Confession Thursday is taking an uncomfortable, non-funny turn…
Yesterday I woke up 12 pounds heavier.
Yes, that can totally happen (it’s science). Or at least I felt like it happened.
I did have ribs and cornbread for dinner the night before…
So I did the math:
Ribs & Cornbread = 1,200 calories
12 pounds = 42,000 calories
Listen, math has never been my strength so maybe I forgot the carry the one. All I know is I woke up feeling fat bloated.
Wait, fat is not a feeling. I could feel happy or sad or nervous or lonely, but fat isn’t an emotion. I did feel bloated – which is awesome.
Okay. It’s not awesome. But it’s good to identify ‘bloated v. fat’ because then I could do something about it. So, I asked the all knowing internets for advice:
“What do you do when you’re having a fat day?”
And I got some great suggestions…
Check out my FB page for all the suggestions!
Back to my tiny lil black heart feelings…
I spent some time thinking about where this was coming from and realized it wasn’t really from my indulgent dinner, these feelings were coming from comparing myself to people around me. Usually I’m really good about this – I grew up looking very different than all my lil Mex friends. I had to get over it.
But, I’m still a girl and sometimes I find myself thinking ‘it’s not fair’ that someone else is naturally tiny or gets to do less or eat more or wear hats or look good in white jeans…
I was comparing myself to the (very gorgeous) people around me this weekend. I just happen to have completely beautiful, extremely fit friends – which is awesome! However, it’s rough to be ‘average’ around people like that when you’re having a so-so day.
I had to snap out of it so… I went for a run and ate a healthy breakfast. I gave myself 5 minutes to feel bad and then STOP. I reminded myself NO ONE CARES.
No one cares how you look or how much you weigh except you. (And if anyone else cares in a negative way you should drop them from your life. I do not have relationships with people who criticize other’s weight or looks.)
If you’re having a fat day try:
Doing something that makes you feel good.
Wearing an outfit that makes you feel gorgeous.
Repeat some positive mantras.
Read a story about someone inspiring. ABC has a Good News page!
Make someone else feel good with a nice gesture or compliment.
Choose happiness. Pass it on.
Question: How are you today?
Fat is also not an insult. It’s a state of being, like short or tall or young or old or having blue eyes. It also does not describe you at all.
Why do women feel the need to compare themselves to others, or to put themselves down, just out of habit? I do it too, don’t get me wrong. But why can’t we just say “I’m me, and that’s MORE than good enough.”
It is so frustrating to see thin, attractive women put themselves down like this. I think it’s a habit we learn as little girls. Like saying “sorry” to everything.
Next time you eat too much and feel gross, instead of going through all the motions of shame and guilt, just say “wow, I shouldn’t have done that,” and get on with your life.
Great post, Monica. We all feel this way sometimes and it is important that people know that they aren’t the only ones who have “off” days. I just try to move on and tomorrow is a new day!
Its such as you read my mind! You seem to know so much approximately this, like you wrote the e-book in it or sohitmeng.I think that you can do with some % to power the message housea little bit, but other than that, that is magnificent blog.A fantastic read. I’ll certainly be back.
I love your honesty. I too can get caught up in numbers, feelings, insecurities…I am sure everyone can relate. But the worst thing is to give those feelings power. Your right, give it 5 minutes and move on! Lots of love. xx
This is so inspiring! I weigh myself each morning and if I have gained weight I totally “feel fat.” It makes me get into a bad mood that lasts all day. I’ll try your advice next time. Thanks! 🙂
I was just feeling exactly like this two days ago. Thanks for the eye opening post and the realization that fat isn’t a feeling!
Love this post, thanks for your positivity!!
I can totally relate! I have a huge problem with binge eating & comparing myself to others – bad combo. I look up to you & am so amazing and inspired by your running ability, so always just remember that while you’re looking at other people with envy, someone is looking at you the same way! Keep it up girl 🙂
I suck at math too and will sometimes scare myself into thinking that I’ve actually gained 10 pounds from a splurgy weekend. I’ve lost over 100 pounds so I like to look at an old picture to remind myself of how far I’ve come. Then I check out the Women’s Fashion page on Pinterest and pin outfits that I want to wear. This post was a great reminder for me to not give up and give in to a “fat day” – thanks Monica!
Thanks for the reminder —
Always comparing myself to others 🙂
Wow, I love this post! You couldn’t have explained the fat/bloated feeling better. It’s tough being surrounded by beautiful people and battling the desire to be “perfect” all the time in what you eat and how you look. It’s refreshing to hear your advice on how to deal with these superficial feelings and to hear that “NO ONE CARES”. lol
Great advice! I actually used a #5minutepityparty on Twitter earlier this week. I let myself feel bad, gross, ugly, etc. for 5 minutes, then make myself do something to make me feel better.
Oh my gosh, eye opener. How often do we say we ‘feel fat’ — but you’re totally right, it is NOT a feeling. From now on I will rethink my words every time that thought pops into my head or I say it aloud. Helps to put things into perspective. Thanks Monica!
Exactly why I don’t own a scale. It’s just a stupid number. Comparision is the theif of joy. Your rocking bod just rocked the hell out of hat trick.
I have been injured for the past 3-4 weeks, so I haven’t been able to go running or be very active in what seems like FOREVER. Also, I recently became single again for the first time in years. So, the mixture of drinking & eating out more with friends and not being able to get any cardio in has resulted in a bit of a ‘fat feeling’ for me too.
But, I decided to shake it off today and go for my first run – it felt great! Back in action 🙂
Great Post Monica 😀
I love this post. I have a lot in common with you, minus liking running 🙂 growing up, all my friends were 5’2″ 100 pounds and I was 5’7″ 170 (that was at my fittest and I was actually in great shape) i’m just naturally bigger and come to realize that. yes, i’m overweight now, but my goal is just to get to 175 because I know that’s where my comfortable zone is. everyone is different. everrryone
Usually on those days I take a rest day — my mind and my body need it, and I just do it. You won’t lose any fitness in a day, but you can lose a ton if you try to force yourself to do something when you really shouldn’t (like when your body and heart are both saying REST) — you run the risk of injury from not paying attention/thinking about how bad(ly) you’re feeling, you run the risk of losing the passion altogether, and you put your already weakened body at risk of becoming sick.
I am a huge proponent of planned (and unplanned as necessary) rest days. For planned rest days, God gave us the Sabbath (and His example) because He knew we’d need it. for unplanned rest days, Jesus showed us that time with Him is more important than anything else we might or might not feel like doing.
So rest up today, remember (like an earlier commenter said) what your body has done for you in the past, and plan for tomorrow.
My favorite RER post EVER. BAR-NONE.
Thank you!
I have had a fat week this week!! PMS is fun! LOL I sulk for about ten seconds and then remember my bff’s mom who is struggling with surgeries due to breast cancer and I snap out of it. Having a “fat” week is so ridiculous. There are so many people who would love to have that as their only problem. I thank God everyday that I am healthy and get to physically do the things I love. Some aren’t so fortunate!
You are not average…not one single bit. You are an inspiration to so many readers and you were invited to join those other running bloggers for a reason–you are all exceptional women (ALL of you).
I know what you mean though. Some of my friends are blessed with petite genes and just never seem to change size–one of them has the most amazing wardrobe because she’s never grown since high school. My weight/size fluctuates wildly throughout the year/month/week and I have a whole side of the closet for clothes that I hope to wear again someday. My friend can eat a half rack of ribs and I will gain 10 lbs just watching her. That’s life. We’re all different. I try to be healthy all the time, but I also like to live my life and enjoy myself–I think that’s equally important.
As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned that my best accessory is good posture and a whole lot of personality. No one notices or cares, as you said. But you’re definitely not alone with that feeling! And I like to get my hair washed/trimmed on days like that–feels like a million bucks! (Thankfully, my hair never feels bloated).
First time commenter but long time reader. Wanted to drop in to tell you you are awesome! We all have these days. Just think. I am super jealous of your running abilities. I’m humbled when I read your crazy fast, long distances after I’m huffing and puffing following a sloooow 4mile run/walk that might as well be my marathon. Grass is always greener on the other side for something! We all have to remember our bodies are all different and those girls your jelly over for one reason are probably jelly over you for another reason! Chin up!
Loved your thoughts on how fat is NOT a feeling. The one thing I didn’t like is that amidst it all, you still referred to yourself as “average” compared to others. I don’t think it’s fair to yourself to do that! I am not sure how “average” is measured – but you’ve got a strong body that lets you run for miles and miles, and are beautiful with tons of personality! I don’t think there’s anything average about that, missy!
I treat myself extra nice on such days! Eg manicure/pedicure, going to the salon, long walks etc
I think you’re gorgeous, and you’re truly an inspiration to me. Keep on keeping on, you red-hot tamale < 3.
I always feel super fat next to other runners as well. And I work in fashion so I feel that way there too. Damnit!
You look great though. 🙂
This sounds cheesy but when I’m having a fat day, I think about how lucky I am to have a body that can do the things it can. Not everyone is so lucky, and plus if you still feel fat tomorrow, you can try to change it 🙂
Just remember, those same girls are thinking they are a poor man’s Monica. You are perfect just the way you are.
I really appreciate this post today. This is something I struggle with, even though I KNOW I’m not fat.
I love this! We all have off/bloated days… and it’s important to remember those don’t define us!
Hey Monica. First time commenting all the way from down under!
I too have days like this. It’s tricky. I know I look amazing compared to how I used to look. I try to eat clean, drink water, and do some weights and yoga at home to remind myself of how amazing my body is now.
I think you look really good – strong and slim and radiant!
The comparing thing is hard. But remember that you yourself are far above average in physique and fitness!
Every time I read other running blogs I save yours for the end. It’s keep things real and doesn’t make me feel crap about my looks/running like some others do 🙂
On fat days I definitely try to drink more water and go for a run. Maybe throw in some ab work too since that’s where I usually feel fat. I also do the “suck and tuck” method where you suck in your stomach and tuck in your butt. Instant 5 pound weightloss haha
I could say all the typical stuff but I am going to say that I GET IT! I always had the cute & thin friends when I was younger.. I always felt less than.. now I feel older than everyone! 😉 Especially in the FF world where there are not a lot of 50+ bloggers.
AS for fat – I get bloated a lot – just my bod so I get it … I try to drink lots of water & wear looser clothes! 😉
You are amazing!! I love reading your blog. Love how real you are. Hoping to get to meet you some day! In my opinion, you would be the most fun to meet and run with! And eat hot sauce with. Thank you for sharing your experiences with all of us!
Great post. I love the phrase “fat is not a feeling.”
FYI: you are far from average. You fit in perfectly with that group of beautiful, fit people.
Dang girl….its always nice to hear the “real thoughts going on in some one’s head”…..from my home in MN point of view I was thinking how lucky you all are to be awesome fit, running bloggers who get to go to events such as these as a rep. for free and how I wouldn’t love to be part of that group…..I guess we are always comparing ourselves to some one or some thing.
I totally feel ya! .. Been having a week like this myself. We are human. I love reading your blog. I feel like I’m not alone with this!
Thanks for the post! I don’t think we can completely stop the comparisons – it’s just the way we work. However, I hope you realize that you’re giving all of us “average” girls a realistic role model. Those other women in the picture are beautiful, of course, but their body types are so far removed from mine that they only frustrate me. You’re thin and beautiful AND have a body type I can relate to. So instead of getting frustrated because I can NEVER look like you, I think “I can totally look like that if I just get my butt out the door and run!”
I think my favorite comment that I read from your post was Skinny Runner’s “I try to cut a limb off.” I started cracking up and had to share with my friend. Comments like that are perfect to bring you back to reality 🙂
Thank you for this, and I have tears in my eyes 🙂 When I have days like this, I think to myself….this doesn’t change YOU…you are still the same person, 5 lbs or whatever lighter or heavier. I would much rather have a healthy relationship with food & running/working out and enjoying life than feeling like my weight makes me a different person or somehow better. I guarantee the friends around and people that truly love us, love us for who we are 🙂
Just remember how far you’ve come! “Fat” days are going to always come and go. I get them a few times a month. I just try to remember that every time I have felt like that, the feeling never lasted. Nor did I actually gain any substantial weight. Usually just water weight that fell off a day or 2 later. 🙂
I loved this post because I can totally relate! I love working out and eating healthy and live by the 80/20 rule, but I have days where I feel like I have gained 10 lbs overnight all the time!
I always stick by “Comparison is the thief of joy” — so true, but definitely a struggle for so many…
Ugh we all totally have the fat days. I hate them! Most of the time, I “feel” it, but when I look in the mirror, I don’t “see” it. Or, better yet, when I feel it, I decide that no matter what, I know that most of it is in my head and I don’t even allow myself to check the mirror. I throw on my clothes, tell myself I am crazy and leave the house. I drink a ton of water and just wait for the next morning to come when I feel back to normal lol.
Great post, love it, you’re fantastic.
Thank you for writing this post, Monica! As a “recovered” anorexic (I don’t always have a super body image, but I no longer starve myself when the rest of my life feels messy), and a short, muscular girl, I struggle with body image a lot. It’s especially hard when I like to check out fitness blogs for new workouts, inspiration, etc. Some people just look different. But that’s why I love RER so much: you eat healthy without restricting, you run for the love of it, and you always keep it real. If a person can’t occasionally finish a 13 mile run and stop into Dunks for a donut, that person isn’t livin’. And YOU, Monica, are LIVIN’. So keep it up.
I love you 500x more for this post. I’m in the middle of battling my ED and have so many days like this and have to remind myself that fat is not a feeling and there’s always some kind of underlying emotion I’m having. It’s always nice to know I’m not alone in having these days!
And you are absolutely gorgeous the way you are! 🙂
This is so true! On my days when I’m feeling down about myself, it’s normally never because I actually am fat, ugly, whatever it may be. I’m just too busy comparing myself to others.
We all have them probably more than we’d like to admit. I just remind myself to put it in the past and move forward; I can start making healthier choices now. We are here to live; it’s ok to indulge and enjoy ourselves sometimes. Like you said, no one cares but you. Take that fat day and kick it in the ass.
It is just you. I was just browsing your blog thinking how beautiful you are. It is like that Dove study. Most women think they look, bigger, fatter, worse, than their friends, but it’s in their heads. Great post and will resonate with many…like me.
And this is why I love your blog <3
if fat is not a feeling, bloated isn’t a feeling either. Just saying.
Love this! My favorite quote is, “You’d care less about what others thought about you, if you knew how seldom they did.” <changed my life!
Love this! We all have those days!
This post upset me.
I can see you are very fit and quite stunningly beautiful. You look completely part of the group in the photographs you posted. As a doctor I would love all my patients to run 1/10 of the amount you purport to do. You appear to eat properly and exercise which is fabulous.
From what you write on here, you seem to have a pretty good life with a loving partner and family and lots of hobbies that bring you joy.
You have shattered my illusion that having thinness and beauty and love makes you happy all the time… it is clear that we are all prone to being insecure no matter who we are or how far we have come on our journey.
I hope you can find a way to appreciate how wonderful you are and be happy- 10 pounds or no 10 pounds.
Great comment…I think we all succumb to comparison and the “not-good-enough” at times, though, so this is a good reminder for all of us that nobody is perfect, and to appreciate all the amazing things about our lives that we so easily forget 😉
And yeah, I would LOVE to be able to run like Monica–it hurts my feet to even walk a couple of miles :p …
Ugh, my comment sounds lecture-y, which is the opposite of what I wanted! What I meant was, girl, I feel you and we have ALL been there…and I really admire your openness and courage in sharing your struggles 🙂
Thanks you 🙂
Ooh! I hate fat days. They usually go one of 2 ways. I either overindulge in terribly unhealthy treats OR workout. Well at least it doesn’t ALWAYS end badly. 🙂
I’m sorry you’re having a tough day. I wanted to note that I saw those photos from your blog, Janae’s, SR’s, Kristin’s … and I thought you all looked fantastic. You absolutely fit in with your hot friends! But I can still understanding having a day where you’re feeling off, and I hope it’ll pass soon. Take care, and drink lots of water. 🙂
Amazing post! Thanks for sharing!!
I have those days, too, when I’m extremely bloated and it’s the most uncomfortable feeling. Like you said, I try to go out for a run or do something to work up a good sweat. That always makes me feel better.
I get stuck by comparing myself to other people, too. I’m Korean, but I am much taller and thicker/more muscular than the other Asian girls around me. I developed a complex about my thighs in high school… but now I have accepted them as blessings (helps me run around everywhere!).
Amen — I will be referencing this at some point in my own blog. Preach it lady.
PS: you’re far from average. Just saying 😉
Ughh I can totally relate. I just moved to Paris – the land of stick thin and extremely well dressed women. For what it’s worth – I think you look amazing!
Love this post. Thanks for being real with us. Last year I started to get serious about running and got up to 7 mile long runs and felt so good about myself even though I wasn’t super skinny. Now I am a month post partum, gained extra weight, not cleared to run yet because I had a C-section. It’s hard because I’m not having a “fat day,” more like a fat few months, and I’m comparing myself to people who didn’t just have a baby! I know I will feel better once I can run again, even if the weight doesn’t come right off.
I am constantly on the “i feel fat” train.. Especially when I have had a fun weekend drinking and doing what college kids SHOULD be doing. What sucks is on Sunday, I will completely regret going out on Saturday night or Friday and basically ruin the awesome memories I made all because I compare myself to others constantly.. Thanks for this post though!!! I needed it!
I love this post! For me, I basically just have to tell myself to buck up and get over it. Because that “fat” feeling is in my head.
Grrrr!! Hate the comparison trap!! I always try to think of the fact that as women we can gain water weight in a hot minute depending on the amount of sodium we take in, the time of the month, etc.
Just last month I gained 5 pounds in a day because I decided to have a piece (ONE!) of pizza with my daughter. I was so upset.
My trainer put my thoughts in check, and then suggested a magnesium supplement. She said it helps her with water retention. Now, I don’t know if it’s the magnesium or not, but my bloat has been in check ever since!
PS – you’re beautiful as you are!!
Today is not one of my better days…for someone who is usually a “glass 1/2 full person”…dayd like today really kick my a**
I hate those days!!!!!But i feel like that when i eat pasta or bread!!!
GREAT post!! Thank you for sharing!
I think everyone has those feelings once in a while, even the “beautiful people” You need to do something good for yourself. I’m feeling great. I leave for NYC in one week!
this was a really great post, monica! i started eating healthy and running about 4 years ago and have lost approx. 40 lbs in the process. it took me a couple years to finally realize that i wasn’t “fat,” but i definitely still struggle with my body image and occasionally have those “fat days,” just like everyone else. i love the tips that you listed, though, because when you’re having those kinda days, it’s really difficult to focus on the positives when all you want to do is throw a pity party.
De una latina a otra… I feel ya homie!!!
Glad to see you posting this because I really look up to you (as I am sure many others do).
Sometimes we need a reminder to just keep on keeping on!
First: you are the only one ever who would think you don’t fit in with those girls. From everyone else looking in your are just as beautiful and fit.
Second: i so totally get it. one of my best friends is flawlessly beautiful with a perfect body without ever trying.
Third: great job at acknowledging what was going on and dealing with it. way better then drinking wine and eating ice cream to deal.
I can get down on myself the same way sometimes, I’m just a bigger person, 5’9″, broad shoulders and even tho I’m more fit than some people I hang out with most of them are still “smaller” than me. I definitely have to remind myself that everyBody is different 🙂
For some reason this post made me think of your recent beach trip and how OSM you looked! Like wow even someone that is that fit can have a low self-esteem day.
I have never commented on a blog ever, but this post really resonated. Just remember that I would give anything to run the way you do and I’m sure so many other people would too. I’m trying to train for my first half marathon but feel like my hips/knees are always sore, and I’m only 30! You were given an amazing gift, being able to run to your heart’s content without being in pain (I hope). Comparison is truly what gets us down (I agree with what another girl above said – not just comparison to others but to our former “skinnier” selves). I guess because I can relate so much to what you’re saying, I just wanted to come on here and say – 1) thank you for articulating what so many women in the world deal with daily, 2) hang in there because you’re awesome and an inspiration, 3) you are gorgeous and I imagine most of your friends are envious of YOU. Thank you so much for writing such an honest (and seriously funny) blog.
Whenever I fall into the dark hole of comparison, I try to remember that everyone is fighting their own battles. Where you think you may come up short with someone else, they’re most likely envying something about you. We are our own worst critic, and often have a skewed perception of ourselves in the world.
If you’re feeling bummed, concentrate on the things that are cold hard facts and achievements. Placement in races, realizing how far you’ve come in terms of fitness and personal health.. etc. When bad days strike it’s hard to see the forest through the trees.
Another thing I’d like to point out, just because someone is fit does not mean they will have a certain appearance or body type. For instance, my arms will never be super toned and muscular because they just don’t build up that way. They can be strong and lift a lot, but I don’t think I’ll ever have “cross-fit arms”. I may also never completely get rid of my love handles. But if I can still make PRs with running then who cares, right?
Anyways, I hope your fat day has passed and you’re feeling more positive. It’s also always good to check what day of your “cycle” you’re on 😉 as we ALL KNOW that has an effect too.
Love this!
Yep..Good notes Victoria!
This happens to me often! As a triathlete, weight is everything–it influnces speed in the pool, power in the bike, everything. When I wake up with two extra pounds of water weight, I throw myself a “Waaaah! It’s not fair! What did I do wrong?” pity party, for sure. For me, stress makes it worse, so the best things for me is just to ignore it and move on. It’s really hard to do sometimes.
Come here… stand next to me.. it’ll instantly make you feel better about yourself 🙂
Yeah. We could go on and on …. saying these sorta things forever and a day. What’s it matter? Just do your best for that day. Feel good (or maybe not) about it. Tomorrow will let you begin/try again.
Tom Hanks was in the news recently about gaining and loosing, (a maybe cause for diabetes, etc.) I did take advice/comments seriously. It was helpful. Some folks might not agree. The discussion seems a good way to promote change, or how we think about fueling our bodies without causing permanent, long term damage.
Everyone is skinnier than someone else. Everyone is bigger than someone else. Everyone is bigger than someone else.
Those thoughts help me. While you are comparing yourself to your friends, others are comparing themselves to you. Its all relative.
Gah, the third though should be, ‘everyone is FITTER than someone else.’ 😛
thought* !!!! omg, and everyone is a better typer than me.
Love this, and by the way you look AWESOME and strong! Strong is the new skinny 🙂
I feel okay today. It’s cold and rainy in Indiana, which helps nobody – I tend to gain weight in the winter… like a hibernating bear! 🙂 When I feel bigger than normal I just like to remind myself that this body has run 17 half marathons so it’s pretty darn awesome!
For the record, you look fantastic! Hope you’re feeling better today.
LOL crazy girl, thinking you look “average” – guess that shows how even those who WE look up to have moments of jealousy/comparison/whatever too.
Today… I am bloated. Not fat.
Choosing happiness is always the best choice. 🙂
I totally get you on the comparing yourself to others. I’ve gotten pretty good with eating well but every now and then I’ll go on a “binge” and it’s usually because I feel like if other people can eat whatever they want then I’m entitled to the same thing. It’s pretty stupid and self-destructive but at least I’ve become more aware of it, it’s all a work in progress right =)
great post!!
I LOVE THIS POST!! I had a fat day yesterday. I’m not sure why, although it was probably a similar reason to you. I made myself feel better by thinking about my latest running accomplishment this past weekend- dropping 20 minutes off my half marathon PR and finally finishing in under 2 hours! I was so excited, and I was only able to do it because of the legs that I constantly criticize! Nobody else cares that I don’t have a thigh gap, or that my face is as round as a basketball, regardless of how much weight I lose.
Plus- being “average” means more relatable! Everyone hates the people who can eat hamburgers, pizza, froyo and cookies all day everyday- because that isn’t NORMAL! 🙂
Totally understand how a weigh in can ruin your day. You look extremely fit and this may be your body’s way of holding on to a couple more lbs cuz of the back to back races you’ve been running (just read through a couple weeks worth of your posts:)). But I think that’s a good thing. You look super lean and toned and that’s all that matters. When I’m having a bad day, I try to gauge how my clothes fit,not the scale. If my clothes are getting tight, I’ll scale back sweets since sugar sticks to me like a glove. In A couple weeks, I’ll try on those same pair of jeans and of they fit, I feel better. The scale always will disappoint me:/
Love this post! After my last race, I couldn’t believe when the scale really was up a few pounds and I got in a bit of Debbie Downer mood. However, I realized that my hard work would pay off and that I rocked my first 10k and that flipped my mood to a positive one really quickly. Thanks for the positivity and happiness that you share in your blog!
I so needed this today! Even skinny people can have fat days 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Guuuurl! We all have these days and it’s really hard work to stay positive and completely confident 24/7! I came home from run club last week and told my husband I was the fattest one there. His response : how many of those girls can knock off a BQ marathon any old time? He was right. None of them are at my fitness level but dang they are all so tall & skinny and look good in running tights!!! Moral of the story as everyone else mentioned is focus on your strengths and move along! You’re great and I love your blog yet rarely comment.
Guuuurl! We all have these days and it’s really hard work to stay positive and completely confident 24/7! I came home from run club last week and told my husband I was the fattest one there. His response : how many of those girls can knock off a BQ marathon any old time? He was right. None of them are at my fitness level but dang they are all so tall & skinny and look good in running tights!!! Moral of the story as everyone else mentioned is focus on your strengths and kn
Thank you for this!! I was training for a half (that I was JUST about to sign up for..) when I dislocated my knee. Twice. I can’t walk properly, let along run.. and needless to say.. it’s a long recovery for me and I can’t exercise. I feel fat, bloated, blubbery.. not good. This is a great post and I am right there with you turning this negativity into positivity! Thanks Monica 🙂
I could have written this myself. Running, that one thing that brings me to a place of such positivity and self-esteem can also bring me to the polar opposite sometimes. I Find that when I’m lined up in the corrals before a race I look around and all I see are the women around me with beautiful hair and nice thin bodies rocking their tempo shorts and strappy tanks, I feel so bad about myself. I’m 5′ 3″, 142 lbs and have a D cup. Oh and naturally curly hair that gets knotty and frizzy within 5 minutes of any run because I sweat like crazy! I can’t wear shorts because they creep, and I can’t wear cute tops because I have to wear the serious Moving Comfort bra along with a top to cover it. So here I am proud of the strong endurance runner I’ve become in my mid thirties (and starting tomorrow, my 40s) and I feel crapola about myself. Fat and icky. It’s nuts!
I am sorry that I am not alone. It seems that most women go through these emotions and it’s something I see in my 13 year old niece already. I try as hard as I can to show her that whether she is skinny or overweight it doesn’t matter. As long as she tries to be the best she can be.
Funny, when I look at the pic of all you lovely ladies above I immediately gravitate to you. I love your braids and your smile. And I would NEVER think you were not as fit. Um, your marathon time since I first started reading your blog has come down so low! You’re truly strong and beautiful. And unique and funny.
And your Vlog yesterday was AWESOME!
You’re not average, you’re a fast red-haired runner!
Fab post that I can definitely relate to. I have a super fit bunch of friends in my life now who are also gorgeous! I still struggle running 5k and they are mega speedy compete in Tri’s and endurance events and I’m just there like well I can run a 10k just about a week longer than it would take you but do you know what? At least I’m doing it and everytime I do it I will improve.
You are gorgeous lady and I know even the most fabulous of us have fat days but you look great remember that 😉
I compare myself ALL. THE. TIME. It’s kinda terrible. But I just need to remind myself that I’m MUCH healthier and more fit than I ever used to be! Everyone is different and I may never have tiny thighs, but at least they are strong and get me where I need to be!
Today, I’m feeling tired. I’ve been go! go! go! Since last week. Plus I’m nursing injuries from my 1st half marathon over the weekend, so I’m feeling generally sluggish from lack of exercise. But I know it’s temporary, so I’m not too worried about it.
You are so right. I have been feeling bloated/fat for a few days but I know its just because I compare myself to others. Thanks for this. Today I will try to control my thoughts and eat better!
Girl, we all have these days!!!
I literally cried a few Sundays ago because I felt ugly in all my clothes for church. My husband thought I wsa crazy…
But I went, had a healthy lunch and then had a vegan cinnamon roll. Woke up the next day feeling wayyy better!
My best friend is a college soccer player who is so fit and teeny. I am 5’5 and 145-150 depending on the day. You are one of my FAVORITE bloggers because I look at your legs and see me!!! Hallelujah! A woman with thick, muscular thighs.
Love your body, cause I do! God gave you your body to inspire and reach others.
It’s really easy to fall in to the comparison trap. While you might look at someone and think it’s not fair that she can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight, someone else might look at you and think I wish I could run as fast as her, or have her sense of humor or whatever. Whatever it is, I think we all make comparisons, but its important to remember all the good things you have going for you, besides one silly thing you compare yourself to others with.
After the whole “What’s your excuse” controversy, this post was a breath of fresh air.
It’s comforting to know that we all have days like these; but tomorrow’s always another day!
such a fantastic post that i think EVERYONE can relate to! i appreciate how honest you are, monica, and often times i find myself falling into the comparison trap despite how far i’ve come (losing 40lbs and keeping it off through a healthy lifestyle). we have to remind ourselves to look at far we’ve come rather than how far is left to go to reach our goals. and ps, you are a beautiful role model for everyone, and we all think you’re a rockstar!
It’s hard not to compare yourself to others, but comparing your insecurities to their strengths is not really fair. Thinking of your greatest strengths, and what other people might admire about you (or what you admire about you!) can quickly put perspective on a “fat” day. Everyone has them, chin up and keep on keepin’ on!
Love this post! I am married to a sub-elite competitive runner and he weighs less than me – YUP! I have been through years of trying to compare myself to him and always wanting to lose weight to be less than him. But guess what, it doesn’t matter! He is about an inch shorter and runs 120 mile weeks – why am I comparing myself to that?! He loves me and that’s all that matters.
Sometimes it creeps back in when I have an indulgent day or feel bloated, and like you I just have to breathe, relax, and move along!
awesome story/thoughts.
I love this post. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. It is so easy to compare oneself…. and I appreciate that your ways to fix it are about happiness for yourself and others. Today I’m feeling pretty good. Thanks!
This is awesome and I can 100% relate. It is so hard not to compare yourself to other bloggers that have the same “healthy living” blogging style as you. Just for the record, you are just as gorgeous and fit and happy looking as the rest of the bloggers on your trip!
This is a great post! I feel like I compare myself to other a lot and I am working on just being happy with myself. I also find that I compare myself to myself – I sued to be thinner, I used to look better, etc. Life is hard 🙂
I got really excited when I saw my name on your FB screenshot. I don’t know if that means that you’re super awesome or that I need to get a life, but either way, I was happy.
I understand those days. I also chug a lot of water. I have this warped mindset that water cures everything…kind of like the Dad in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” with windex. Headache….I need water. Stomach ache…I need water. Grumpy….I need water. you get it. And some positive reinforcement never hurts either…you look great, you are an athlete, and I love your blog!
Great post! It is sometimes hard not to compare yourself to other people. I do think it is good you gave yourself the time to feel what you were feeling and then got over it.
Besides the fact I’ll be packed into a gymnasium with all of my colleagues and hundreds of students and parents for 4 hours worth of conferences tonight, I’m great!
You look just as beautiful and fit as every one of those girls you are standing with in that picture and I’m sure they would all tell you the same. Oh, and I ran over the new pedestrian bridge that goes OVER Tampa Bay today and I was singing nips, hips and chips, oh my….it was a blast until I realized sound travels fast over water. People driving on the OTHER bridge were cracking up. Glad I could make their day. I am now in hiding..
Ha! Love that.
You are beautiful and fit.
I feel great today! The best thing I can do for myself when I feel gross/fat/ugly/insecure is to wear one of my favorite outfits, eat clean, and sweat. Or fake it until I make it!