole large extra cheese pizzas a week (hey, don’t judge!). This is a healthy lower calorie option to feed your pizza craving. And yes, I totally love it too.
I love all pizza… deep dish, frozen, fake, real, hot, luke warm, Costco, 5 star restaurant, other people’s pizza…
![eating pizza[4] eating pizza[4]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/eating-pizza4_thumb.gif)
![eating pizza 1[4] eating pizza 1[4]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/eating-pizza-14_thumb.gif)
This Chicken Crust Pizza recipe is another option for your healthy pizza needs. The crust is made entirely of chicken so it’s low carb and gluten free. This means you can use those carbs for wine or dessert. It is all about balance!

Chicken Pizza Crust Recipe
I used skinless boneless chicken breasts for this. I’ve also seen recipes with ground chicken as the crust. That’s easier to form into a round crust, but requires more ingredients to stay together.
Chicken pizza crust – boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1 per person), garlic powder, Italian seasoning, marinara, cheese and other pizza toppings.

Directions: Flatten chicken breasts to 1/2 inch thick. Season on both sides with garlic and Italian seasoning. Bake at 350 degrees until cooked through (about 15 minutes each side).
*I cut the thick part of my pieces to kind of butterfly it and flattened them from there.

Once the chicken is done spread pizza sauce, cheese and toppings on each one. Place under broiler and watch carefully until melted.


Don’t care what you find. Why do you blog people bury the recipes after alot of irrelevant nonsense. A direct link off the top to the recipe would be far more helpful. Everyone does not have time to read about your trivia.
I am going to try this! No way to the cauliflower pizza crust. That’s just gross. But chicken crust pizza. YUMM!
I bet you’ll find a puppy just looking for a new home. A friend for Vegas.
Chicken pizza sounds amazing (kinda like a healthy chicken parmesan). I saw a random pair of underpants on the side of the road while running the other day. That was weird!
Ha! I’ve seen that too – how does that happen?!
I found a $20 bill one day when out running! Best run ever 🙂
OMG this looks AWESOME! And much more feasible for me to make than cauliflower pizza…
Ok I laughed – hard- while reading this blog. I stopped momentarily because I felt that Channing deserved a moment of silence, or drooling or both. I’m super impressed that you found $5. Of course I would have looked around to see if someone is trying to pay me to stop running. Anyhow I usually dream of finding a money bag – you know from fleeing bank robbers or a drug deal gone bad and that leads me to lots of miles of daydreaming how I would hide and then spend the money.
Thanks for the fun.
OMG pizza chicken, soo having this for dinner!
I have been reading for a while and just wanna say a massive thanks. I have been really lazy and not ran for about 3 months (lots of eating though, I am good at that!) But, today I got off my butt, laced my trainers and went for a little 5K run. I am dying now but feel good doing it!
Keep up the great stuff!
Good job! We all go through periods of being less motivated. You keep it up too 🙂
I really like this idea. I’m always eating grilled chicken breast while wishing it was pizza.
Woah! Don’t put that dead body vibe out there. Have you ever noticed? Whenever bodies are found by the side of the road, it’s usually by a “jogger”? Maybe you should shoot for a $10 bill, DB Cooper’s ransom money, or a pony. I’m sending cash and pony vibes in your direction. :O)
I don’t think I’ve ever found anything worth picking up. Fingers crossed for a pony.
I know! I almost deleted that after I wrote it! I didn’t want to throw that out there – scary. But I had to commit to the joke 😉
The only thing I’ve seen on my runs lately are slugs & caterpillars. Tons of them!
Our sidewalks/roads look covered in little wigglies like earthworms after rain — except they are not earthworms and it has not rained.
Has anyone ever heard of this? Is this a new plague? Should I be prepping for a zombie apocalypse?
Slugs! Gross. Don’t step on ’em!
This looks super interesting! I’ve never heard of a chicken pizza crust but now I want to try it!
I’m gonna have to try this chicken pizza crust sorcery.
And I’m jealous you found 5 dollars! The only thing I ever find on my runs is tumble-weave 😐
HA! Tumble-weave! I saw one this morning!
At first it looked like a dead animal (it was dark and not moving)… but upon closer inspection, it was definitely weave!
The kind that you clip in — still had those little combs attached!
Ha!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the best.
This makes my day! Ha!!!!