My eats on long run days are always really “off”. I feel empty, but not exactly hungry. I want to eat, but nothing sounds like exactly what I want. It’s weird. (But, tomorrow I’ll wake up starving!)
I made Ben a quesadilla for lunch and ended up stealing 1/4 of it. It was big. Plus some chips and salsa Ole.
A few hours later I polished off the eggplant and tofu stir-fry I made a few days ago. I mostly ate this because I thought I should (which I never do but my hunger is so weird on these days).
The plan was to go to Yogurtland for dinner. Seriously, that was my plan. But, I knew Ben wouldn’t be okay with just that so I picked up a few pieces of Costco pizza for us to share.
And here’s where you know something is weird with my body – I didn’t feel like Yogurtland for dessert. Nah, I wanted a stiff drink. I’m sure my chaotic life had something to do with this too though
Today I busted into the sample pack Crystal Geyser sent me to try. Perfect timing – I’m so thirsty after a long run!
They’re a California based company and may have heard I drink a lot. So, they sent me a bunch different options. They make tea, juice and my fave = sparkling water!
I’m pretty excited about this massive lunch box they sent it in too!
I’m a volume eater and need a lot of food for lunch. Yep, this box passed the “bigger than my head” test!
The day’s events included booking our Florida Christmas visit. I poured over the different options for hours before finally coming to terms with the fact that it’s a cross country flight at Christmas and there’s no way we could get a cheap flight. At least it will be a good visit with family
Ben’s family is from Florida (outside of Tampa). We made a deal that we would celebrate Christmas with the family we don’t live near. Since my fam is in California and we see them more often we go out to FL for Christmas
Here’s last year’s Christmas with the in-laws. Although I’m super close with my fam, I love that I get to visit Florida for Christmas. Thank God Ben’s family is super nice to me and isn’t from a cold weather state!
Anyone else have to navigate Christmas traveling?
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My husband and I switch families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s worked pretty well, unfortunately none of them live in Florida, California, or Hawaii. 🙁
Christmas travel plans are a nightmare for us! My in-laws live in TX, but neither of us had the vacation time or the money to travel down there, so we inevitably go to my parents, who live a drivable distance away, but his parents are getting really ticked about it even though they aren’t willing to help us pay for most of the expenses. Nightmare.
Yeah, we live in Boston. My mom is in Western Mass. My dad is in Cincinnati. In-laws are in Tennessee. We looked at tickets for Thanksgiving and Christmas and finally came to terms with flying to Tennessee for T-day (the whole week) and just staying in Mass for Christmas. Tickets are RIDONKULOUS!
oh man, Whit is trying to get me to go to Hawaii for Christmas. My mom is currently having a fit because she loves all her kids in one spot during the holidays…and last year one of my brother’s was gone. So Hawaii or CA…? Decisions decisions…FL will be nice in Dec though!
My bf and I will probably spend Christmas w/ my family, which lives halfway across the country–his is in driving distance, though not close, but they’ll likely come to us for Thanksgiving. It’s crazy how much plane fares cost these days! I’m assuming the rates you posted were for the 2 of you together?
So we used to live by the majority of both our families and would spend Christmas with all of them, then on the 26th we would go to Florida to stay with my brother through the first of the year. Well now we live 3 hours from my brother and 800 miles from the majority of our family. We haven’t decided what we are going to do because we are cheap and we don’t know if we want to go back to the cold weather in Indiana in December!
*Like you wanted all that info! LOL
Lunch boxes are becoming increasingly adorable. Love the size of that bad boy. For Christmas, I always travel to my parents house. When I lived in California it was a wayyyy bigger pain (and hole in my pocket) to travel to Philadelphia than it is now that I live in New York. Although, I must admit… going to Philly for a few days in December was kind of a like a mini winter escape when I knew I could return to sunny CA. Now it’s like a 4 months freezer sentence.
Ackk I know about the type of stress that comes with navigating round different countries over the christmas period. We have decided to just stay in Cyprus again this year! Somebody always ends up feeling left out when we go back for visits, it just ends up being more stress than fun! :/ Florida sounds like quite a nice option though! 🙂
Both of our families live in Florida, but we never visit them at Christmas. And we live where it’s cold at Christmas, so they don’t visit us, either. After nearly 15 years of marriage and living in all sorts of places, thanks to the Army, we’ve grown accustomed to having Christmas with just our little family (me, husband and kid). It may be kind of quiet that way, but it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than getting everyone to Florida. And, not to mention, my mother-in-law drives me kind of insane, so it’s better if we stay far away. 🙂
I would get so stressed out if I had to fly at Christmas. I am very lucky that most of our family on one side lives in state and that the other side (parents divorced so there are two separate celebrations) all fly here and gather and my mother’s. WINNING. But I wouldn’t mind a trip to Florida every year…NICE! 🙂
Crystal geyser is awesome! But if you love sparkling water, I highly recommend a sodastream!!!! It will change your life!!!
YEY FOR FLORIDA! I’ve lived here all my life and it is the bomb-diggity. Did Ben grow up in Florida?
I NEED a huge lunch bag like that. Most are way too puny for my copious eating throughout the work day!
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