You know the phrase – “Feed a cold, starve a fever”?
Well, my throat hurts so I don’t fall under either of those categories. But I do know that I NEVER starve a Monica. It’s just not right.
Anyways, we left off with me hanging out at my mom’s. I didn’t post again last night because I was tired and still feeling ‘off’. Even though I wasn’t hungry, I stole a bunch of my brother’s fries.
Oddly, I am always hungry for watermelon. I ate this while visiting my Grams.
I brought her a package of cookies, but she insisted I have one too. Grandmas are like that.
When my mom got out of work she took pity on my sad marathon training feet and treated me to pedicure. Thanks Mom!
Then, I hung out for a while before heading home. Since I’m still feeling sick I stopped at WF for a juice, but it looked like the juice bar was closing up shop. I grabbed some food instead.
I relaxed on the couch for a bit before going to sleep. I was hoping to wake up feeling great this morning, but that didn’t happen.
Instead I woke up before 6am and my scratchy throat was still angry.
But, I don’t have chest congestion and am 1 week away from my marathon so I didn’t want to skip my last weekend run! I fueled up with a cinnamon raisin bagel.
These bagels are so much more bagel-y than bagel thins, but only have 20 more calories.
Served up with peanut butter and banana! Note the peanut butter dripping off the sides of the bagel. I may save a few calories on the bagel, but I lather on the toppings with blatant disregard for calories. Priorities.
Since it’s my last run and I missed my practice race last weekend I decided to drive out to Long Beach to get a feel for the weather I can expect next week. The picture makes it look a lot darker than it was. The sun was happy to be out!
It was about 70 degrees and there were tons on runners out! I hope it’s a little cooler next weekend.
But, I just checked the weather and it looks like it will be the same today. Oh well, it is what it is…
Today’s run was 8 miles. I kept my pace around goal pace and wished it felt a little easier Hopefully, it’s just that I’m not 100% today?!
I finally got my juice on the way home. Hopefully, it acts as a magic potion and cures me.
I paired my whole foods hot bar with a piece of buttered sourdough. Good bread doesn’t last long around here!
I need a nap! But, I’ll be back later to tell ya why October is going to be the craziest month of my life!!!
Hi! I’ve been following your blog for around a year and I honestly look forward to reading your posts every day. I’ve struggled with an eating disorder for 3.5 years and just started my road to recovery around this time last year. Every time I read your blog it reminds me that eating and taking care of yourself is completely OKAY. I love that you let yourself eat both what your body is craving and what YOU’RE craving. I just always end up feeling my negative thoughts about food and weight disappear a little bit after reading something from your blog. You and Julie from peanut butter fingers just inspire me so so much. I just really wanted to let you know that.
Hope you’re feeling better!!
No such thing as too much peanut butter & bananas 🙂
Get well soon! Watch funny YouTube videos! Laughter is the best medicine
Do rest more!!
You’ve SO got this, girl! No worries – you’ve put in your time and now you just need to rest and RELAX!
I hope you feel better soon! I had a cold two weeks ago, and even though I felt okay my running definitely suffered. I am sure you’ll feel much fresher on race day.
Hope you feel better, stat, Monica!! Rest, rest, rest….and fries 😉
Running on the beach looks so nice! It’s marathon week now:)
My feet would STILL look horrific even after a pedicure. In fact, there in such bad shape they couldn’t handle one. :S Hopefully they’ll get better after training!
Where’d you find those bagels? They seem awesome!
Great time, especially for not feeling well! I hope you get better soon.
And I totally agree, starving is never a good remedy! Why piss our bodies off even more?
I am sick, I hope you don’t come down with something. I hope you feel better soooooon! decongestants are my new bff 🙂 I am the same way about juice, I’ve had enough green juice in the past 48 hours to last me a loooong time.
I went to LB State, and for a few weeks before I gradated I lived in Bellmont Shore on the water, it was amazing to be able to hop out of bed and run along the beach! I miss that so much!
Yesterday afternoon I started feeling randomly tired and congested- first thought “Am I getting sick? Well at least it’s not right before the marathon” second thought- “Am I a hypochondiac who shouldn’t read blogs when bloggers get sick?”
I tell myself it’s the latter and feel better after a hot epsom bath and spend the night stretching and yoga. XP
Satrudays are my rest days which works perfectly for the marathon. I’m still apprehensive though since my runs don’t exactly fill me with confidence because of all the hills around here- but thte Long Beach Marathon is flat so I’m hoping it’ll make it easier!..and not more agonizing as I’m not used to a continuously flat route!
Hope you feel better in time for your marathon!!! That weather seems great for a race, if it wasn’t so humid. Cloudy and in the 50s is perfect for me. 🙂
I hope you feel better soon! The fall weather is messing with my allergies – it was in the mid-sixties yesterday and was 39 degrees out this morning! Do you think some Ricolas would help your throat any?
I hope you feel better soon!!!
I hope you feel better soon, Monica. I suppose it’s good that you’re feeling bad today as opposed to next week. It’s good to get the sickies out before you absolutely need to be 100%. It still stinks to be sick, though.