Hello and Happy Wednesday!
I’ve been sportin’ a Fitbit since November. First, I tried the Fitbit Flex for a non-blog project. Then, the FitBit company sent me the Fitbit Force – their top of the line model. Fancy.
I am a big fan of walking to lose weight so I LOVE activity counters like this. But, this is more than a pedometer – it also gives you updates on
How Many Steps You’ve Taken
How Many Calories You’ve Torched
Distance (in miles!)
And it can work as a silent alarm!!
I’ve worn it on some runs, but I prefer to put it on after a morning run to see what activity I get during the day.
I wore both for a run with SkinnyRunner last month and this is how I usually wear it – one on each wrist. The above picture was just easer to take.
The Garmin is more accurate, but it’s not really something you can wear all day to track activity. Plus, the Fitbit dashboard is automatically uploaded to your phone and computer via bluetooth so it’s super super easy to use.
Here is my review of the Fitbit Force:
Want to win a Fitbit Force? Enter here:
Disclaimer: Fitbit sent me this to review and provided one to giveaway. All opinions are my own.
Did the Fitbit give you a rash? I have been hesitant to buy one because there was a report that it gave some people a rash. I am allergic to nickel so am kind of wary. I aim for 10,000 plus my run every day.
Not yet, we’ll see though my skin is very sensitive and I usually take everything off to sleep.
i know this is super late to the game, but i would definitely pay attention to your wrist. i don’t think it’s too high of a percentage of users affected, but when they are, it’s really intense. the fitbit forum is blowing up with new reports of it.
i switched to a jawbone up24. i miss some features, but it’s still pretty awesome.
i always aim for 10,000 – tough since i sit a lot for work, but i can usually make it happen!
My mom has a FitBit and is INSANE with it… She has hit 25,000 steps before and she doesn’t run. So that shows you how much walking/movement she does. I would like to give her some competition with a fitbit… so i’d aim for 30,000 steps. Is that even possible? Naww I’m just an average gal, I’d aim for 10K. 🙂
10, 000
I guess 10,000, I’ve never counted before!
10,000 steps a day. That’s what I aim for. Somedays I get it easily, other days I’m short. But hey, I try. 🙂
I’ve never had a goal for steps. I live in NYC and walk a lot so I’m assuming I hit the recommended amount?
I aim for 10,000 steps.
at least 10,000
I work on my feet so a lot. Like a lot. I do have a pedometer but I haven’t worn it in a while, but a lot. A lot counts as an answer right?
I just took an office job and I’ve been thinking about getting one of these! 10,000 per day is always the goal!
I would like to say I take 10,000 steps a day, but I may not. I work at a desk so it’s hard. This would help!
I would love this! Being a grad student I sit on my bum at a computer all day every day. I know this is low, but I’d love to get 7500 a day.
As many steps as possible. I’m a designer some days I’m on the computer all day others running around like a crazy person.
Would love to try out the FitBit!
I don’t have a step per day goal, but my job requires a lot of walking so I’m hoping I tally in something not awful. I love statistics though and have been eying the fit bit for a while.
I’m not sure because I’ve never used anything to track my activity – I’ve had my eye on these for a while now and would love to win!!
Not sure about the number but I try to get as many steps as I can.
I aim for 15,000 each day! Loooooove my fitbit zip, but it’s 2 yrs old and ready to retire!
I hope I already get 10,000 but I’d be interested to see!
I really dont have any device to track my walking and it is something i would like to do more of now that I am walking for two
I’ve been wanting to get one of these!!!! I have no clue how many steps I take, but I want to know.
Since I work on my feet, I wonder how many steps I do take.
I aim for 10,000 steps in addition to whatever exercise I am doing for the day.
I’ve been wanting one of these! 12,000 steps!
hmmm, I really don’t know how many you’re supposed to take! Pretty sure I do bunches though, working in retail I zip around for 8 hours!
my guess for daily steps????? 12,000. Thanks RER
I aim for 10,000. Some days it’s easier than others.
I aim for 7500 minimum, but can get between 10,000 and 13,000 on a good day. I’m currently trying to make 10000 plus the norm.
I try to get over 2 miles of walking in each days in addition to my workout but I know I am not always successful at that. I’m not sure how many steps that is because I have never had a FitBit!
Including my workouts usually 13-15,000
I aim for about 10,000 a day, though that is pretty hard for me as I work at my desk for a good 7-8 hours a day!
I am for 10,000 steps!
I’ve never tracked my steps before, so I don’t know how many steps I do or aim to do each day. I workout 6 days per week and try to get up and walk around every hour.
I have no idea how many steps I take but I would love to get in at least 10,000 especially since I have a desk job 🙁
I just keep moving til I cant move no more. I have a pretty sedentary job, so I try to use stairs instead of elevators and park as far away from the entrances as possible. Just keep movin’, Just keep movin'”!
I’ve never really set a goal because I have nothing to track them (aside from a Garmin). I am a runner but I have a desk job and long hours which definitely makes me curious how many steps I get outside of my daily workouts. I bet this would help encourage me to move more during the day and be more aware of my activity level.
I work on my feet, workout after work, run around town, but still have no idea how much I actually burn in a day. This could save me some endless nights of calculating intake vs. outtake!
I’d love to try it!
10,000 is a good start.
15,000! 🙂
I try to get in 10,000 steps a day but I’m finding it more difficult as I transitioned to a very sedentary desk job 🙁
I guess I would shoot for 10k. Glad to see the artist formerly known as Skinny Runner is still around, even though she’s not blogging anymore!
Working on making time for fitness and just getting started. I’ve planned on 10,000 steps a day ….
I guess I’d aim for 10k steps/day? I’m a SAHM so I’m just curious how many steps I naturally take, outside of exercise time.
I have had my FitbitFlex since Christmas. I love it! My goal right now is 13000 steps, but I will be upping that soon. My absolute favorite feature is the silent alarms. I am woken up in the morning by a buzz buzz on my arm, and it doesn’t wake up my hubby, which is awesome! Very cool!
I aim for 10,000 steps per day!
I believe that last time I tracked steps the goal was 10,000 in a day so I guess I would wear it for a few days to get a base line and then set my goal based on the average.
I have been meaning to get some kind of tracker.
I make sure to walk to the break room! But I definitely need to do more and would love to once the arctic weather passes.
I would want to take 10000 or infinity steps a day. HAHA
I have never tracked my steps, but I have read 10,000 steps per day is recommended. So, I would aim for that!
I dont even know who many a day i take or a general guesstament (is that even a word?) . IF i had a Fitbit tho i would know! So i want to win lol.
No idea exactly how many – just as many as possible. I try to stay active throughout the day as set I can 🙂
i have wanted to get one of these! i aim for 10000 steps a day, and this would help me keep track!
I know it is recommend 10,000 steps per day but unfortunately I have a job where I am at my desk for 10 hrs…so I try to aim for 6,000 – 8,000 on work days
While I have no idea how many steps I actually take, I aim to walk as much as possible- to school, work, the grocery store, and when I’m on the phone (I’ll walk around the block). When I have tracked it while I’m at work (at a hospital) I’m usually around 15,000
I aim for at least 10,000/day. And the days I do more, hooray!
I would love to have a FitBit! I don’t even know how many steps I should have, but I guarantee you if I win – game on! How much fun would it be to track and try to beat each day?
We have a 10,000 steps program at work where we aim for that much daily. I had no idea how hard it would be, I pretty much only meet the numbers if I count in running a few times a week and average it out over the day. And then my pedometer broke so I stopped even trying to count. I sure could use this to get back toward those 10,000.
I aim for 10,000, it’s tough being stuck behind a computer most of the day!!
I would aim for >10,000, but I don’t track now. A fitbit would definitely be motivational!
I aim for 10,000 after my morning or afternoon run! It always felt like cheating if I wore it during my run!
id love to win one!
10,000 would be a dream but I have an incredibly sedentary job which is super aggravating 🙁
Fun! I’ve been wanting to track my steps during the day because being a runner and blogger and coming home and sitting at my laptop all day isn’t so great. Ha ha. Need to move more. 🙂
I have the fitbit zip and I shoot for 10,000 steps a day. It’s harder to reach though on days when I do yoga or other non-step based workouts.
I used to wear an UP by Jawbone which is similar to this but it broke ;(
anyway that device determined that 10,000 steps per day was a good goal for me.
It was neat b/c it would also tell me how I slept at night.
I miss that thing.
My goal is 10,000 steps! A lot of those include going up and down the stairs at work 🙂
Gosh, I have no idea…that’s why I need the FitBit 🙂 I do take my dog for a two mile walk most days on top of my running, etc.
I work in a restaurant and walk 7-10 miles each shift, so I would aim for 10,000 steps not including work
I’ve heard the magic number is 10,000. but I’ve never tracked my steps before. I would love this, I think!
I’ve always heard 10,000, but wonder how I compare with my daily running/walking workouts. I want one!!
15,000 steps a day
FitBits are so awesome! I like that you can compete against friends! I have the cheapie version (the Zip), which is great, but I would love to be able to track more activity with my FitBit.
I try for 8,000-10,000, unless I am out running then its about 20,000.
If its a running day, I’m good. But if it’s not 8-10,000.
I have no idea but it would be great to be able to track it.
No Idea! I am curious to know!
I don’t aim for an exact number of steps, but I think an activity monitor like the Force would push me to sneak in extra movement!
I really don’t count my steps, but try to stay active as I can with my desk job. I’d love to win this to track how much I actually move!
At least 10,000 – so easy on running days but tough during the winter for me otherwise! Despite living in a walking city!
I aim for 15,000 steps per day. I commute to work by foot so 10,000 was too “easy” for me! 🙂
I would love to get about 5k – I work 830-5 mon-fri (deskjob) but try and get up every 1/2 hr to walk around so 5k for me would be great
I wish I took more steps during the weekday because I sit at a desk all day! I don’t have a number goal but I know it’s more than what I currently do.
I’d like to aim for 10,000 not including what I do at the gym.. mostly because I work from home a few days and I need to balance things out!
10,000 a day 🙂
I don’t really have a goal in mind, but would definitely make one if I had a FitBit to track my steps.
I’ve never tracked my steps but it would be interesting to find out! I sit at a desk all day, so I’m sure I need to get up more on my non running days!
I do not have a pedometer so I just try to get in as much activity as possible.
I have no clue how many steps I take but I’d love a fitbit to figure it out 🙂
I would love to hit 50000 steps, I feel like that would be a lot, but I honestly have no idea!
i work on the third floor of a busy program, so i get to run up and down stairs all day. i’ve never tracked my steps, but i am to move as much as possible!
As many as I can…if my light in my office goes off (it has a motion sensor), I know I’ve been sitting too long!
10,000 steps a day
I’d love to have one of these!
I don’t count steps but I love the idea of doing it!
I’ve heard that 10,000 is a good goal so I am happy when I reach that, but since I work a desk job I usually just aim to get up and walk around for a few minutes a few times a day!
I aim for 10,000 a day. i have a fitbit that I use and LOVE. it is so great at tracking. i have found it is more accurate (I compare it on my runs) when I set it to non-dominant hand as I often hold my phone and things in my dominant hand.
I think around 10000-15000
I teach PE so I take anywhere from 12500-18000 steps a day and that doesnt include my runs!
It would be great to have an accurate podometer to see how much I really do move, running and exercising not included.
I aim for 10,000 steps/day. Secretly I always want to go way over that though.
I am at a desk all day and I exercise after work, so I just try to get up and moving once an hour at work!
I aim for around 5000 but it’s time to bump that up!
I would love to win the force! I aim for 10000 steps a day
Not counting running, I’m probably only around 3,000. I have a desk job!
I aim for 10,000 on the weekdays & 20,000 on the weekends. I push myself to make sure I don’t miss the goals on the weekends. The weekdays are hit or miss depending on life.
I aim for 10,000 steps but don’t always make it. I don’t count my walking and running together–so the 10k steps is in addition to the miles I run most days of the week.
I aim for 11,000 but really only get there if my workout includes cardio. If it’s just a lifting day, I really struggle to hit the 11,000 steps.
i am for 10,000 a day but that is outside of my normal runs.
I haven’t used a fitbit yet but would love to!
I’ve been researching these. Seems meant to be!
I try to hit 12,000 but that usually only happens if I am running!!!
I got a standing desk at work and my goal is just to stand as much as possible.
Right now my goal is 6,000 steps per day, but I think I’m ready to bump it up to about 7,500!
I wish I had something to tell me how many steps I get in every day. I have no idea!
I don’t aim for a specific number of steps. I just walk as much as I can — stairs, instead of elevator; park farther away from the store; take the long way to the printer when at work; dance parties all day, every day; etc. 🙂
My goal is to walk at least 10,000 steps a day! I love my Fitbit and would love for my Husband to have one!! He walks daily with his job and I would love for him to have one
5,000 for now, maybe more in the future
I dont have a set number, I should though.
I’ve been lusting after a Fitbit! I have no idea how many steps I get in a day, but holy cow at your 10,000+
Okay, I commented, liked your Facebook page, paged your Likebook account, faced your Pagebook, flirted with your eHarmony profile, offered a job to your LinkedIn account and removed your email address from my spam detector. WHAT MORE COULD I POSSIBLY DO????????
My daily goal is 10,000 steps or more. I don’t always hit it, but that’s the goal. LOL
i definitely take at least 10,000 steps/day!
I aim for 8-10k per day
I lalalallooooooove when my flex buzzes that I hit my goal for the day!!! A lot of times it happens while I’m teaching and I have to try really hard not to “Yay!” and announce it into the microphone to my class. 🙂
I run about 20 miles a week but would love to know my activity throughout the rest of the day. I have a desk job so I don’t think its too much.
10,000 steps is my goal!
I work remotely, so you’d think itd be easier to move around a lot during the day, but there are some days I end up stuck behind the computer for HOURS. I try to get in a run or walk no matter what though and to move around every hour or so.
I’ve never tracked my steps taken each day. It would be cool and motivating to see how many I’m currently getting and then try to find ways to add more steps in each day. I work a desk job so there isn’t much getting up and moving around here.
I have no idea…w/ a sedentary/desk job maybe like 5,000?
I would love to try the Fitbit! I have no idea how many steps I take a day but would love to try this!
I’ve been thinking about getting something like this to keep track of my activity when I’m not at the gym!
I try to average 10,000 a day, knowing I have more active and non-active days. It would be nice to have more accurate tracking with the FitBit Force. My boyfriend just got one and loves it!
I always aim for 10,000 per day. Now whether or not I achieve that each day is another story…
On running days, I like to see how far past 10k I can go. On rest days, I like to be at 6-7k.
I’ve never actually thought about how many steps I take during the day, but most people seem to think 10,000 is a good number to go for, so that will be my goal!
At least an hour of walking. So 5,000 or so I guess.
I don’t really have a goal. You can tell when you feel good and when you don’t.
I’ve been wanting to try out the FitBit! I walk 1.5 miles to work every day, but don’t do much else so this would be a good motivator.
I have no clue but it would be cool to see how many I am taking now and what I could improve to!
I try to hit 10,000. I work from home so it’s tougher…can’t wait for warmer weather!
5,000, I’ve been having chemo treatment for 13 months 🙁
I don’t count steps, but I do try to add extra walking time whenever I can! Parking far away from my office (or the grocery store), walking to run errands and always taking the stairs over the elevator or subway all add up :o)
I shoot for 10K, but working an office job in the heart of the polar vortex makes it difficult (…so I try to make up for it by rowing 10K on the ergometer instead)! Would love a FitBit to be able to keep better track at the office!
Never counted my steps in a day, but I’d love to go for about 12,000+ (including my runs).
I have no idea how many steps I get anymore. I used to wear the original fit bit (clipped to my bra) and would try to average around 10,000 (which is hard!). But since I stopped wearing that, I honestly have no idea – but I can definitely judge the days that I’m more active and the days that I’m less active.
I would love to try to Fitbit Force, I work in the office most days and would love to be able to track how much activity I get during the day aside from my normal workout routine. So I would make it a goal to get 10000 steps in!
I would love to do 10000 steps per day, but I’ve never had a pedometer that works.
I have had my FitBit for a year now. I love it, however, I do notice my heart monitor I wear with my Garmin or Polar watch are more accurate for tracking calories burned & fat %. I still wear my FitBit every day & I like to compare the differences between the two when I run/walk.
I actually have no idea how much I walk in a day and that’s why I would LOVE this.
I try for 10,000 but I have no idea where I really am! 🙁
I really don’t set a daily step goal, but I would love to track how many I take!
I would love the fitbit to help me track my fitness goals!
10000 sounds good…but I really have no idea!
I aim for 10k but lately I haven’t even been getting close to that. Need to step it up!
Love to give it a try
I try to walk as much as possible. I never take the car. So, I would say 10 000
I have no idea how many steps, I don’t wear anything to track them.
I’ve been wanting a Fitbit – just can’t bring myself to pay for it!
I try to take 10,000 but its so depressing when I leave work & see I’ve only taken 1,500… that’s just pitiful
I have no idea, but would love to find out!
10,000 steps but it’s hard on rest days because I have a desk job. I really just need to get up and move around more!
I’ve been wanting one of these for quite a while now. I wear a Weight Watchers Activity Link, but I want to know more specific information, like calories and steps. I’d love to win this!! 🙂
I honestly have no idea how many steps I get in a day. I have been looking at getting one of these, to win this would be awesome.
I aim for as many as possible but this would help hold me accountable.
I’m not sure how many steps I take in a day. I would guess I walk about 3 miles worth.
I have no idea how many steps I walk a day, but I know I could do so much better. It’s really tough working a desk job all day and living where it’s too cold to go outside for walks. I’d love some extra motivation from a fitbit!
Probably about 10,000.
NO idea how many steps I take a day, but I’d like to find out!
I aim for 5000. I will add more as i surpass my goal. 🙂
I aim for 10,000, but I’ll be honest I have noooo idea if I ever hit it. I sit at a desk all day, so I usually try to get up and roam around the office every couple of hours to make sure I get some movement in my legs.
I aim for as many as I can.. But I usually take my butt to the gym to make sure that I get as many as I can!! 10,000 would be ideal!
I never have had a goal on steps, but if I had a fitbit I definitely would!!!
I walk 4 miles everyday at lunch, then 1-2 miles after work with my dog. So around 10,000-12,000. I’d love to see the actual mileage on the FitBit.
My ultimate goal would be 10,000!
I’ve never heard of a fitbit but man, SO NEAT! Love the bluetooth feature. I don’t really aim for steps especially if I don’t have any way to track it – talk about mind overload if I did! But I try and walk as much as I can..it’s kind of like drinks with friends, the more the merrier, right?! 😉
I aim for 10,000 although it is a bit tough some days. Shopping always helps get those last 5000 in 😉
i’ve been wanting a fitbit so badly! i don’t track my daily steps, but i hope i’m getting around 10,000 per day 🙂
I try for 8,000. I have a desk job so it makes it hard sometimes to reach 10,000
To be honest I have no idea what to aim for since I have never used a pedometer. I would start with 5000 as a goal and work my way up depending on how easy that is.
I would love to get a better grasp on my activity outside of just my workouts.
I would hope to get somewhere from 8,000 – 10,000
I aim for 10,000 which is achievable on the days I work out, but I work a desk job so if I happen to not work out one day I don’t reach that goal.
I have no idea how many steps I take a day, that’s why I would like a device like this. Plus I have a desk job so I think it would make me walk more if I had a goal.
I aim for 10,000, but I am not always successful. Perhaps having a fitbit would change that!
10,000! Which doesn’t always happen, but usually I get pretty close on days that I work at the coffee shop.
I have no idea how many steps I get in in an average day. I have a desk job so I’m sitting a lot, though I try to get up and move every half hour or so. I need a FitBit Force so I can see where I’m at step/activity-wise and so I can make sure I’m moving as much as I should!
I aim for 10,000 but it’s definitely easier to reach that goal on my running days. I gotta get better at getting in those steps on non-running days!
I am constantly moving for my job so I recently bumped my step count to 12,000.
Not sure, but I’d love to be able to track them and find out how many I actually get in!
I would love to try one of these out! I’ve been on the fence about them, which do you think is more useful for a runner, one of those or a garmin?
I’ve never tracked how many steps I take each day. Current goal is to go for a walk every day since that is the only exercise that feels good anymore with my expanding belly! My dog makes sure the walk happens. He’s always ready to go!
I aim for the 10,000!!
I aim for 10,000 but love to get more.
I have NO idea how much I walk- but I am always taking the stairs 🙂
10,000 but probably don’t get it unless I work out!
I go for 10,000 a day, but its so hard to track!
I have a Nike fuel and it does a horrible job tracking my steps. Although I have learned that i do not move nearly enough. It is alarming!!!
I’ve never tracked my steps before nor do I know how many I should take a day. I’m guessing around 10,000. This would be a great way to learn how many I should be taking.
A bunch of my family members just got fitbits! it’d be fun to have one too 🙂
I’ve never used a pedometer before, but I’m totally curious about this one! It looks like it’s a really awesome piece of gear! I’d try to aim for as many as I can, but working a desk job, it’s not easy! Maybe a Pedometer would get me to get up and walk around more! 🙂
I don’t have a goal for my steps. But this FitBit deal will likely get me thinking about it more, if not obsessed with it.
I try to have a minimum of 8000, an average of 10,000 and love when I get anymore then that!! In spring/summer/fall it’s easy to reach 10K and higher. Winter in Chicago makes it a little tougher so I try to get no less then 8K.
Ideally I’d hit that 10,000, but I’m pretty sure I get about half of that. I take public transit and have to walk a lot, though limited on time, so not THAT much.
I don’t aim for a set number of steps, I do try to do a lap around the office every hour on the hour, and exercise after work!
I have been contemplating a Fit Bit for a while. With a desk job, it’s so hard for me to get my steps.
I don’t have a step goal because I don’t have a step counter. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a FitBit. My sister’s mother-in-law got one for Christmas and I was jealous, jealous, jealous 🙂
I know im sitting on my butt too much. This may help me look at the numbers.
I aim for at least 10k, excluding my runs. I wish I could track it better!
I never really thought about my steps! I either walk my dog everyday for about 40 min or take him running with me. Now, I try not to be sitting all day and getting a little more movement between long periods of sitting.
10,000 a day!
i aim for 5-8,000. i am a medical student so studying predominates my day. my workouts help me overachieve sometimes though!
I sit in an office all day, so I’m not sure what a realistic goal is. Based on other commenters here….10,000? Can the fitbit be submerged in water? Wondering if I could wear it while swimming, canoeing, giving my son a bath….?
I have no idea…This Fitbit would be great to get me on track!!!!
I aim for 10,000 steps but usually don’t come close during the work day!
20,000. I work in a two story building, so I set my alarm to go upstairs every hour.
That’s brilliant, Brandi! I try to at least change the floor on which I use the bathroom to get myself moving a little bit…
At least 10,000!
I’m not sure how many steps I take, but I drink a lot of water and have to go two flights of stairs to the bathroom at work, so I’m sure that helps!
I aim for at least 10,000 steps
I am on my feet all day! I would love to know how many steps I am taking….been eyeballing that fitbit…forEVER
I try to get at least 5,000 steps during my work day and 10,000 total for the day.
As many as I can. I sit all day for work so I tried to get up at least once an hour and walk around.
I try to get 10,000 steps a day. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
I shoot for 10,000!
I’ve never really tracked my steps. I always forget to put the pedometer on. So a fit it would be perfect for me!
I’ve never counted my steps before! My iphone 5S can apparently do that for me, but it’s not like I carry that everywhere with me all the time when I’m in the office. I’d totally rock some awesome goals with a FitBit, though 🙂
over 10,ooo and that is after my morning run
I aim for atleast 12,000…I wear a pedometer for work and earn cash for being active, its awesome!
I started reading your blog last summer and I LOVE it! I am a runner and love cooking and eating healthy and you truly inspire me that you are able to give such a balance to both!
I dont have a way to track steps, so I dont have a goal…but I totally would if I won a FitBit 🙂
I try to get 12,000 steps daily.
I have no clue but I would definitely shoot for at least 10,000. I always try to take a longer route to the water cooler at work to add more steps 🙂
I don’t aim for a specific number. Since I have a desk job I set an alarm to make sure I get up at least once an hour and walk around the entire office for a bit. The Fitbit would help me keep track!
I aim for 2-3 miles walking in addition to my running.
I shoot for the ever so popular 10,000 but having a desk job often limits me. I get up bright and early so I am able to get a workout in which helps me get off on the right foot. Of course I always opt for the stairs and parking further away from the door (when warm enough – the closer the better in this negative temp weather)!
I aim for 10,000 but can be hard if I do bootcamp as a workout instead of a run.
I am for at least 10,000 a day. I’m also doing cross fit training. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
fairyfractal at gmail dot com
I aim for at least 10,000 steps per day.
Around 5000
I’ve just now realized how little movement I get at the office every day. I’m going to aim for 10,000.
I try to get in over 10,000 atleast I hope I do! I run a lot so I think I should and I try not to sit much besides eating and in class during the day
I don’t know how many steps I take, I usually try to run 3-4 times per week.
I have been dying for a fitbit for a while, I hope I win!
I’ve been coveting a fitbit for a while. I don’t aim for steps, but I aim for intentional activity everyday.
I try for 10,000 but I work at a desk job so I’m far far from it! Working on changing that though
No clue. But I’d love one of these so I could find out!
I have been wanting to try a fitbit so badly and the force seems like a great option!
Opps! I forgot my steps.. I’d like to aim for 15,00 between running and all the walking I do around work.
I have no idea how many steps… Would be fun to find out! I usually just aim for how many miles I run.
I aim for the amount of steps we’re supposed to take but I know it doesn’t happen (good ol’ desk jobs…and winter) so this might help me get moving, even if it’s laps around the hallways (stupid winter).
I aim to move as much as possible! Chasing a 2 year old and an 11 month old around I would like to think I get 10,000 steps in! I would love a way to track it!
I would hope to aim for over 10,000
I aim for 10,000 steps a day!
I am embarrassed to say i have NO idea how many steps I take a day, so Im not sure how many I aim for. Thats why I need this!1
Being a teacher, I aim to try to be on my feet as much as I can, so I don’t know how many steps I am actually taking. I would love to have the FitBit to really see how many steps I am taking each day.
10000 is the goal. Best I’ve gotten this year is 8652
I don’t track my steps right now. I would love to start just to see where I’m at.
at least 10,000
I used to LOVE my fitbit and was addicted to checking the dashboard on my phone. I had the one with the clip … I just sort of stopped using it 🙁 This may be a better option on the wrist; I may just have to have a new one 🙂
I’ve never kept track of steps but have been curious about the whole fitbit!
I don’t have a pedometer so I don’t know how many steps I take, but I always aim for about an hour of working out
This would really help me be mindful during the day about how many steps I need to take.
I don’t have a pedometer to count my steps so I don’t usually have a specific goal to meet but I do try to get up and walk around to stay as active as possible.
I am for 12000+, but its challenging on non-running days!
I aim for 10,000. Not always possible but I do try.
I’m not sure what to aim for, I would love a fit but though!
I would love a fitbit and aim for 10000.
10,000! Those things are awesome, would love to win one.
I try to be active during the day but that’s why I run. Lol. I aim
For 10,000
I honestly have no idea how many steps I take in a day. I hope it’s around 10,000!
I’ve been dying to try FitBit!!!!
I try to aim for 6,000-7,000 right now. Working my way up to 10K. It would be a whole lot easier to track with one of this instead of carrying my phone around.
I feel like the answer is 10k. I could be wrong but isnt’ that recommended? How many do I do personally? I hope to win so I can let you know!!
10,000 I think. I’m pretty sure I do that many but it would be nice to confirm!
I’ve been wanting to try one of these too! Just so I can see how much I move around at work. I haven’t tracked my steps, only miles that I run.
I aim for 10K…as a teacher who is walking all over the school…I get pretty close!
I am on my feet alot for work, but I do try to aim for 10, 000, doesn’t always happen but I do my best each day!
I aim for 10,000 each day, knowing that I probably won’t do that but try to make up for it on the weekends.
I aim for 8,000-10,000 steps per day. Somedays it is difficult since I have a desk job and the weather is so cold here!
I would shoot for 10,000 🙂
I would love to win the Fitbit! It would be great to keep track of my movement during the day since I work at a computer desk all day. It might encourage me to take more walk breaks!
I aim for 10,000 steps each day. I have had a few days recently with only about 3,000 steps. Winter weather is messing with my activity levels. I would love to hibernate!
Since I work in a warehouse. I don’t think about my steps. I did track it one day and it came to like 8,000. I would love something to be able to track my daily working and also my runs.
My goal is set to 10,000 but I’m usually happy if I get at least 6,000 on a weekday (since I spend most of the day sitting in front of my computer at work). Also, I noticed in your review you said there’s no way to check your progress with the Flex. I use a Flex and while you can’t see your actual step count, you can see approximately how close/far to your goal you are based on how many of the lights flash when you tap it. So if your goal is 10,000 steps and you have 3/5 lights flash, you know you’ve gone over 4,000 steps already. My husband has the Force already and I’m jealous. Time to upgrade!
I aim for about 10,000. However, I currently do not have any type of pedometer. I would love to be able to use the Fitbit!
I love that it isn’t a bulky looking product! Would love to try it!
I aim for 10,000… but it’s hard to know for sure!
I have the fitbit one and love it. Somedays it just forces me to walk the dog one more loop to get my numbers up.
I aim for about 10,000 steps a day, I have a little shoe pedometer that works pretty well but would love a fitbit Force!
10,000. But I have no idea how many I actually get in. Haven’t found a pedometer that really works.
I have no idea how many steps I take a day. I just always get in a really good workout and try to move in general. This would be awesome to see what is actually happening. And, I am really interested in the sleep aspect too.
i’ve never counted steps but i am usually on my feet all day at work so it’d be cool to see how much i actually walk!
i used to have a fit bit (lost it) – loved it. Would love one of the “fancy ones!”
I have never counted but with sitting at a desk all day I would hope I hit 7,000 a day. Great giveaway!!!
My daily goal is 10,000 but that doesn’t always happen. If I workout and do a run or something I am more likely to hit my goal. I work at a desk job so I sit all day. I try to make a point of getting up and moving around. Plus for me- I work on the second floor and the bathroom is on the first so I am up and down the stairs all day long!
I usually aim for about 12 000, but I don’t have a car so that’s usually pretty easy for me to hit!
I love to get at least 10,000-12,000. I work at a pretty active job so I am always always walking.
10,000 or more! The more the better!
I definitely try to aim for more than 10,000 since 10,000 is the minimum amount the Americans should get. But on days that I don’t get a run in, it’s sad to see that I barely make the 10,000!
You should try to UpBand by Jawbone next – it’s the best device I’ve reviewed!
try for 10,000+
My goal is 10,000. I am always shocked how little steps I actually take during the day at work (office job).
10,000 a day
At least 10,000 steps at the minimum
10,000 would be great, but I don’t regularly track them….I would love to!
I ‘d love to win one to see how much activity I get during the day. It would motivate me to wLk more I hope. Great give away. Thanks.
I work a desk job, so this would ne nice to see how much i really move!
10,000 but I have no idea how many I actually take!
I have not worn a pedometer so it would be interesting to see how many steps I usually get! I usually just try to move as much as possible and get up at least once an hour when I am at my desk all day.
10,000 – some days are better than others 😉
no idea how many steps i take but i’d love to see!
I have never had a step counter before, but I would love to use one!
I’d love to win! This would be a great way to motivate me to move more!!!
I am for 10,000 but realistically it is only the number it takes me to talk to the underground, walk to my desk, walk to the underground!
I have no idea how many steps I take, but when it’s not freezing out I try to walk home 3 days out of the week, which is 3 miles!
I do not have anything that counts my steps all day but I try to get as many in as possible since I sit at a desk all day! I go for walks with my coworkers at lunch and it always feels great afterwards! I would love to have something to track my daily activity!
Would try for 10,000 – need motivation though!!
I try to get in 10,000!
15,000+ each day. Some days are easier than others. I am on my feet in the classroom all day but the area isn’t very large so not that many steps can be taken:)
10,000 at the least… but I have no idea what 10,000 steps looks/feels like!
I am on my feet and moving around all day at work…would love to know my calorie burn!
Aaaah! I’ve been wanting an activity tracker for a while now. I hope I win!
I’ve been so curious about the new FitBit! I’ve used other pedometers that have never been correct, but have heard good things about the Fitbit and have been seriously considering one.
I have been dying to try a FitBit! I aim for 10,000 of course but more is always better!
I would love a fitbit! I sut all day and would really like to know what i need to do to better my daily movements! they’re just kinda pricey… 🙁
I don’t know how many steps a day I take or how many I should shoot for. In the winter I’m sure I should be taking more steps than I do.
I aim for 10,000 steps a day but often feel I don’t get an accurate count with the pedometer app I use on my phone since I don’t always carry my phone with me. Using the FITBIT would totally solve this problem!! As a new mom who works from home I really try to get as many steps as possible in per day since dedicated workout time can be difficult. The FITBIT looks so easy to use. I’d love to try it
I have a desk job and usually sit most of the day, but I try to do as many steps as I can. It would be awesome to be able to track it though! 🙂
Raises hand! 12k per day.
I would LOVE to win a Fitbit! I have wanted one but just haven’t made the leap yet!
About 16,000. Love my FitBit flex but silent alarm quit on me and have been wanting to update to the Force for awhile!
I would love to know how much I’m walking during the day (outside of my running)! I have two little boys and am always chasing them around the house 🙂
I have never thought about how many steps I take in a day. Sounds like maybe I should start.
I have no idea how many steps I take during the day and I would be curious to know since I sit at a desk all day. I am hoping one of these devices will help me get up and move more during the day rather than just running a lunch time. I would aim to walk about 10,000-15,000 steps per day.
I have been wanting one of these…I should take about 10,000, but have no idea how many I am getting.
I’ve never used one before but I got my mom a basic one for Christmas and she loooooves it. And of course now I’d love to have one too! I don’t know how many steps I take every day but, running aside, it’s probably not enough thanks to a desk job. It definitely would be a much-needed kick in the butt!
I try for at least 12,000 although it’s been quite some time that I tracked it.
I’ve never actually set a step goal for myself. But I have always joked about wearing a pedometer to work to count my steps. I’m a manager at a very busy, full service car wash, and I never stop moving.
Which is why I would make en excellent fitbit recipient.
I’m just not sure how many steps I take right now, but I am on my feet a good part of the day. I’ve looked into this little tool and would LOVE to win this one. I would most definitely use it on my journey of being more active this year. Thanks for the opportunity!
I aim for 15,000 but I am curious as to my everyday activity level spent working in a lab and caring for a toddler and newborn!
would love to use this to start tracking my ‘unintentional’ exercise, like taking the steps at work, standing as much as possible, and after dinner dog walks!
15,000 a day
Umm, that is a very good question. I go to a university (walking all over campus), work at a winery (always standing), and a coffee shop (same story), and try to run when I can, so really I hope I would be taking a decent amount!
I aim for 10,000 steps a day – now I’m not really sure if I do that or not 🙂
I just started a new desk job, which is quite a change from my job as a teacher where I felt like I was constantly on the go. Setting a step goal will be HUGE to maintain my fitness and health. 10,000 to start!
10 000!
I have never been one to track steps, but I would like to try! I have a desk job so my non-run days are pretty inactive overall –it would be good to have something to measure with.
I aim for 10,000 to 15, 000 steps over my daily (ish) run!
As many as I can – some days are better than others…
I don’t really know how many steps cuz it varies on how far I run and what I do at work that day…but I prolly average 10000 without runnin
Wow!! I gave my dad one of these for his birthday and have wanted one since!!!
I’s like to make 10,000, but I’ve never counted or kept track. I’m a teacher so i’m on my feet all day – hopefully I get close.
I’d love to try a FitBit someday!
Thanks for the review! I am pretty active throughout the day, It would be great to know the number of steps I take 🙂
As many as I can! I’m an intervention teacher (special education) so I’m in and out of classrooms all day…I try to take as many trios and the longest ways to get more steps in…and get small breaks!! 🙂
10,000. I have one of the very first fitbits
I aim for 10,000 steps per day!
I aim for at least 8000 steps.
I try and move at least 30 minutes a day, I aim for 10000 steps overall a day though
I have no idea about how many steps I aim for. I usually walk my dog 3.5 miles m-f and then cross train every tues & thurs and run every sun,wed, fri.
12,000 – 15,000
An extra 5,000-10,000 steps in addition to my running. I love fitness trackers. The more metrics the better!
I have the Nike fuel band and would love to upgrade to the fitbit!
Always 10 000 and more!
🙂 This looks like an awesome gadget. I’m keen to get one at some point. I aim for about 10000 steps a day. I like walking 🙂
I try to just be in daily activity. I’m a student and work at my desk a lot, so if it wasn’t for the running I do, I’d probably not be even slightly close to the goal of walking 10000 steps a day…
I’ve never used a pedometer before so I don’t have a clue how many steps I take! I try to make sure I go for a walk every lunchtime otherwise I get stuck at my desk all day long!
I’ve never used a pedometer before so I don’t have a clue how many steps I take! I try to make sure I go for a walk every lunchtime otherwise I get stuck at my desk all day long!
I am for as many steps as possible! I work in a very spread out elementary school, live in a walkable neighborhood and try to park further away in parking lots- but I have no idea how many steps I actually get (outside of running)!
I have a Body Media but a few of my friends have the FitBit. I’d like to try it since you can wear it on your wrist vs having to wrap it around the upper arm (Like Body Media).
I have no idea how many steps I take a day and have always wanted to track my daily activity and this little gem seems like a perfect pal to do that!!!
I try for 10,000 a day. Lost my force 🙁
10,000! About half with baby is the carrier!
I try to get 12,000 a day which is pretty easy because I walk to and from work and get a run/elliptical/stairs workout in 4 or 5 days a week.
I aim for 5,000 a day. Slowly working my way up.
I aim for 10K steps on average, but my main goal is to be ‘active’ for at least 1 hour a day.
I want 10,000 steps a day…but anything above 5,000 and I am glad I did something!
I would love to find out how many floors I go up in a day. I have tons of stairs in my house! I have no idea how many steps I take though. I would love to find out with the fitbit and then beat it!
I’m not sure about how many steps, but I usually aim to run about 20 miles a week when I’m not training for a race.
I don’t know. I’ve never aimed for a specific number of steps because I have no way to count them. Winning the Fitbit would help with that!
Since 10k steps is the norm, I like to try to push it a bit more and aim for 12k. I used to track it on my old bodybugg
I don’t keep track currently, but I will set my goal at 12000 steps if I win!
I am for 10,000 steps a day!
To be real I have no clue. My days are always on the go with a three year old who I chase around. Our favorite activity is disneyland I would love to win this just to see how much we walk.
My goal is 10,000
I don’t currently keep track, but I definitely try to walk and stay moving as much as possible during the day.
I aim for at least 10,000 everyday.
Awesome review. I try to get in atleast 8-10K steps per day
I’ve always been curious about a fitbit. They seem to be the new “it” thing
I never really count, but I have a hard time sitting still. I’d like to see how many steps I take (not counting my runs!) I’m also starting a new desk job soon…I’ll definitely need to start counting the steps to stay on top of my game.
10,000 – 12,000!
I’ve never kept track before, but my employer recently gave out (really cheap, cheesy) pedometers as part of a wellness challenge. I’ve enjoyed seeing how many steps I take from my car to my office and around campus but I haven’t yet worn it when I’m not at work or remembered to take it with on my runs. So uhhh, like 5000 during the work day!
I love to get in as manny as possible! I hardly ever sit being a nanny of 6 month old twins and a 4 year old! It would be nice to know how manny Im taking!
Been walking a lot more since we moved to the new office (coz I park further) and it’ll be great to find out how much more.
I currently have my boyfriends hand me down fitbit flex, but would love to have the force and try the new features. I’ve been aiming for 7,000 steps a day but haven’t been hitting it. Having a desk job has been difficult for my steps so I know I need to get creative in order to meet my goals 🙂
I try for 10,000 – but average 8000. Just a few more steps … I know! Working on it!!
I haven’t paid much attention and would love this!
I would aim for at least 10k steps a day, but haven’t worn a pedometer in years so I’d be interested to see if I’m anywhere near that on non run days 🙂
I aim just to stay active. I try to get up throughout the day consistently. I guess perhaps 10,000 steps? I’ve never counted before. I’d love to try a Fitbit.
I haven’t had a step goal in the past, but would love to start tracking them with a Fitbit. I’d aim for 10,000 per day.
10,000, especially if I don’t work out!
I have never really kept track, but I am sure it would be really helpful in knowing. I feel I am pretty active with my job chasing around toddlers, and taking walks most days.
I would love to get in 10,000+ a day!
Plz plz plz let me win this!!!!
I have no clue where to even begin in coming up with a step goal. 10,000? One more reason to want a Fitbit!
I don’t have a tracker so I just aim to move as much as possible. I know that 10,000 is the gold standard. It would be fun to see how many steps I take, especially with my regular walking route included.
I don’t have a number that I aim for since I don’t own any type of tracker but i do try to make sure i get up and walk around for 5-10 minutes every hour or so during the day.
I have no idea so I’m curious! I aim to/have to walk to class and to work each day. (Gotta love living on campus!) I also try to walk to the other side of campus most days just to clear my head.
8000 while not running. I was using a Nike Fuelband to track my steps but it died after less than a year!
I have a desk job, so steps can sometimes be hard to get in! I aim for 8,000 a day.
Eh I don’t count my steps so I don’t know what my goal is. 10,000 seems to be an average goal so, why not.
I’ve never tried one of the FitBits before, but I have actually worn my Garmin around all day with the HRM and all for data collection purposes a couple times. A FitBit is much more practical!
10,000 is my goal.
I’m super curious about the FitBit. I’ve only ever heard good things!
I am so glad you reviewed the fit bit! I’ve been thinking of getting one lately and I just may have to after this. Thanks!
I aim for 10,000 steps. I work in retail and single coverage working, so I am always on my feet and always strive to get the 10,000 steps in whenever I can.
I’m surprised at how much I DON’T move on rest days, so I think 10,000 is a good goal.
I aim for 10,000.
I’ve been thinking about buying one of these since my new job at work requires more desk work. I need to move more and it would be great to track with this!
I work with little kids, so my mileage is actually pretty impressive after all of the “chasing” that goes on! 🙂
Ahhh I’d love one of these! with an office job I try so hard to get up and move and not just sit all day…it’d be awesome to really track my steps with a legit pedometer. eight to ten thousand steps a day is the goal!
I always aim for 10,000. Love how the Force does so much but isn’t clunky and cumbersome!
I aim for 10,000, but LOVE the (too rare) days when i hit 15,000!
Fitbits are so awesome! I would love to try the Force out!
Probably not a lot! Even though I’m on my feet as a teacher, I don’t do a lot of walking unfortunately.
I aim for at least 8k steps a day.
I have a desk job with long hours, but aim for 5000 steps each day, not counting my running time.
I’ve no idea! My job is pretty active with me walking around a store all day so I just try to stay pretty active! This would be awesome to track things a little easier though!
I am for 10,000 since that’s the recommended amount!
This would really help me in my rehab from my back injury. I would love one
When I can keep track, 10,000-12,000
I try for 10,000 but it’s usually more like 7,000
I wouldn’t even know! But I’d love to figure it out and shoot for 12,000 like people are saying.
I aim for about 10,000 a day, but don’t do a great job tracking it!
I don’t track my steps currently so I can’t say for sure but I know my mom always aimed for 10,000 so that sounds about right!
Shoot for 10000!
I hope to at least hit 10,000.
I shoot for 10,000 but don’t always end up there. 😉
I’ve never counted my steps but I know I don’t get enough…dang desk job!
I would live a fit bit to help me keep more active throughout the day.
Haven’t ever counted steps,
But winning this would be a great place to
I don’t have a goal so I guess it’s time to figure one out! I do try to talk a walk on my lunch to get in extra steps and get away from my desk.
I’d love to see how many steps I take a day at work: I’m a nurse so hopefully would reach the 10,000 mark!
I thought that I saw a raffle copter giveaway? I’m leaving a comment because now I can’t find it and it seems like a fun thing to do!
Found it!
I don’t currently count, I am mostly entering, to hopefully win it for my mom, she really would like a tracker like this!
I usually try to get at least 10,000 steps
My goal is MORE. I used to walk a mile to and from class each day, but since I graduated and started a full time desk job it has been so hard to get walks in, especially in the winter!
I haven’t really every tried any activity trackers before.
I am a PA student so I spend a lot of time sitting in class so if I can’t get in too many steps during the day besides my run but I would love to try to get more!
I’m not sure either! I’ve already been thinking about getting a fitbit, though; so, thanks for the review!
At least 10,000. But of course some days that is easier than others!
10,000 or more!
All I know is that I need tto aim for way
More. I sit at a desk all day:(
I have never used a pedometer, how many steps is a good goal? I try for 3 miles minimum per day. I have been researching these two fitbits, thanks for the review.
yikes! I have no idea how many steps i take…thats why i need the fitbit!
I don’t have a set amount of steps a day because I don’t have anything to track them. But I do try to take the stairs and park further away from where I’m going.
I want a fitbit so bad!! I have no idea how many steps I get a day but probably not many!
I don’t know how many steps I do every day, but I’m sure this would motivate me to do more.
I don’t track my steps right now (I had a cheap pedometer that broke), but I want to get 10,000 steps a day. Should be easy as a teacher 🙂
Like everyone else, I am for 10,000…not sure how often I make it though!
I’ve just recently started to exercise and get fit and healthy, so 10,000 is the goal i’m going for!
I aim for 10,000 because I’ve heard that’s a good amount, or even a little over because I just love walking!
I like to aim for 8000-10000 per day, not sure what I actually do though!
10,000 but i have no idea if i make it :p
I have a Garmin for swim, bike and run but would love to track all my activity all day!
8 to ten thousand!
I have a desk job so I try to get up as much as possible and take the long way to the washroom, water fountain etc…
I’d love to make it to 10,000!
10000-15000 ? I need a fitbit to help me figure out what a good goal is and keep myself accountable for it! Hope I win!
Holy comments! 😉 Thanks for the giveaway, Monica! I shoot for the recommended 10,000 but thanks to walking to and from work as well as getting my own workout in, I think I generally get more than that. Would love to try out the Force!
10,000… which gets hard when I am studying all day, so it gets me moving!
I aim for 10,000 but guessing I don’t get anywhere close!
I”m honestly not sure what an ideal goal is for steps per day, I try to keep it as active as I can… Oh a few thousand? Haha the fitbit would definitely help me be accountable for that!
I’ve never had any equipment that tracked my steps so this is super intriguing to me! I’d love to win and see how many I take in a given day (I’m a nanny, so I’m guessing a lot!)
I’m a biker, so I don’t get many steps in each day, but I have been debating a FitBit to force myself to walk more!
10,000 steps for me!
I try for 12,000 a day!
I just want to get my butt off my chair at some point during the day on days when I don’t run!
I try to get in about 10,000 on my non-run days. I’ve been wanting to try one of those fitbits. Seems so cool to be able to track all that info
The app on my phone says I should get 10,000, but I always come up short because I don’t carry my phone with me everywhere!
I aim for 10,000!
10,000 of course!!
I try to get 10,000 steps a day.
I aim for 10,000 not including my workout.
I don’t have a pedometer or anything. I’d like to say 10,000 steps a day, but I’m sure it’s less some days and more on others.
I’ve never counted my steps, and I have a desk job. This would be a great gadget to get me up more
It would be awesome to win a Fitbit. I stive for 12,000 steps a day 🙂
I have no idea what my goal would be… but I know that using the Fitbit would be sooo helpful with my 9-5 job that is all about sitting. I could use some inspiration to take a few laps around the office every hour.
10,000 steps
10,000! But when I’m in the office for 10-12 hours a day I get no where near that 🙁
Ooooh I have wanted a Fitbit forever! I dont have a pedometer now so I don’t know where I’m at, but i would love to find out!
i’ve never counted my steps! Today I used mapmyrun to measure the distance to my furthest class… it was 1.28 miles!!
I would like to think I take at least 10,000 steps, but I know I don’t always reach that goal. The Fitbit Force would be an awesome motivator!
I have literally no idea but 10,000 seems like a popular goal so I will pick that too!
my goal is 10,000….but I think to make it achievable I should go for about 7,000
First I have to find out how many steps I do right now. With a desk job probably not many but the force would encourage me to set a goal.
I hope to get 10,000 minimum (including running/working out)…today I’m at 19,542 and hopefully I can get to 20,000 (though I’m trapped in a chair with a cat on my lap, so it’s questionable!) I have a Fitbit One.
At least 10,000, but on days I run it is 15 to 20,000.
10,000 plus a cardio workout of some form… but I don’t keep track. I just try to stay consciously active.
I should, but honestly I haven’t set a goal. I’d love to have a FitBit to help motivate me 🙂
I aim for 10,000!
geez i have no idea! i guess that’s why i need the fitbit force 😉
I always aim for 10,000 steps outside of my workouts. I am a PT and the building I work in is huge so I tend to get my steps between going to find patients and getting patients to walk more on their own! I love to talk to my patients about it too! They love to see my fitbit zip and how many steps I’ve taken for the day!
I aim to hit 10000 steps each day.. some days are better than others!
I’ve been thinking about getting one of these for ages. Ever since they came out with the first one this would be a great to help me continue with my weight loss!
10000 steps?? more probably!
I used to aim for 10,000 steps but then my pedometer broke and I got a more sedentary job. Would be interesting to see how many I’m getting now!
I’ve been a slacker about tracking which is why I’d love to win a FitBit…but I’d like to hit at least 10,000 per day!
I try to get 10,000 steps everyday but it is hard on the days that I don’t run.
I’ve been debating buying one of these! I aim for 10,000 steps a day!
I don’t aim for steps – a lot ? Maybe I should !!
As a preschool teacher I am always on the move – aim for 13,000!
I don’t aim for any because I don’t have anything to track it. But I’d like to start! I’d probably try for the recommended 10000.
10000 steps! more??
I have a NikeFuel Band and I aim for about 10,000-15,000.
I would love to have a fitbit! Anything that can make me more active is a great thing!
i have no idea! which is why i need oneeee 🙂
I would live a fitbit force!
I am a stay at home mom that also does Childcare at home but I don’t think I walk that much. I’m sure I move more than I think I do but that fitbit would sure come in handy to set a goal and work towards!
I aim for 10,000
I don’t track but I’d love to start, and aim for 10K steps!
I have been so wanting to get an activity tracker! The FitBit Force looks amazing. I would aim for 10,000-12,000+ steps per day!
Oh I have been looking at these! I am guessing 10,000 steps.
I don’t usually aim for a certain amount of steps (never had a step tracker) but I try to get at least 5-7 miles running in! Except on my rest days. Then I really enjoy doing nothing.
I aim for 10,000!!!
I am a teacher, so I am constantly on my feet walking around my classroom, up the stairs to the copier and walking to the office. I aim for 10,000 steps a day and usually do more.
I’ve had a Fitbit one for two years and am obsessed. I love that it can clip on my bra or waistline and I only have to charge it like once a month. I aim for 15,000 steps a day and would love to win for my friend 🙂
a whole lot!!!
I would hope I hit 10,000, but honestly don’t know for sure.
I try to get above 12,000 each day. We have Virgin Health Miles through our insurance and 12k+ gets you the most “points” aka money in the HSA bank. 🙂
I don’t have a fun step counter – but if I did I would shoot for 10000. I would love to try one.
When I had one I always heard 10000 was the magic number. 🙂
13500 approx
I don’t have a fun step counter – but if I did I would shoot for 10000.
I aim for about 10k steps a day, but on a day I don’t run, I’m usually around 3k b/c of my job… so I have to make a lot of mental notes to take lots of walk breaks during the day, take the stairs, etc.
I don’t have a goal. I sure could walk more, though!!
I am for 10k – but I have a feeling I’m not getting as close as I might think.
I don’t even know how many steps I aim for a day because I don’t have a fitbit!
I try to reach 10,000 steps a day!
i aim for as many as possible- however many i can cram in chasing a baby around!
I’ve heard such great things, would love to try a fitbit! I try to run/walk at least 2 miles a day!
Running the halls as a teacher, I aim for 12,000!!!
I have no idea! I really want one of these so I can start counting and see if I’m anywhere near the 10000 recommendation!
I used to have a fitbit and my goal was 10,000 steps a day. I’m a teacher, so it was pretty easy to get my goal with a walk or some other activity. My fitbit (one) actually fell off one day and I haven’t had the money to replace it. I would love to win! 🙂
I have zero idea how many steps I take…it would be a cool thing to figure out though!
I work as a server, so I’d love to know how many steps I get during a shift.
I don’t track my steps. Currently I use ActiveLink to track general activity. I’d live a fitbit for more accuracy!
I try to get away from my desk every hour to get as many steps in a day as I can!
I aim for 11,000 (:
I aim for 10K.
I’m a Teacher and always moving around, so I would love to know how much I’m burning each day!
My daily goal is 10,000!
I have no idea how many steps I take or should take! A FitBit Force would be a great tool!
I don’t have a goal, but I try to be as active as possible. I park further away from stores and always take the stairs.
I just can’t sit still, like ever. I’m only guessing but I think I take a LOT of steps.
10k steps
My goal is always over 10,000, even if it means 10,001
After my morning run I just try to move as much as I can. I would love to find out how many steps I actually take as a teacher and a mom!
I have no idea how many steps I take each day but I imagine that if I were tracking it with a FitBit I would be so much more motivated to keep moving!
I’ve never owned a pedometer before. I’ve always wondered how many steps I take a day.
i have never focused on how many steps i take a day, would love to try this out to find out!
I’ve never considered a steps per day goal. I just try to move as much as I can. Would love to be able to track with a fit bit though!
I sit at a desk a day so would love to track and set goals!
I’m sure I don’t walk nearly enough.
I have no idea, I’ve never even thought about how many steps I take!
I’ve never kept track of my steps, so I think this would help keep me motivated. I have a pretty sedentary job, but I’d like to aim for 10k steps per day.
Wow, this would help me so much. I just got a dinky, super basic pedometer, and I am so enamored with the new FitBit! I’d love to try this swanky one!
Don’t count my steps currently….I would shoot for 10,000!
Would love to see if I actually hit the 10,000 steps a day.
I work a desk job so 10000 is my goal!
10,000 is my goal!
I aim for a minimum of 10,000 steps and exclusively take the stairs at work (it’s a 10 floor building!)
I aim to walk at least 5 miles!
Would love to win one!
I actually had a Fitbit Ultra for almost 2 years but accidentally washed and dried it a few weeks ago. :/ A replacement would be awesome!
So cool. I’d love to know that info!
Around 8000-10000
I don’t really keep track because I don’t have a way that’s convenient. I’m sure I get a decent number of steps in working with toddlers!
I’ve never tracked my steps before, but I think 10000 is a good goal!
I aim for 10,000
I’d love to have a FitBit so that I can start tracking my steps! I’ve heard that 10,000 is a good number to aim for…
I try for as many as I can!! 10,000 seems like a great goal!!!
I would LOVE TO WIN THIS!! I got my boyfriend the flex for his birthday last week and I would love to compete with him on the app 🙂
I aim for 10,000 a day. Some days are really hard when you work a desk job!
I aim for 10,000…Although I aim for these steps I don’t always get them. LOL! Wait that’s not funny. It’s kinda sad.
Being a teacher, I’m sure it is a lot! I need to get one of these!
Thanks for this review! I’ve been thinking about getting a fitbit for a while now – they seem so useful!
I try to get at least two miles every day outside of miles run
as many as possible!
I would love a fit bit! I’ve worn pedometers and accelerometers in the past and love how it motivates me!
I try for at least 10,000 a day, but if you add running then I really aim for at least 15,000+.
As many as I can get. I work a desk job so it varies.
Wanttttt…. have no idea!
10,000 – but it’s much harder in this snow.
10,00 0- always hard in an office setting!
I try to get in as much activity as I can. I would love to when a fitbit so I can see how I’m doing!
I try and move as much as I can. I dont count steps or miles
i have no idea how many steps. I always have a running mileage goal in mind week to week but never steps.
I don’t generally count, but would be very curious to know.
At least 10,000
I had a FitBit One that I received as a gift (no receipt) and it broke. Boo. I’ve been lost without it! I had it set for 10,000 steps per day but it’s sometimes hard to get there. I’m dying for a Force!
I got one for Christmas and I only need to charge it about every 5 days….love that!!! And it’s super quick to charge. I like the watch/and the simple vibration once I have hit the 10,000.
I’ve never counted my steps – but I try to run/walk in addition to having an active job. I’d love to try the fitbit!
I’ve never kept track of my steps before but I’m really working on being healthier. This would help me attain a baseline and then improve on it!
I have no idea on how many steps I take each day, but I’d love to keep track with the FitBit Force!
I would hope to get a least 10,000 steps a day, but there is no telling after my normal 4 mile daily runs
Def 10,000 – I try 🙂
I don’t track my steps but I run most mornings so I likely get them in that way… It would be interesting to start tracking my non-running steps. I’d probably be pretty disappointed!
8,000! Hard sitting in class.
I aim for 10,000 steps a day. Thanks for the opportunity to try a fitbit force!
I would love to have a fitbit! I just started training for a 1/2 marathon and it would be great to see how far I walk around my campus!
I aim for 5,000 walking steps each day since I also cycle to and from work and run. I figure with all of that extra activity, I should have the equivalent of the recommended 10,000. Right? 🙂
Would so love to actually track it all though. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I would say maybe 3000 steps a day would be a goal for me!
around 10 000 everyday I think…It would be more accurate with the fitbit! hehe
To be honest, I have no idea. That’s why I need a Fitbit! I walk my dog several times, so that definitely helps.
I try for 10,000 steps!
I would love to see if I do a little more each day!
I aim for 10,000 but tend to only hit around 8,000 but it’s still an improvement from where I was hitting a year ago 🙂 I actually already own a previous version of the fitbit and want to win this one for my husband!
i dont have a specific number, i just try to move as much as possible. and walk to people’s offices vs. pick up the phone!
I dont track my steps I try to get up walk around as much as I can.
Hmmm I don’t know! I have no idea how many steps an active person usually takes in a day. I guess this is why I need a Fitbit! A lot of people seem to be saying 10,000 so I’ll go with that 🙂
I don’t have a current goal bc I run everyday, but I would LOVE to win this!! I’m excited just thinking about it 🙂 I think 10,000 would be a good goal.
I try to for 10,000-12,000 a day.
I don’t really have a goal I aim for, but if I win, the fitbit would help me establish a goal!!
I don’t count but I’d like to start!
I don’t track but I run a lot.
5000 for walking, on top of my runs if I can. It doesn’t always work out but ideally I’m a walking fool.
I actually don’t even know how many steps I get per day but it would be nice to know with a Fitbit!!
I aim for 10,000 but some days are better than others 🙂
Great giveaway! I started an office job about 6 months ago, so this would be perfect to get me to stay active during the day!
I aim for 10,000 steps.
I am for the 10,000 but I really have no way to track it! I’ve been trying to bring my fitness back and would LOVE LOVE this! Fingers crossed!
PS – Your voice sounds so different than I imagined! Loved the video!
I aim for 10,000 just cause that is the number I always hear you should strive for…..I am 37 weeks pregnant and I am hoping to increase that number after the baby is born to counteract all the time I know I am going to be sitting on my butt nursing those first couple weeks.
I have NO idea how many steps I take a day! I would love a fitbit to help monitor this. Fingers crossed!!!
I would aim for 10000 steps a day !
I haven’t tracked for a long time but it would be great to do so. I work at 2 hospitals and am on my feet the majority of the day.
I don’t have a specific number, just as many as possible!
I have no idea! I don’t even know what’s a good amount of steps. Whatever is average, that’s what I aim for XD
I dont count steps actually…but w her I used to work one of the nurses wore a pedometer and found out we would walk/run up and down the halls for about 4 miles a day!!! It was exhausting 😉
I’ve been interested in trying the fitbit for a while. I mostly play outside so there aren’t machines spitting constant results at me which is both nice and leaves a bit curious. I can only imagine how competitive I will get with myself once I get a fitbit!
My goal is 10k a day & most days I hit it!
I don’t track my steps but I’d aim for 10,000!
I don’t have a pedometer so I don’t know how many steps I take a day, I do however try to stay active 4 times a week.
At least 10,000 steps a day!
I have not counted my steps before and would love a tracker to do so.
We got my mom the green fitbit for Christmas. I would love to get this one so we could have a family friendly competition everyday!
I try for 10k…but it is hard some days.
I tried a pedometer app once, but got kind of wacky results. I’m a teacher and feel like I walk quite a bit, but really have no idea. I think that the Fitbit could definitely be a motivating tool for me since I love data! 🙂
I try to walk as much as possible!
I have secretly been eyeing these since Christmas. My activity level is all over the place from day to day, I would love see the data!
I know I don’t get the recommended 10,000 most of the time but this fitbit would be a great motivator!
I aim for 10,000 steps a day!
I don’t have any sort of pedometer so I don’t really know. I have a garmin for my runs, but nothing for the rest of the day. I would LOVE one of these. Thanks you!!
10,000 per day
Since I am a reading specialist, I spend my day traveling all over the school. So…I think I will aim for 7000 steps!
I just got a Fitbit Flex last week! I’m obsessed. I’ve found that it’s really motivating to be more active. I’ll go out for a walk, or go on a longer run if I haven’t met my daily goal. Now my boyfriend wants one to so we can compete! 🙂
I’ve always been super curious about my step counts and have quite a few friends who have a Fit Bit. I would love this!
10,000 but I have no idea how many I walk per day!
With two little ones running around I feel like I must take a million steps a day 😉
I know I should aim for 10,000, but I work in a lab and its hard when I’m sitting for hours on end. I usually have to workout to meet it.
I had a Fitbit Flex (until my husband ran it thru the washing machine. Ya.)
and it does sorta tell you where you’re at during the day. If you tap it there are lights that light up. Each light is 20% of your goal and there are 5 lights. SO, if your goal is 10,000 steps and you tap it and 3 lights flash then you know you’re somewhere around 60% of your goal. It’s not a super accurate indication, but it gives you a ball park.
I’d sure love to have the Force!! 🙂
(and it would get my hubby out of the doghouse! win-win!!)
The goal is 10,000 but I always try to get more. The most I’ve gotten since December is 20,000 in one day.
I shoot for 10,000!
10,000 seems to be the magic answer. I’ll go with that. : )
I know I should aim for 10,000, but being a homeschool mom I know I never get that many
I try for 10,000-12,000 a day! With a toddler, I do just about that too! 🙂
at the very least 10,000 steps.
10,000 but not sure where I’m at!
I am for about 3 miles if possible!
I try and keep moving all day, hoping I do 8,000!
Super cute YouTube review; you’re adorable! Don’t really have a number but always on the move. Would be interesting to see exactly how many.
I aim for 10,000 steps but I do wear a fitbit zip all day to see total activity (including workouts) and get an estimation of calories burned. I sync it to MyFitnessPal.
10,000 a day
I aim for 10,000 but I doubt I get them all each day…
what a fabulous giveaway! i have heard such great things about the fitbit and this would be so nice to have! i am expecting my first this spring, so this would be my best friend! right now i have a desk job, so i don’t get in as many steps as i would like…but aiming for 10,000!
I know I should aim for at least 10,000 but it’s probably a lot less than that. I have no idea, that’s why I would love to win a FitBit!
10,000 would be awesome!
As many as I can- I work a desk job and set a reminder every hour to get up and move a little. It helps break up my work day.
Monica your China pix were amazing and I love reading your blog everyday. I hope the blog hasn’t taken a toll on your personal life with Ben. I noticed no ring on your finger 🙁
I aim for 10k steps per day but often fail due to my office job! Boo!
Truthfully? I’ve never counted! My mom aims for 10,000 and she has the Jawbone Up.
I try to aim for time instead of steps each day. Since I have a desk job, an hour a day is pretty good for me. Thank you for the giveaway!
I try to reach over 10,000 a day. Some days are more of a challenge than others especially since my IT band has been acting up 🙁
I aim for 10,000 per day
I strive to get 10,000-12,000 steps per day
As a stay-at-home mom of 2 lil kiddos, I probably get in a million steps a day 😉
I shoot for 10,000 steps per day.
I don’t aim for a certain number of steps right now, so this would be great to win!
I run a lot, but I also have a desk job. I know I’m sitting a lot more than I should be. I have no idea how many steps I take. This fitbit would be awesome.
I don’t currently track my daily steps (other than miles run via my Garmin!) but would love to start using a FitBit. I work outside at my girls’ school as a recess supervisor and always wonder how much exercise I really get on the job!
As many as I can get. But I sit in school all day so it is hard!
I don’t know how many steps I take but I walk to work so that helps!
I have no idea but I would love to know
10,000 to 15,000
What’s a good goal? I would love to try it out with this fitbit!
I aim for 10,000!
I aim for 10,000, but don’t always make it!!
I aim for 10,000 steps a day!
My sister and my mom both have a fitbit and I need to get on board because they look like they have so much fun tracking and comparing their steps! I try to get between 15-20,000 (but that’s also with running!)
I’ve never had a goal for steps before- but if I win this I may start! 🙂
No specific goal because I don’t have a tracker but just try to move as much as possible in a day.
I try for 10,000 steps. I only use the pedometer app on my phone but I’m always walking around without it so it’s not accurate.
10000 steps!
10,000 steps a day. I’m starting a new job on Monday and it’s more sedentary than I’m used to. So I have some personal goals to keep me going.
Whoops, I just went back and it allowed me to enter! I aim for the usual recommendation of 10,000 steps a day. Books on tape for life.
I have a fitbit flex but would love to win this to giveaway for my fundraising efforts!! I aim for 10K a day.
I’d love to have a FitBit! I’m a server at a restaurant, so there’s tons of walking back and forth .. I’d aim for 900-11,000 steps!
I’m not really sure how many steps I should aim for, maybe 10,000? This would be such a great fitness gadget to win!
I don’t keep track or have a goal. I work at a job where I am at a desk for the majority of the day so this would be perfect for me to get an estimate!
I always try to hit 10,000.
Awesome giveaway!! It would definitely be interesting to see how far I travel just with day to day activities!
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/sojourner_cafe/status/426128686450872320 and am commenting to enter the contest but when I try to enter it says something along the lines of “aw shucks, we didn’t get your entry” 🙁
Roger 🙂
At least 10,000 since I have to walk to all of my classes (or anywhere other than my dorm!)
At least 10,000, more on the weekend.
I have no idea! I walk around a school all day and run in the morning but I have never tracked it!
I don’t keep track of steps, but try to walk 3 miles on top of whatever I get running around taking care of my house/chores/kiddo.
Goal- 10,000 step a day
On a uni day this must be ~10000, a lab day waaay more with all the running around trying to find everything!! But I don’t have a tracker so I’ve got no way of knowing- not very scientific!! 🙁
When I used to wear a pedometer to work I found that I get only a little more than 1,000 steps by 5 pm via my job. I’m not sure how many steps I get now (with exercise, etc…) but I would LOVE to get 10,000
I don’t currently track my steps but I’d like to think that I hit 10k often between running and teaching kindergarten.
I want to use it to track how I sleep!
I actually have no idea how many steps I aim for each day. I work from home but feel like I am up and moving quite a bit. I would love to have. FitBit to track my steps!!!
I am force 10,000. Every once in a while I will track my steps for a few days to see if I am moving enough!
Ideally 10-12k. But at least 7k since I have to wear a pedometer for work and 7k gets me 60 points vs 20 points a day on days I can’t get at least 30-45 minutes of running in.
12,500 steps is my goal! I have a pretty sedentary job, so I always try to make up an excuse to get up and move around the office, walk outside, etc.
I dont know how many to aim for since I dont have anything to track it. I have actually been looking into getting onebof these!!
have never had a pedometer, hope I win 😉
I’d like to believe I take 10,000 step a day, but I am probably not. I have been looking at all the reviews trying to find the best fitness tracker, Fitbit is pretty high on my list 🙂
I’ve never kept track, but I hope I’m above 10,000 (I’m a nurse, so I’m on my feet a lot!) I have been debating whether or not to buy a FitBit, so I would love to win this!
I am not sure how many steps I would want to hit… What’s the norm? I am excited it would help me want to get up and move more at work!
Great review! I’ve been debating if I should get one of these and which one makes the most sense for me. This one sounds awesome!
10k a day is my goal, but I am aiming for 15k a day
10,000 steps is the number I have heard most as the magic daily number so that is my goal. It’s hard to reach in the winter but I try!
I have no idea how many I already take, so just aim to move every day… whatever I have time for. I think this would be a great incentive to move more…
I have never tracked my steps, so I think it would be really interesting to see how much I walk during the day. I am moving around quite a bit at work, but I would like to be able monitor my activity each day!
I have no idea but run around after 26 pre schoolers so I imagine a fair few! I’m training to do a sixty mile walk to lose weight and raise money for a dog charity in my home town so would take all recommendations on pedometers/ walking kit 🙂
I had the fitbit that clipped on your pants and I washed it 🙁 I miss it dearly and I always aimed for 15000 steps each day and at least 10 floors.
Great giveaway–thank you!
you know if I guessed how many i acutally do per day (outside of my workout) I’d say well under the 10000 recommended, but i think a 10,000 is a great goal. I’ve never tracked my steps so I couldn’t guess how close to reality I am
I have no idea how many steps I take a day and that’s one of the many reasons I’ve been looking into a FitBit. Right now my goal is to lose 5lbs and I’ll reward myself withone, but if i could win one then the 5lbs would be easier to lose!
I aim for general mileage since I’m at a desk most days, but this would def help me track total steps in the day. I have been dying to try!
I don’t have a clue as to how many steps to aim for per day… Am I the only one who’s never tried to keep track?! Guess I really DO need one of these things!
Lately I have been really thinking about getting a fitbit. I am a runner and use my garmin for runs but I would love something to track my daily steps and the sleep component is super cool. I have also heard that you can connect it with myfitnesspal which would be awesome for me because I use that to count my calories.
Great giveaway!
Oops I forgot the steps… I have no idea but from everyone else’s comments I would say 10,000 steps!
I’m very active at work so I would say 15,000 on an average day.
I love to walk and aim for around 12,000-14,000 per day!
I aim for at least 6,000.
When I run I get over 10,000, but I do a lot of strength usually which doesn’t amount to a lot of steps. Commuting to school doesn’t make it easy either 🙁
I aim to get at least 10,000
I shoot for around 5,000 but I know I should get more – desk job.
I bet my steps are wayyyyyy too low, but 5000 or so?
I try to get at least 10,000
I try to get a minimum of 10,000 steps a day!
10000 would be ideal but I don’t regularly track and would love to start!
I aim for 10k. I need to keep it going!! 🙂 Great giveaway!!
I aim for at least 10,000 steps a day.
Not much these days as I am glued to a desk studying for my physical therapy licensing exam– but I get in a TON on running days!
I have thr fitbit one and I love it but have been looking for this one. I aim for 15-200008 steps on average per day.
No clue- I walk my dog several times a day and always wonder if I’m getting the recommended 10,000 steps..
I don’t count my steps – I try to get a workout in and to walk to all of my meetings if possible, but I have to drive on my commute. I’d love to count and the force would make it possible!
I don’t have a number. I just try to stay consistent with my workouts and then chase the kiddos around!
I aim for at the very least 10,000, unless it’s a rest day or cycling day!
I aim for 10,000. (I only get about 5,000 daily on the avg)
I try to get 10k steps everyday and my poor fitbit ultra (that has been through the washing machine twice) needs a replacement!
7,500 outside of my runs:)
I honestly don’t know how many steps I take on an average day, so not sure how to set a goal. Hope to find out if I win the FitBit!! 🙂
I work at a construction site and would love to know how much I walk on site visits. Thanks!
I need a fit bit! It will motivate me to move more 🙂
I don’t have anything to track my steps with – that’s why I need this!
I am for 10,000 steps a day!
I shoot for 10,000, but it’s difficult with a desk job. I’ve been know to march in place by the bedside at night if I’m way too far behind!
I normally aim for 10,000 steps per day.
No number, I am on my feet ALL day!
Love the picture of the fitbit and garmin on one wrist! it’s like bangel bracelets for the endurance athlete!
i have no idea…i need one of these so i can calculate my steps, lol! i just signed up for my first marathon and would love to have one 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!
I shoot for the 10,000 😉
10,000 is my goal!
I don’t really aim for steps, just for running.
Super cool!
I’m a teacher, so I walk a lot in the school, and am honestly not sure how many steps I log – I had one ill-fated attempt at a pedometer app (killed my phone) that told me I got 2 miles in before lunch – and I barely left my classroom.
I don’t track my steps, but I am curious to see what my activity is through the rest of the day. Some days I do the stairs more than 20 times and other days we play on the floor and move very little. It would be a great tool to have.
I am for at least 8,000 a day, I would love to get 10,000
Very cool, thanks for sharing! I’ve been eyeing the FitBit because I really want to keep track!
I aim for 10,000. This probably only happens 5/7 days a week. Not too bad.
I aim for 70,000 steps a week. I like this way better since on average it is 10K a day but then when I have a low day it is nice to be able to make it up over the next few days.
I don’t have a specific number of steps to aim for because I don’t have a way to track it but I’ve been thinking about getting a Fitbit for that reason since I’ve been seeing them all over lately! I just try to add as much activity into my workday as I can and not sit too long at each time
I try for 10,000 but I usually need a run in to hit that!
I aim for 10,000. Some days I exceed this and other days I don’t come close.
I try 10,000 but it doesn’t always happen.
I usually do 10 to 12k
I just try to stay active and if I feel like I have been sitting too long, I take my dog for a walk.
I typically aim for 10,000 – 15,000. Its difficult some times as i have desk job. This fitbit flex is perfect as i know how far I am for my goal of the day and try to move more.
I try for 10,000, but it doesn’t always happen.
I love, love, love my Fitbit Flex. I bought it as a little Merry Christmas to me gift. A big plus for me is that I can use it inside on the treadmill, especially since running in -23 temps just isn’t my thing. I’m also a wee bit competitive and really enjoy it when I hit my goal before my boyfriend reaches his goal…I’ve even been known to hop back on the treadmill after a run if I see that a few more hundred ste
Since I’m working full time/studying for my CPA the rest of my spare time I try to shoot for 7,000 steps (days I don’t run makes this hard to hit!)
I know your supposed to aim for 10,000 but my goal is probably more realistically around 4000-6000. On run days however, I usually do 10,000 plus so it evens out in the end.
10,000+. My husband has a fitbit and loves it – I would love one too!
I have been wanting a Fitbit for awhile now, so this would be awesome! I try to move as much as possible and honestly have never counted steps I take during the day. I always park far away from store entrances, take the stairs, and do whatever I can to walk more. Would love this!
I’ve been looking at the fit bit. Do you like the force or flex better?
I would love to know. I rarely sit on my job.
I have been looking at fitbits for awhile now cause I do want to know how many steps I take. I walk to work, run, and walk dogs so I would guess at least 10,000??
I just try to get up at least once an hour (I should probably try for more) from my desk but it’s so hard! I have to walk to public transportation every day so I bet that helps me. I’ve been looking for a pedometer so maybe this is the one for me!
With my job at a desk, I try to move as much as possible but it’s difficult!
Great review, thanks for posting!
I try to take between 10,000 – 15,000 steps a day
ah i’d loveeee one! i work out and run, but for the rest of the day i guess i’m kinda stagnant. it would be interesting to know!
I have no idea how many steps I take or how many I want to take. It’s be interesting to find out how many I take now.
I haven’t counted steps so I wouldn’t even know where to start but I think it would be interesting to track since I’ve been working from home to ensure I’m moving enough throughout the day. 🙂
I know its supposed to be 10,000, but usually if I can get in 3 miles, I’m happy.
I aim for 10,000 a day!
I’ve never tracked steps…I would probably go for 10,000!
Well I don’t have a way of counting them but I try to stay as active as I can at my office job all day. Would love to have the fitbit and aim for 15-20,000 a day.
I never watch how many steps I take, so I would be super interested to know how many I do! I’m a college student, so I wonder how many steps I take walking everywhere haha:)
5,000 steps, I know is low but I’m just starting.
5,000 steps, I know is low but I’m just starting.
I don’t have a fitbit so I don’t know a current count but I try to move as much as my baby legs will take me! I have a desk job and commute 4 hours a day so I sit A LOT. I have to counter that with some movement!
5,000 steps, I know is low but I’m just starting.
5,000 steps, I know is low but I’m just starting.
I aim for 10,000!
I aim for 8,000 to 10,000 but really just try to find ways to move more in general throughout the day. I am really looking for something to keep me motivated to move through the rest of my pregnancy and of course after!
I work as a children’s librarian so it’s tempting to be sitting all the time when I’m in the office. I make a point of standing at the public desk so I’m constantly walking around. I try and walk as much as I can–having a device like this would help me push harder to walk more.
I don’t count :/ I just try to get my run in before work, walk during lunch break and 2 walks with the pooch a day.
I have never really tracked my steps but I am guessing around 7,000, Would love to win to know exactly how many and build up to 12,000 🙂
I dont have a pedometer but I aim for 10,000 non running steps
7,000 – 10,000
Is it sad that I don’t count? I like to run, so I’m sure I get plenty of steps in that way, but I don’t count the rest of the day because I work a desk job. I should start though!
I’d love to have a fitbit!!
I really don’t know how many I take, not as many as I should! I’d like to be in the 800-900 range!
I have no idea! Maybe that’s why I need a Fitbit 🙂
Honestly I don’t really have a step goal or have any idea how many I do… A reason why I am entering this giveaway. 🙂
I aim for 10 000 a day – definitely important because I work at home, which makes it a little more difficult!
Since I sit at work all day it would be nice to see on averag how many steps I take.
My goal would be between 8,000 and 10,000
I’ve never counted, so I have no idea how many! Maybe this is why I need a fitbit 🙂
I just found the new Polar Loop (similar to a Fitbit) at Marshall’s for $79.99. I don’t know how much it retails for, but I assume around $95-100. Just thought I’d share in case anyone is in the market. They also had a few different heart rate monitors.
I don’t know how many steps I should aim for! Yikesz
I am for 10,000+
I aim for the usual 10,000. I really just try to move more overall.
When I used to wear a pedometer I would shot for 10,000 which is hard some days! But when I get a run in, that’s no problem. I loved the sleekness of this bracelet.
I have used the Force since Nov and I love it. I leave it on all the time but don’t use the tracking as I prefer my Garmin 910XT for that. I have logged over 16 million steps over the last few years with Fitbit products. My daily goal is 12,000 steps and 10 floors every day.
10,000 is my goal!
I aim for 10,000. Doesn’t always happen, but I try.
Honestly, I just try to move as much as I can. I work a desk job, so it’s not always easy!