Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going pretty great, bbbuuuuttt there is Mr. Colin the Tropical Storm headed into town.

Being from California I don’t really understand rain or storms or anything about being inconvenienced by weather.
So, yeah I don’t know if I should buy food or take cover or cry or buy an umbrella or head back to my drought ridden homeland. Boo.
I will freely admit I have a long list of flaws. LONG. Very long.
And one of my worst traits is that I am not able to survive (with a smile) in inclement weather. I mostly die when it’s cold. But anytime I cannot run I am extremely depressed and cranky and overall unpleasant to be around. It’s a problem. But mostly a problem for the people around me, not you so don’t judge me too harshly. Thanks.
Luckily today I was able to run without any rain!! Actually the weather super cooperated and I got in 14 miles this morning!! It was super overcast and windy but the cloudy day is so much better than the sun beating down.

Yesterday I had to run super early because we were renting a boat for the morning. I set my alarm for 5:45am — which is 2:45am California time. It was rough. The things I do for running. I had time for 6 slow miles before the boat day.

I got back showered, made a quick protein shake and completely bathed in sunblock to head out.
Ben was the captain of the ship and was committed to go down with it should we face an iceberg or something.

He’s doing my favorite Run Eat Repeat pose. Ha!

Fuel for the journey…

I’ve been living off of donuts and watermelon. That’s kind of balanced, right?

As I was working at the table Ben came to sit down next to me with this as his lunch: a sandwich and a donut slathered in Nutella.

A few weeks ago I sent him an Anonymous Potato – it’s a thing where you pay to have a potato anonymously sent to someone with a message written on it. He knew immediately it was me. Ha! Anyway, his mom kept it to bring to vacation so we could eat it?! More Ha!! Thanks?

(It’s another thing I got from Groupon )
that potato idea is ingenious!
I thought you were in my neck of the woods. Glad you got your run in this morning before the rain. I totally understand about the rain and exercising. Im already dreading if it’s raining in the morning when Im leaving to workour. No worries though, the weather changes at the drop of a hat and be thankful that we aren’t getting what was expected. Also, so jealous that you saw manatees but am happy you saw them. They really are magnificent creatures in the wild. Enjoy your vacation
I love the anonymous potato! I have a friend who we affectionately call “potato girl” because of her love of potatoes.
Also, from a Florida girl -no need to fret over a tropical storm. It will just be a rainy, windyish day! There is quite a bit of shopping to do in Naples so perhaps check that out? I hope the weather isn’t too bad for you!
Hahaha anonymous potato. That is ridiculous and amazing at the same time.
A potato. That’s funny. I want to send my boyfriend a rock. Lately he has been as unemotional as a rock. And he isn’t bending much either. lol.
I swear that is why (for the most part)Californians are SO FIT…they get 98% sun and nice weather to get out there and enjoy it.
Us Minnesotans hibernate (Mostly) in the winter ~ gain our winter weight~ and then spend the other months (a.k.a. construction season) trying to lose the weight and get back into shape only to do it all over again.
~or we just say its finally BBQ season and its time to have a cold one or two on the deck ~ that I shoveled off all winter long so the dog wouldn’t do his duty all over it ~ ugh.