This is a full day of eats in one post I am really digging this style because it’s so easy to see how I’m fueling and if I’m snacking away the day. So Friday is now Foodie Friday – I got this name from Aron from Runner’s Rambles and LOVE it!
Before my crappy 6 miler I had a few handfuls of cereal.
I came back to French Toast Friday with tons of Sunflower butta
Since I stalled on my run I put myself behind on writing projects and had to rush through lunch before work. I made a super quick salad with nothing but romaine, chik’n patty and TJ’s peanut dressing. Side of pop chips the company sent me after Fitbloggin.
And I packed this to eat between clients and sneaking into a Zumba class.
Then, I headed to work. I had a really good day and got a new client
I work at a gym. They have snacks. Those snacks include dark chocolate. God Bless us everyone.
When I got off work I could only think of one thing – TUNA SUB. Is that weird? Maybe, but it was delicious.
I got a tuna sub and shared the chips with Ben.
I really wanted a smoothie for dessert but we’re out of ice. I guess a brownie topped with sunflower butter comes in as a close second
I am a bad person because I’m bailing on the 10k tomorrow since I didn’t get my long run in today. I was considering this week a step back in mileage, but I like to save those for when I really have to. I usually go out of town at least twice during mary training. I don’t stess over it because I know I’ll miss a few runs over the course of 15 weeks – no biggie. But I do try to “save” those days for when I really need them!
So, long run tomorrow and possibly a few more handfuls of cereal tonight. I’m feeling hungry… See ya later
I think I need to join your gym… I like those incentives
Dark chocolate snacks at a gym? If that’s not encouragement to finish my workout, I don’t know what is 😀
Congrats on the new client. I went running at around 12 or so in San Diego, but I live about 10 minutes from the beach and it wasn’t a 6 mile run! I definitely came back sweaty though. I wouldn’t worry about it too much, you are in great running shape and sh!t happens 🙂
Man, I wish the gym I work at gave out snacks! I could also use a brownie right now 🙂
You’re close enough to join me 🙂