And by feed me I mean, “Give me a drink!”

I didn’t realize, but I’m going to miss my usual long run day because of an event I’m attending tomorrow morning. So, I had to do 8 miles this morning (I have another half marathon next weekend!). This is probably one of my last shorter long runs before I start training for my next marathon!!!
It’s hot here! This is perfect weather for “living”, but a little warm for running!
I am sooooo glad I brought my hand held water bottle. I was thirsty the whole time. I filled it up on the way back too.
When I got home all I wanted was a smoothie in a bowl… so I went BIG with it.
I added a huge piece of banana protein bread on the side for some staying power. Slathered with PB = the best frosting when you’re out of real frosting…

I also had a photo shoot with my new bikini this morning. I’ll spare you. You’re welcome.
Question of the day: If you could live in ONE temperature for the rest of your life what would it be?
I think I would go with 72. I love it warmer than that, but I prefer running at around 65, so it’s a compromise.
Well when I go out for my runs in the morning, it’s at about 58 degrees, which is kinda cold in my shirt and shorts, but once I start running I’m good. I’d say maybe in the llow 60s- 65 I’d be okay, if the sun was out, or it was breezy. I just wouldn’t want it cold and gloomy. At least not all the time. Sometimes I find overcast days calming though. My favorite memories are running through the fog, it cold and as I run seeing my breathe and feeling the heat from my body in comparison to the cold air ^_^
I love sweaters and hoodies so I would pick around 70 with no breeze. Cool, but not cold.
I just taught this to my second graders! I gave my ideal weather at 76F with a nice breeze! I lived in Vegas- crazy hot with no breeze. I lived in Korea- crazy hot in the summer, WITH humidity. Now I am in Okinawa where it get INSANE hot in the summer with near 98% humidity. My ‘happy place’ is San Diego- it’ll get hot, but it is a refreshing kind of heat. I can go jump in the ocean and enjoy the scenery at the same time. I would love to move to San Diego once we are done our 4 years in Germany (that comes in May)!!
i’m with you – low 70’s. just like it’s been in so cal lately! we are so lucky.
I love 75! though for running 50 suits me more.
I was just starting to enjoy this warm weather and now it’s supposed to cool down again! Ugh, why can’t it ever be stable.
I like it when it’s just a little cool outside – say 60 degrees – because I like to be active without getting super sweaty.
I’m pretty sure you’ve posted the recipe for your smoothie in a bowl, but will you put it under your recipe section or email it to me?
Hi Lauren,
I put it on the Recipe page for now, but when I make another one I’ll update it on a post too 🙂
Hey it’s 65 degrees where I live and I’m headed out for a 7-Miler… Cheers!
Hope you had a good run!
75F. Warm, but not hot (at least not to me). I’m constantly cold, so warmer is better.
Ha, seeing that 72 degrees sounds like vacation weather compared to the 20-something flurries in Pittsburgh!
Stay warm!
See you at the event tomorrow, I’m excited we finally get to meet 🙂
My perfect weather is 75, clear and sunny. Oh wait…I am always in my perfect weather living here in SoCal.
I agree, for running weather, I need it to be cooler though. Unless, there’s a 5 mile stretch that is just all shade.
I’m excited to meet you too! I want to find a five mile path with all shade now 🙂
I love the seasons- but I am with Evan- I would love above 30 right now. My body is really feeling the impact of running in the snow ice and cold. But my chin is up- spring always comes!!
i would go with 75….it feels warm enough…but definitely still cool. basically california weather. cant go wrong with dallas weather today though-73 woo hoo!
I want some banana protein bread! And agree that PB makes an amazing frosting. It’s warm in Dallas today, too – but going to freeze again after the weekend. It’s so hard for me to pick a temperature because I actually love running when it’s cold outside (like in the 40s) but on the regular, I love to be warm with sunshine on my face so I’d have to pick 75! I guess I need to move to California. 🙂
I would say 60. I really like cooler weather and I think 60 is perfect! Not too cold and not to warm!
SIABs are one of the best things ever invented!
I could live with 72. Right now I’d be happy to hit 40
Ditto! We got to 30 today and it feels warm! 🙁
Great question. I think I would have to agree with 72. Warm enough to relax outside but not so warm that you can’t do all manner of sports including tennis, softball, running etc!