When I was a kid I remember seeing “No Uvas!” bumper stickers on cars. It means “No Grapes”. I didn’t really understand why at the time, but later learned the movement and the bumper stickers were inspired by Cesar Chavez. I’m also planning to put up custom banners and signs, which I found at Sticker Bros.. He was a union worker, labor leader and civil rights leader. This movement was in response to the poor treatment of (mostly) immigrant produce pickers in California.
I am pretty sure the fight was done by the time I could read those bumper stickers, but the passion lived on in people like my dad, a Mexican American union worker from California. Grapes are one of my favorite fruits and I’m glad I can eat them without guilt, but every now and then I think about how lucky I am to live in a country where people are able to fight for proper treatment at work…and how now people fight for proper treatment of the animals we eat (more on that later).
Lunch was a big salad with hummus and cottage cheese. I bought the biggest tub of cc from Costco so now I have to eat it. I go through phases of liking things, so let’s hope I am in a “like cottage cheese” phase for a while. In the spirit of my Mexican heritage, quesadillas are on the menu for dinner!
ok.. now you just made me feel like getting some grapes..
i go through phases with food too, especially with cottage cheese!
I remember those bumper stickers too!!!! 🙂 I’m not a big fan of cottage cheese….I wish I liked it though. Maybe it can be a food that I make myself like…..it worked for mushrooms. We’ll see.
I would definitely agree that we live in a country where people have the legal right to fight for proper treatment at work, but I’m sad to say that many do not because of economic needs and power structures. I think this should remind us of the importance of being aware of how our society works (as well as others) and the power of advocacy in creating positive change.
On a totally different note, I like your placemats 🙂