Hello! It’s October 1st and by my calculations Thanksgiving is just 57 days, 6 hours and 31 minutes away!! It’s my favorite day of the year. And it’s also the most popular 5k and 10k race day in the United States! So I’m sure you can find a Turkey Trot or holiday fun run near you. Grab a friend (or enemy) to run with you and start training this week.
Here is a 10k training plan to get you to the finish line (and then you can head to the Thanksgiving dinner table).

Link to the 10k training plan to print out.
10K Training Plan Notes:
1.) Safety first. It’s getting dark out there. Be aware of your health and your surroundings.
2. You begin the program next Monday Oct 4th.
3. Yes you can do your own favorite workout on the cross training or stretch day…. If you already have a workout routine, but are not training for a race right now you can incorporate your current routine into this plan. Switch out the stretching/yoga days and cross training for the workout of your choice. Make sure to still take at least one rest day a week to avoid injury. Always be careful no matter what exercise you choose to do.
Good luck!!
This morning I woke before 4am. I have no idea why, but something is going on with me. I’ve been breaking out like crazy and woke up at a ridiculous time two days in a row. Those two things are probably not related, but I’m just observing the fact that I’m falling apart.

Since I was up early I hit up a super early class at the gym. The class was good but I wasn’t feeling the music at all. I NEED good music so I get lost in my head movies.
Before I went to the gym I made oatmeal and pumpkin. I was up super early and knew I wasn’t going to be able to wait until after class to eat. Whenever I open a can Vegas runs over to see what I’m doing. I’m sure he thinks I’m opening up tuna or something, sorry cat just pumpkin here. I offered him some though.

On the way home from the gym I HAD TO GO TO THE STORE FOR PB OR I WOULD NOT SURVIVE TODAY <- exactly how I felt for some reason. I must have had a dream about peanut butter…

When I got home from the gym I made protein pancakes with vanilla protein powder, 1/3 cup egg whites, dash baking soda & salt. Mix. Cook. Eat. Repeat.

OMG I feel you on the acne! My dad is very sick right now and I live out of state so am feeling SOOO guilty. Result – acne PLUS my wrinkles/lines are more pronounced. I’m a mess.
I did a turkey trot last year and loved it. We are going to Texas for Turkey day so may be running on our own unless we find a race near my sister in law!
Hey – are you doing Pile on the Miles again this year? If so, I’m in!
I usually volunteer at our local Turkey Trot and then get my run in later in the day.
i usually do the “virtual” turkey trot. thursdays are my standard running day but since i cook thanksgiving i dont have time to do the whole race thing. i do have to get my run in before eating all the things though 🙂
Virtually would be great!
I can’t wait for turkey day.
:-/ So…I have strict orders from the orthopedic surgeon … NO running. However, since I did my 100 mile bike ride last month, I decided I needed something different to keep me going. It’s getting dark earlier and it’s colder here, so riding my bike is increasingly difficult. That said…I’ve put my running shoes on a few times and oh boy. I love the running, but the next day my knee!!! 🙁 Unfortunately, I’ll have to admire you runners and not take up running myself. I am bummed. Thought I could tempt the fates. Riding in the cold weather is kind of dangerous, depending on road conditions. Not so sure I’ll go out for a bike ride on Thanksgiving, but I’ll admire those of you who run. My husband does a turkey run every year.
I was up at 4am today…and it’s now 2:40pm…I need coffee!
WHAT?! Your store’s peanut butter collection is insane! Drooling right now. And also fighting the urge to sign up for ANOTHER race this year. 😉
If I don’t run that morning I’ll run the next one – or maybe both!
I woke up at 4am and was wide awake! Wish I could say that i was productive but all I did was go on my phone and caught up on my celebrity gossip. lol
I make a point to run on Thanksgiving morning but am majorly tapped out on race funds right now. I plan to join virtually! 🙂