I ran the Freedom’s Run Half Marathon today! This was my first race on the east coast and the terrain is definitely different from SoCal. This race was actually in West Virgina and was about 70 miles away so we left the house at 6am to get there in time for the 9am race (I still had to pick up my packet too).
Here I am before the race in my trash bag for warmth. Just keeping it classy, per usual. (Someone did ask me why I was wearing a bag!)
I don’t know my official time since I didn’t read the time sign when I crossed the finish line. And my Garmin said I had only ran 12.89 miles? WTF. Most of the time at half marys my Garmin says I’ve run more than 13.1? I didn’t cut corners or anything so I don’t know why that happened. Anyway, my Garmin’s time was 1:50:51. And I’m very happy with that since my previous half PR is 1:52:59 – so I think I beat that?!

The course consisted of a lot of rolling hills through old Civil War battlefields. There is a ton of history that happened right here on this land. It was very cool to run by statues and monuments throughout the course. I was not cool to run up a hill, down a hill, up a hill, down a hill. I was super discouraged by mile 8.
Things I was thinking included:
“The website did not say it would be this hilly.”
“I am not used to hills, there is no way I am going to PR.”
“I want to move back to CA where it’s super flat.”
“I am not made to run on hills, hell, I’m not made to run at all! I’m lucky if I do well on flat ground…” (Probably during a bad uphill)
I was doubting myself big time. No bueno.
Finally there was a ton of down hills and I made up my lost time! I was really “pysching myself out”. The downhill helped get me back to positive thinking. It goes to show how much of running is really in your head. You have to stay positive!!! Getting caught in a negative attitude will never help you run better.
I also had a Gu at miles 5 and 9 and that really helped too! Do the Gu people!
I finished strong and felt good at the end 🙂 Here I am stretching when I crossed the finish line.
Before the race I ate PB&banana and the rest of the banana with PB & raisins once we got to the race. I also grabbed a piece of Ben’s PB&J.
After the race I ate an orange and grapes and 1/4 a bagel.
Ben drove through Taco Bell and I had a bite of his food too.
Now I am eating this massive smoothie topped with granola, nuts and raisins. I hate that I am never really hungry after a long run even though I would completely let myself eat whatever I want guilt free!!
This smoothie was packed with granola goodness plus I added more goodies.
I put this in the smoothie too, Amazing Grass sent it a while back and I have been meaning to try it.
I am planning on some Chipotle for dinner. And we’re hitting up Oktober Fest, which I’ve never done before so we’ll see how it goes!
I keep checking the race website for my official time since I’m not sure if 1:50:51 is my real time (my Garmin distance seemed off). I’ll let you know if I find something different.
Congrats!! I ran the Freedom’s Run Half too with my mom for her first half marathon. We ran a 2:01:23, and I’m so proud of her! Especially after those nasty hills leaving Antietam 🙂
way to go!! i am so excited to see how different running is when I get to FL…shoot everything is different than SoCal!
Different, and not as good….
don’t listen to me, I’m having a homesick day.
Oh my goodness. Thank you for this post. My friend just sent it to me 🙂 I ran the full marathon and thought it was horribly hilly. I’m glad it wasn’t just me that thought this course was RIDICULOUS!! Congrats on pr’ing!
Now that I see your pics from the run on your blog, I remember running w/ you for a little bit of the race. It’s hard not to miss the braids. You passed me at one point and I just couldn’t keep up. Great job!! If you ever need a running partner..I’m in the area.
I’m so bummed we didn’t talk!
Nice job on your 1/2, that’s a great time!!
Great job Monica!!
Congrats!! Now just imagine what damage you could do on those flat races in CA now that you’ve PR’d on those WV hills 🙂
Congratulations! I would have been cursing those hills too!
CONGRATS on the run! I can’t believe you signed up just 4 days ago.. that’s crazy!! You are amazing!
Congrats on a great race! Very inspiring. I want to run a half in the spring. I hope I can train for it by then. You’re right, it’s all in your head. You’re my hero!
I ran that race today too. It was crazy hilly wasn’t it!?!?! I came in a little behind you! Great job!
Awesome job! That run sounds so fun. I’d love to run by Civil War battlefields.
Awesome marathon recap! It sounds like you went through some pretty areas in MD during your race. It is true that so much of running is in your head.Whenever I start to psych myself out I just start thinking “i can do it i can do it i can do it i can do it” with each step..