I am in a funk this morning. Just not feeling it.
I wasn’t super looking forward to my run (yes, I usually do look forward to every run because I am an addict).
But, I knew I had to get out and go so I set out on a 10 miler that turned into a craptastic 8 miler. I walked a lot of mile 4 so I decided to just stop and take a picture.
Sometimes when you are not feeling a run you’ll get warmed up and get into the groove. It’s awesome!
Well, that didn’t happen today. I just felt tired and my legs felt heavy. Bah.
The bad thing about running through a funk is that you have plenty of time to overthink what’s wrong… I dissected my troubles:
Am I over-training?
Are my legs tired from yesterday?
Is this the first signs of lung cancer? I do feel out of breath…
Am I just a shitty runner?
Should I quit the running game and take up bingo?
Then, I realized that running can sometimes be compared to intuitive eating. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.
With intuitive eating you are supposed to listen to your body’s signals. Trust your hunger, fullness and how you feel after meals. Know that your body will try to tell you what it needs (and doesn’t need).
Hungry even though you just ate an hour ago? It’s okay. Respect your body’s needs.
We can take some of those lessons and apply it to running.
Have an oddly tired day even though you don’t think you’ve been over-training?
It’s okay. Take it easy if that’s what your body needs. (And that’s what I needed today.)
If it’s happening often then you should review your training. Does your body need an extra rest day? Take it. Woke up feeling amazing? Run a little harder!
It’s a balance you have to figure out for yourself.
The moral of the story is: The sky isn’t falling Chicken Little. We all have good days and bad days and hungry days and healthy days and fast days and slow days. The end.
Question: Are you good at listening to your body?
Sue says
Nope! But working towards it…hopefully!
Evamarie says
I am so happy to see this post today – I had the SAME EXACT morning! I tried to push, thinking I would get a spurt of energy and it just never came 🙁 You are very right with applying intuitive eating to your whole lifestyle – I must remember to do that!
Carly says
I try to listen to my body, but when it comes to slowing down or calling off a run midway, my mind gets sooooo angry. Thanks for posting this, we can all use more reminders that it’s okay to listen to our bodies!
Susan says
So far all three of my runs have been “bad” this week. I’ve got a three miler ahead of me today and I’m hoping the tend doesn’t continue. Tomorrow I cross train so I think it will be good to have a “day off” per say.
Teri @ otherwisesimple.com says
Oh my goodness, it must be something in the wind. I have felt this way on all of my runs this week. :-/ Just really. bad. runs.
I hate when this happens. A key for me is when I experience a bad run (or a few in a row like this week for me) I do less running and more cross training for the next few workout sessions. It seems to let my body re-coop while I still get my workout in.
Just a thought!
Martha says
Oh I feel ya. Sometimes I have a string of bad runs and just get so frustrated. Usually after a mile or so I can shake it, but other times, not so much. Sometimes I just have to flip my training on its side, train for minutes instead of miles for awhile until I can get my momentum back. But you are so right, we definitely need to be just as intuitive about our workouts as our eating habits!
Mary says
Thanks for posting this! Sometimes we’re so set on getting the run in that’s written on our plan no matter how we feel and that’s when it all starts to go wrong and injuries happen!
Kathy says
As a trainer I’m great at telling clients to listen their bodies but not so good at doing it myself. I tend to take the approach that my body should do whatever I tell it to do, and don’t sass me about it….it’s been sassing me lately so clearly that’s not working. This post is a good reminder!
Karen @ tradingheels.com says
Great post. I am totally guilty of allowing my mind to go wild during a bad run. It’s great to hear we all do this.:)) You’re such a strong runner and the next will be better.
Nerri says
This is awesome sauce. Especially the picture at the ends. Nothing is as and as the runs, bad!
Emily says
Great timing, yesterday was a bad run for me. I hit the treadmill after running outside for 2 weeks and realized how sometimes the treadmill is not my friend. My abs hurt mile 2 and I got a bit dizzy. I made it 3.1 but in 40 awful minutes. Not sure if I tried to run too soon after my 10K Saturday, but yesterday was bad. Glad everyone had bad days! We just get up and run another day and forget that one happened!
Jennifer @ Every Joyful Step says
I had an awful run today too! It was hard since mile 1, and I hated every minute of it. Ugh! I am trying to better at listening to my body, but it is SO hard. The next two days will be rest/cross-training days, so I can hopefully have a great long run on Saturday!
I hope you have a great next run!
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties says
Just remember: 8 bad miles are still better than 0 miles 🙂 good job powering through it!
Runningwithscissors says
After three pelvic stress fractures I’ve finally started listening to my body. A day off or a crappy run isn’t the end of the world!
Nikki @ grab your kicks says
I definitely over analyze a bad run or pain here and there. I had a headache after work and felt kind of sick, of course I thought, do I have a serious infection or brain tumor? I know it’s ridiculous, but you just never know and I’ve never had a headache that bad. I’m chalking it up to stress though.
Chris says
Thanks for this post. I’ve been struggling with knee pain when I run lately and it has forced me to the pool and the stair master. I’d much rather run, but I also have to walk… like from my car to my office and it has been a real chore since this pain started lol.
Kristi says
I definitely had that day today. I woke up crazy tired and knew that I need to take a rest day. I thought about getting out there and at least trying, but I listened to my body and knew that sleep was what I needed today. Tomorrow I’ll prob feel a million times better during my morning run.
Road_Runner_CR says
A much better posting than what I had guessed about on twitter! 😉 You’re right on the money, though. We often invent way too many reasons, justifications, and excuses as to why we know better than our bodies.
Lisa@runningoutofwine says
I’m getting better at listening to my body but I still push too hard sometimes. Great post!
Kim says
Bummer that you had a bad run but it is good to know that even “running addicts” occasionally have off days! Hopefully your next time out rocks!!
Heather @ Run Eat Play says
No 🙁
Bethany says
I’m not good at listening to my body while training. I’m training for the NYC Marathon and I getting tired. I’m looking forward to taper in 2 week. Portland Marathon this weekend, I signed up before I got into NYC. I will be using it as my last long run.
Kathy says
NO! But its all related to eating…..I tell myself I am not hungry. I ask myself “Why am I eating this?” I run through the list of reasons I shouldn’t go through McDonald’s drive thru and buy that M&M McFlurry and then before you know it some dude is handing me the cup and telling me to and I quote…”Have a nice day”.
Well, ya! My mouth and sweet tooth will have a nice day but my head and heart is now depressed from sugar over load and knowing it was wrong so then I go home to cry in my creamed coffee and peanut butter toast!! Wah, Wah, WAh…..I am out of control!!
runeatrepeat says
Try to remember how you’re going to feel after you eat something that won’t make you feel good. It seems like you’re treating yourself nice by giving it a special dessert, but if it just ends up making you feel crappy then it’s not nice.
Does that make sense?
Kelly @ Live Green Chic says
I went on a crazy spree examining everything I ate yesterday trying to find the reason for my miserable evening run. So glad I saw your post – it helped me get out of the pity party and back on track! Sometimes it’s just not happening, and whether or not “that race” is coming up, you just have to accept it and move on! The next run will be better!
Natalie says
I had a bad run today. I realised had been over training when I used the elevator at work afterwards. I never do that but my knees were not liking the stairs. Im training for my second half marathon and looking forward to tapering next week.
Elizabeth @ Positive Change says
This post seriously could have not come at a better time! I have been STRUGGLING with running. Something that use to come so easy to me is now super difficult. I moved about a year ago to an area with a crap ton of hills and it has really affected my running. I have started to listened to my body more and realize that I am living in a totally different area from last year and running hills everyday is not something this normal! So I have started to back down on running 5 days a week and scale it to more of 3 for the time being. I am also running my 2nd marathon in January and freaking out about it because of the bad training! So all in all thank you for this post!
Heather @fitncookies says
Oh my gosh.. it’s like you read my mind. I had a run like this yesterday. I set out for 6 miles, but made it 3, and basically only because I had to come back. I ended up walking a bit of the 3rd too because it was up a huge hill. I kept trying to decide why I wasn’t into the run and tried pushing through it, but it was just a flat out bad run. It’s ok to have those, because I always come back stronger. Like todays 6 mile run that was much much better!
Livi says
ugh I struggle with it so much when it comes to training! I always want to do more, go farther, go faster… but I am definitely learning to be more intuitive!
Kelly @ Kelly Runs for Food says
I definitely have those runs! I’m not training for a race or anything right now, so I just kind of go with how I feel that day.
Jen says
I have gotten much better about listening to my body. It took overtraining and an injury though. Now if there is a training run that needs to happen and I’m not feeling it, I start, but if 2 to 3 miles in I’m still just not feeling it I bail. It’s a fine line between lets push through this and be tuff and it’s time for a break otherwise something bad (like an injury) is going to happen. I guess since I’m finishing in times I’m happy with I’m making the right decisions on when to bail and when to push.
Jewell says
I had one of those runs yesterday. My 6 miles turned into 3, but I’m ok with it. 🙂
Rebecca Jo says
I needed this… I had a HUGE pity party after a horrible run Monday… kinda dreading running again because I’m afraid it’s going to be just like that every time…
& thanks for the laugh. That last one made me chuckle
Alison @ The Fit Chronicles says
That’s me today! I woke up with a little sore throat and am achey all over. I don’t think I’m overtraining for my upcoming 10k, but I’m skipping my 4.5 mile speed work for today. Better to be safe than sorry, right?! I’m hoping I’ll be back in action tomorrow as a result of my rest today. Glad to know I’m not alone! 🙂
Caitlin @ Runmimsie says
I think I use the “listen to your body” thing as an excuse sometimes. Yes, I wake up in the morning and feel tired…but sometimes I’m just not awake yet. I use that as an excuse not to do something. But I do really try to listen to what I need. A shorter run? okay. An extra snack? Go for it.
You need what you need. Don’t try to fight it!
Running Rosa says
I’ve always been horrible at listening to my body. I let my mind lead the charge and it has it’s own ideas which can differ a lot from the physical. I’m starting to realize that while that may have worked when I was younger and my body was more forgiving, it’s not going to work as I get older and my body starts to break down. Respect it!
Nicole @ Pink Elephant on Parade says
welcome to the craptastic run club! I’m not getting my long runs done at all for two weeks in a row and I’m just all, “f#$k the marathon.” I’m terrible and I will regret this at the end of the month when I’m at mile 15 of the Marine Corps but for now I’m just letting it go.
bridget says
I needed this today. Thanks!
Hope tomorrow you feel your strength. You inspire me even on your off days.
Megan (The Lyons' Share) says
I had a bad run today, too! Nothing was “wrong,” I just wasn’t feeling it … I slowed my pace and cut it from 14 to 12. In general, I think I’m pretty good at listening to my body! It’s huge for injury prevention and keeping me motivated mentally. I bet we’ll both have awesome runs tomorrow :).
Barbara says
Excellent post. I needed this today.
april says
um, this was just the post that i needed today. i’m having a “feeling low on energy, but feeling so hungry” day and i’m trying to listen to my body and give it what it needs (rest & more food). it’s silly, but sometimes i need to be reminded that it’s okay to feel like this. thanks for the post. 🙂
momtaxijulie says
I had a bad one this morning too! I usually run at night but since I’m furloughed :effeneffeners: I went earlier. BUT I didn’t eat! DUH. My knee was hurting and then I started to feel light headed so I just cut it short. Next time will be better.
Sara @ Middleaged Runner says
When I saw the title I had two words and two words only…
Pepto Bismol
runeatrepeat says
Ha! I guess my runs coulda been worse 🙂
Aimee - funfitgirl says
This is something I’m definitely getting better at – although I still have those crazy conversations with myself in my head. Sometimes I know my body needs an easy day, and sometime I know I just need to put my big girl panties on and run through it.
Ashley Jenkins says
Thank you! I had a really bad run on my lunch hour today and this is exactly what I needed to keep my confidence in my ability up. Glad to know it happens to even the best of runners!
emskiruns says
I had a bad run last week felt horrendous thought I was going to be sick but I pushed through it and carried on and I have to admit that I haven’t wanted to run since so I haven’t. I will get back on it at the weekend at park run.
Amy @ The Little Honey Bee says
Love this. I’m getting better at listening to my body. I hate rest but I know my body needs it
Emily T says
This is exactly what I needed to hear this week.
…I also love the “is this the first signs of lung cancer?” Hahahaha.
Great post!
Eugenia Byrne says
I have been fortunate to be on a really good running streak, but I definitely go through times where I have BAD runs from all aspects (I don’t feel like it mentally, my legs feel stiff & heavy, my stomach hurts, all combined!). I can’t believe I would get so mad at myself a few years ago when this happened…now when it happens I know I just need to eat a bit more, relax & get a few more hours of sleep, and everything seems to fix itself 🙂
Annie says
Nope! I’m terrible. Although I don’t know many runners who are…
C. says
This is so true. I had an awful short run last week despite beautiful weather and my desire to have a great run – some days it just isn’t meant to be a good one!
Taylor @ Single-tracked Mind says
Couldn’t agree more! Just listen to your body and don’t freak out. Or do something you’re more into on that given day! Bad runs make you appreciate the good runs!
Ashley @ BrocBlog says
I had a super terrible 12 turned 10 miler a few weeks ago followed by a completely blah THREE miles but then I had a good run a few days later and it was the best thing in the world so at least theres that.
Laura @ RunningJunkie says
I am trying to get better at listening to my body, but I”m still pretty bad at it sometimes…….especially when it comes to running. I’m a tad numbers obsessed.
Ashley @ Eat Run Live Happy says
I had a terrible run yesterday. Terrible. I’m usually really good at listening to my body but I feel like I’m in a crunch because my first marathon is this month!
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
I totally feel for you today. When bad runs happen for me, I have learned that a great run is usually only a day away. I am pretty good at listening to my body. I can typically tell the difference between legs that can warm up and legs that really need a rest.
Krissy says
I was feeling like this a lot a few weeks ago. I guess marathon training had really been getting to me and I was just..as they say, “cooked” I was nearly talking myself out of the marathon (which sounds silly now).
Running is like marriage to me. I love it, I’m passionate and completely committed to it–but I’ve got to stick with it and work with it. It may not always be easy, but what in this world having is, am I right?
Bad runs blow–I mean…the big one. But, man, when you’re on—it’s fuckin’ amazing 😀 Have a tall glass of chocolate milk, remember you’re totally amazing and inspiring tons of people, and attack it in a day or two 🙂
Really touchy feel-y there, ladies, sorry! 😉
Sara @ LovingOnTheRun says
I used to think I was but then I got injured. I need to do a much better job with listening to my body and knowing when enough is enough. We all have bad runs and sometimes we have bad weeks but the key is to pick yourself back up!
Hope your run tomorrow goes better! 🙂
Ashley says
I have been known to have more bad runs than good runs in the past. So lately I’m just thankful to be on the other side of the spectrum. If more runs are good runs than bad during any given week — that’s a win.
TartanJogger tartanjogger.com says
Brilliant post; I had three ‘bad’ runs last week, took a couple of days off, and had a brilliant run today.
Your body always knows best!
Hope you’re back on it very soon!