Happy Sunday! How’s your weekend going?
I spent some QT with my little brother, Matt yesterday.
It’s great to have him around to take pictures of my hair and other random things that I do. I am thinking of hiring him as my intern and firing Vegas.
I was hoping he would just quit, but he keeps showing up everyday despite the fact that I insist on cat dancing with him on the daily.
Vegas, you’re fired! Somehow, I don’t think he cares though…
I have been wanting to try this new Pho place near my house so we finally headed there for dinner last night. Spring rolls to start!
Matt got some noodle bowl boat that I thought was pretty cool.
Pho sho!
Isn’t this the most gorgeous pink sunset. Filter by God.
We got Yogurtland for dessert. No picture because I was busy. Eating it.
Sooooo. After my run yesterday I wanted to head to the store some post-sweat chocolate milk. But, I was too late and needed to meet up with Matt. No chocolate milk for me. No big.
Except. I had a dream about chocolate milk last night!
Isn’t that the saddest thing?! (Like sad because I’m obsessed with food, not sad because I didn’t have choco-milk.)
I can’t deny my heart chocolate milk! So, when I woke up and realized I didn’t have chocolate milk in the fridge I immediately walked to the store to get some.
It’s Pancake Sunday! I celebrated with Cinnamon Raisin Protein Pancakes.
Cinnamon Raisin Protein Pancakes:
1/3 cup oats
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 ripe banana
dash: salt, vanilla extract, baking soda
Blend in blender or food processor. Pour on hot, greased skilled and sprinkle on raisins and cinnamon. I topped my ‘cakes with syrup, extra raisins and almond butter (after picture).
Then, we took a nature walk. Where Matt tried to drown me in a puddle of water.
I swear I’m not peeing here…
There wasn’t much nature but there was some algae and a rainbow.
Question: Did you celebrate pancake Sunday?
I missed pancake Sunday? sniff sniff…don’t tell my kids, they will fire me in a heartbeat! Leave it to a little brother to lift a film of algae…ewwwww!
This post had me laughing so much! Sounds like you had a great day with your brother! That is a crazy picture with the algae!
That algae is crazy! Never seen anything like that!
aarrrghh! Didn’t know it was Pancake Sunday! Gotta make up for it today…even if it’s just dinner. 🙂
I’m a new follower to your blog, and I love it! You’re too funny!
Thank you Taylee!
Wow what a great easy pancake recipe.
I just discovered your blog from blog lovin today 🙂
I love all the pancake recipes that having been popping up on blogs lately, so many different variations to try.
Ooh your Pho also made me want to go back to Vietnam, the food was so good!
Hello Amanda! Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂
Such a great weekend in southern CA!!! I almost always have protein pancakes for dinner! 🙂
I need to make them for dinner soon – I always have eggs and just do pancakes on the weekend. That’s not right 🙂
I should have celebrated pancake sunday! I opted however to sleep in until I had to go to work so it was a quick breakfast for me today.
Funny that you mention it, I don’t eat pancakes very often but I had them on both saturday and sunday this weekend. They were delicious on both occasions.
Pho is my standard pre-race meal. Salty broth + carbs + a bit protein is perfect. I call it PR food.
wow that algae is crazy
Didn’t have pancakes, just PBJ on toast. Now I want pancakes 🙁
Your pancake Sunday looks awesome. I’m going to try that recipe. I celebrated with yogurt/granola Sunday, not as cool 🙂
i didn’t celebrate pancake sunday, but i celebrated oatmeal sunday (i swear, that’s a thing ;))
and i’ve definitely had a dream about food, too. sad but true!
Whoa! I’ve never seen algae that lifted like a sheet! Crazy!
Yes! Pancake Sunday was had today with FlapJacked pancakes 🙂
I did! I had blueberry buttermilk pancakes for breakfast 🙂
Pancake sunday is the only way to start off the day. I wish my younger siblings lived here, always fun to have them around!
I wish I had pancake Sunday!
I did celebrate pancake Sunday…and pancake Saturday too! A weekend isn’t complete without them!
With pancakes! Admittedly mine were plain bisquick pancakes, but they serve well as a medium for butter and syrup
I literally laughed out loud!